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things I'm not over, or ever going to be over : THE WATERMELON SUGAR MV OMFFJDKDKD

sorry for being so evil with the last chapter, what did you expect to happen if she didn't forgive him?

anyway, let's continue...

"Go Ravens!" The cheerleaders ended off with a spunky punch into the air as their right knees bent upward forming a triangle with their left leg, free hand to their hip in team spirit. Some shook their pom-poms while some were hoisted into the air, balancing on one foot with the help of their fellow teammates. I sat quietly on the bleachers, next to Carter who couldn't stop stress eating. "Car, it's going to be fine, Ethan is a phenomenal player and you know that" I assured her "I know but even though he has the offer, this game finalizes it. It seals the deal, Ads. What if he doesn't make it?" She blabbered worriedly and I shushed her "Have a little faith in your boyfriend, alright" I shook her shoulders as she hastily chewed on a corn dog. The lights dimmed, just like at Harry's boxing matches, and the team mascot ran onto the field as he broke out into cartwheels and a choreographed act of cheer.

The crowd started stomping onto the bleachers, creating a ripple effect from one end to the next as the football players ran out, some went to each end of the field, encouraging the crowd that erupted in cheers and applauds. I joined them when I noticed Harry run out last, his helmet hooked onto his left hand and the football was tucked under his arm, reaching the field he punched through the air multiple times as his signature move which caused to crowd to only get louder, especially girls who screamed his name. Soon the noise settled when the visiting team reached the field, their respective coaches spoke to them in heated tones before the buzzer rang indicating the start of the game. The players took their positions, Harry being right at the front, he glanced up to the bleachers and his eyes immediately fell on mine causing my cheeks to redden as he licked his lips, winking at me before securing his helmet around his head.

"Someone's getting lucky tonight" Carter sung in my ear and I whacked her "Yeah, like I could do anything with this broken arm" I chuckled and she shrugged "You know how a person rides a bull, right? They don't use both hands to hold onto it" I gave her a perplexed look causing her to break into giggles "I'm not wrong and you know it, babe" Carter winked and I just shook my head before turning my attention back to the game. I flinched when Harry collided with a player from the opposing team, since he had the ball, he pushed his way through the throng of men that ran towards him, coming out the other end to score a point. The game went on in the same manner, occasionally with Harry passing the ball to Corbin or Ethan. I tugged Harry's football jacket tighter around myself as a chilly air settled and managed to get my hair into a ponytail with the help of Carter when the wind picked up its pace.

"Is something wrong?" I asked Carter when I noticed the shared animosity between Harry and Dylan "Remember the rumor about you sleeping with Corbin and Dylan?" She noted and I nodded, a frown forming on my face "Dylan was the one responsible for that" I rolled my eyes even though a pang of pain nestled in my chest. The buzzer for half-time rang and the players ran towards the benches, ruffling through their bags and hydrating themselves. "Come on" Carter nudged my side and I nodded, the both of us then hopped off the bleachers and made our way to the field. "You're pretty amazing out there" I walked up to Harry "Yeah?" He smiled proudly and I nodded "But, oh so smelly" I placed a hand to his chest when he leaned forward to kiss my lips "Hurtful" He shook his head feverishly, like a dog shaggying off water after a bath "Harry! That's disgusting" I squealed and whacked his arm, using the sleeves of my jacket to wipe the sweat that flicked off of his hair onto my face.

He barked out a laugh, "My jacket looks good on you" He hooked two fingers around the belt loops of my jeans, roughly pulling me towards him "Mhm, my scarf looks good wrapped around your head" I referred to the material hidden amongst his unruly curls made into a makeshift bandana. His smile broadened and nudged his nose with mine, "I love you" I hummed, mirroring his smile and my hand went up to his cheek, gently caressing it over the dimple carved into his skin "I love you too" The buzzer rang again, breaking the little moment we shared and Harry skipped away to his team. The next half of the game began and this time Harry's helmet was forgone, his hair matted against his forehead when it began to rain. Soon, the Ravens were declared as the new champions of the season, the boys piled on top of one another with Harry being at the very bottom, him having scored the winning touchdown.

