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"All packed?" Harry entered the room we were sharing and I nodded "Yeah" I blinked away my tears and placed the handle of my trolley bag in his hand. "She's going to be fine" He assured me and I nodded before following him out the room. We bid our goodbyes to the rest and headed out to the car Harry called for us. He got into the driver's seat and I buckled myself in, my mind drifting off to last night when I was awoken by a bone chilling call. I could feel the warmth of Harry's hand around mine as he squeezed it, placing our hands on my lap. Millions of questions played around in my mind, wondering why she would overdose and put her life at risk.

I didn't even realize when time passed by until Harry stopped the vehicle at the hospital, "Addy?" He called and I hummed in response, staring at the hospital sign before me. "Let's go inside now, yeah?" He squeezed my hand, he hadn't let go ever since we got into the car. I nodded and unbuckled my seat belt, not moving an inch thereafter. "It's going to be okay, love. She's going to be perfectly fine" Harry assured me and I shook my head, feeling another bout of tears pave it's way to my eyes "I don't understand why she would do something like this. It doesn't add up, she's not this kind of person" I sobbed and blocked my mouth with my hand, I felt like my guard just cracked into a million pieces in front of Harry. I don't like being this weak.

"We'll only know once we head inside. Come on, I'll be right there by your side" He said and I nodded, a heavy sigh leaving my lips and I got out the car. Harry followed and rounded the front, immediately holding onto my hand again. We walked into the hospital, made our enquiries by the receptionist and went up three floors. Stepping onto the floor, Harry let go of my hand, I frowned and looked down at our once woven fingers then glanced up to find my father at the end of the hallway. I picked up my speed and ran towards him, my sneakers skidded along the hospital flooring and he stood to his height, immediately engulfing me in his arms. "Oh, sweetheart. I'm so glad you're here" Dad said, tightening his hold and my cheek grazed his, feeling his beard scratch my skin - something I'm not used to.

"How is she?" I asked once I pulled away from his arms "They've got her sedated for now, her stomach has been pumped out and we'll only know once she wakes up" Dad explained and I walked towards the room door, looking through the little window. From behind me I could hear Harry and my father start a conversation while I stood by the door, my hand touched the glass as if caressing her cheek via it. "Mom, please be okay" I stared at my mother's almost lifeless body on the hospital bed, her cheeks were ashened, a complete contrast from their usual rosy hue. Her hair seemed tangled and her lips were chapped. Last night, we were relaxing in bed when my phone rang, I attended to the call and felt all the blood in my body run cold.

"Your mother overdosed, we're going to the hospital." Those words will forever be etched in my brain, frightening me to the core. I almost ran out the lodge if it wasn't for Harry who held me back, saying we should leave in the morning and my father agreed with him. I didn't sleep a wink at all and neither did Harry, for my sake. We weren't allowed to go inside the room until instructed to by the doctor's but I didn't listen to them and I pushed down onto the door handle, stepping into the room. It was absolutely quiet almost serene as the only sounds that were heard was the beeping of the ECG machine along with my mother's breathing. I neared the bed and gently placed my hand over hers only to jump away in fright, her once warm hand which always comforted me was now freezing. It felt like a block of ice.

I couldn't help the silent tears that fell down my cheek and I took her hand in mine again, staring at her comatose body before me. "Come back, Momma. Why did you do this to yourself? Please don't leave me, you just can't" My pleas fell on deaf ears and my body wracked with sobs. "Addy" I heard my father's voice behind me, I turned around and threw my arms around him. "Why would she do this to herself?" I asked and Dad caressed my head "I don't know, I was at work and when I got home I found her in our room" I frowned at his choice of wording, by the tone of his voice I understood that he knew why she overdosed and why would he be at work until 2 in the morning? He's just not telling me anything.

The doctor entered the room and ordered us to leave, we obeyed while watching him through the window as he pressed different buttons on the machine, typed onto the tablet they walk around with instead of clipboards and took multiple viles of blood. "We're going to run some tests and you will receive the results by the afternoon" The doctor spoke after leaving the hospital room "Thank you, Doctor Adams" Dad said and they shook hands. "Here, you didn't eat anything from last night" I turned around to see Harry standing there, a grocery bag in his hand. "I thought you went home and you didn't need to do this" Dad then agreed with me "We would have gotten something from the cafeteria, Harry"

"It's fine really, no problem at all and I didn't feel like going home as yet" He sincerely added "You guys need to eat something if you're going to be staying here for a while" I opened my mouth to decline when he pulled the both of us to sit on the chairs, handing my father and I sandwiches before taking his seat next to me. An hour later, Harry placed a kiss to my forehead as I curled up on his lap, not bothered that my father was right next to us but since he didn't say anything, I didn't either. His body tensed at my action of crawling over his lap, in fear of my father's reaction, but I shook my head as if telling him to relax. My eyes had started to droop closed after sitting for so long, doing nothing and Harry tightened his arms around me, I greedily sought solace in his embrace.

I needed drama. It's like a drug for me. What did you think of the chapter??

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