"You guys coming to the frat tonight? There's a party for the win" Corbin asked and I looked at Harry "Not tonight, I just want to go home with my girl" A warm feeling spread through my chest at Harry's words "Alright, have fun you two" Corbin smiled politely before walking away, Harry draped an arm around my shoulder as we then walked to his sleek and luxurious Range Rover. The previous one had been written off after the accident so Harry got a new one alongside the death trap known as a motorcycle. "When your arm heals, I'm taking you for a ride on the Harley" I buckled my seat belt as I got into the passenger side "Absolutely not" I refuted and Harry gave me a look "It's fun and you'll be with me so you'll be safe, I promise. Okay, I won't push you but when and if you're up for it, we'll go to the country side" He added cautiously and I nodded "Okay, deal" He smirked in pride "Don't get too happy, that won't happen for a long time" He chuckled and began driving to his apartment "I can deal with that"

The next day, I walked through the campus gates after paying the cab driver, Harry had an early morning meeting with my father and other members of the board so he left before I could wake up. "Hey, how are you feeling? I'm so sorry about the accident" A random girl walked up to me and I passed her a kind smile "I'm fine and, uh, thanks" I didn't expect anyone to approach me on the day I return to university, I let out a breath and headed into the building, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people that came up to me questioning my well-being. "Someone's famous" I groaned hearing Madeline's voice behind me "What do you want?" I turned to face her, holding my textbooks to my chest "Poor helpless Adeline Jones, always the victim, am I right?" She remarked and I looked at her befuddled "Listen, I don't have time to deal with you right now so you best be on your merry way onto someone else's cock and leave my boyfriend's one alone" I spat, knowing she was about to mention Harry in her attempt of belittling me, I spun on my heel and stomped my way into my first lecture of the day.

"What did the wicked witch of the west want?" Carter asked while we sat in the courtyard, I was failing at trying to catch a grape in my mouth as I threw it up into the air. "The usual, trying to make me feel as if I'm worthless and don't deserve Harry or something like that" I sighed and Carter snorted "It's funny how she still thinks she has a chance with him, I mean he never slept with her before and he never will" My brows pulled together hearing that "Wait, what?" She then fumbled for words "Did.. did you not know that?" I shook my head "She always made it seem like they had sex and we've never really discussed Madeline" I explained and Carter shrugged "I found out from Ethan, he tells me everything that they discuss in the locker room, it's actually disgusting. I don't recommend knowing it.." She ranted only to trail off when she realized and I nodded knowingly. "Anyway, Harry's like the last boy that she needs to acquire if I may put it that way, that's why she was always after him" She waved her hand about and I sat dumbfounded at the newly discovered information.

Hours later, I returned to Harry's apartment, my lectures went on but I hadn't paid attention to any of it. Reason being that Harry didn't reply to my calls or texts, it's not something that he would do, I began to worry if maybe Gabriel got to him but ended up cajoling myself with the excuse that he was just very busy or my father got him into training for the rest of the day - they've been trying new techniques and trying to enhance the older ones. I managed to shower without disturbing my healing arm then walked out and changed into sweats and one of Harry's tank tops. I gasped softly hearing the front door open, "Harry?" I called from the room as I was putting my sling on then headed out to not find Harry in the living room, instead I took a step back in shock "Sorry to disappoint, baby honey" I then glared at the man standing before me, I could feel my body tense and my hand fisted with the aching desire of throwing a punch at his face, "Jason."

I agree, terrible chapter.

want a modern day royal Harry fic with an author that doesn't know what she's doing (jk she does)??? then check out my new fic - Eroda (yes I named the kingdom Eroda)

I love you guys and I am so grateful for all the support you've given me. mwah!

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