• 17 •

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I didn't realize I said I'll be updating again today in the previous chapter but anyway here's an update. Enjoy xx

"There's a party at the frat house tonight, be there" Harry ordered when he walked pass me "Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow at him "You heard me. I don't like repeating myself, Adeline" I hate that he uses my full name "I'll see" he rolled his eyes at my words before storming off. Carter joined me after finishing off in the restroom and we made our way to the dorm room. "Seriously? You're going." I stated when I noticed Carter pulling out her partying clothes from her cupboard. "Well duh, I'll take any opportunity to get sloshed" she pointed out with a laugh "You're coming with"

I rolled my eyes, "Do you think you people can just order me around and I'll do whatever you say?" I crossed my arms, my stature was defiant. "I don't know about other people but I'm not ordering, I'm telling you for your own good. Attend one last party before you're under the clutches of your father's hands" she pleaded and I nodded, realizing she's right. Once I go back home for the summer holiday, there's no way I will be able to leave the house - something I very much enjoy. With a deep sigh, I got ready into one of Carter's tight dresses and slipped on my heeled boots.

As usual, my head pounded with the loud thumping sound of the music that emanated from the frat house. Each beat vibrated through my entire being as I followed Carter through the doors. My nose tingled with the stench of burnt grass, a puff of smoke clouded my vision and I rolled my eyes when a typical stoner walked in my way. Sighing to myself, I made a beeline for where all the drinks are kept, having lost Carter in the crowd of students. "Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up." I heard a familiar voice "Oh, it's you" I sighed seeing Dylan there - the creep from the last party.

"What are you doing standing here alone?" I scrunched my face at his cheap question "If you can't see, I'm having a drink" I gestured to the red solo cup in my hand before chugging down its contents. "Fuck off, McCain" I heard a gruff voice behind me causing me to choke on my drink "Aw babe, are you okay?" I felt a warm hand being pressed against my bare back and I sucked in a breath "I'm just fine" my lips formed a pressed smile and I shoved Harry's hand away once Dylan walked off "What are you doing?" he chuckles, his green eyes already glazed over.

"I'm doing you" he leaned forward and the minty scent from his breath fanned my face "Whatever" I brushed him off and downed a few shots before walking to the dance floor. Losing myself to the music, the alcohol running through my veins giving me a dizzy feel. I danced to the beat, moving my hips with no bother about the grinding bodies next to me. It's just me and the rhythm. I tangled my hands in my hair, lifting it off my shoulders as I began to feel hot.

The song changed and I jumped about with the crowd of students, Carter held me by my shoulders once she found me as the both of us danced to the music, throwing our heads from side to side while swaying our hips. "I've never seen you dance like this before" she shouted over the music "Neither have I" I laughed, already tipsy from the hefty amount of alcohol I drank. The rest of the night faded away into a haze of intoxication that nothing could opiate. I'm sure I'm going to regret this the next day.

Waking up the next morning, I rubbed my hands along my face. Day 1. I glared at the dreadful yet cosy football jersey that sat, folded, on my desk. I may or may not have slept in it for a while, the woodsy scent from the material stuck to my clothes and skin like glue. "Morning" I heard Carter grumble, I turned in her direction "Morning" I greeted before standing to my feet and making my way into the bathroom. "I don't have any lectures today so I'm gonna catch up on some reading and may binge watch something on Netflix" Carter mentioned, leaning against the doorframe.

Well, it's a good thing I'm not hungover anymore. I shivered as my mind took me back to the night before. How am I going to live with myself? I can't seem to ignore the feeling on my skin though, it's everlasting. It makes me feel good yet dirty at the same time. Is that possible?

I nodded and continued brushing my teeth, "You're gonna be okay? I mean one call and I'm there for you" I showed her a thumbs up then rinsed my mouth "I'll be fine, nothing I can't handle." I passed her a smile and stripped off my clothes to take a shower. Initially, I was shy to be naked in front of Carter, she has literally no care in the world unlike me, but then I got used to it and now it seems normal. It's surprising how much you get to know about someone once they're naked in front of you.

I slipped on a summer dress, seeing that we're nearing the season and today is significantly hot. "You look cute. Is it for a specific curly haired boy?" Carter whistled "If only Matty attended WU" I winked at her as I spoke in a dreamy tone, knowing she tried to get me to mention Harry but too bad he's not the only one with curly hair. "Ugh!" She groaned and I chuckled "Better luck next time, Cart" I tied up my boots and headed out the door with my carry on. I walked across the dormitory to the local cafe and picked up my daily order before taking slow steps towards the university gates.

With a deep breath, I walked forward, keeping my eyes to the ground. My mind started to reel, memories of last night flooded my mind as everything I did came rushing back like a storm. I am so pathetic. How could I have kissed him?

Well this was confusing wasn't it, that's the whole point of mystery. Do leave your thoughts on who she may or may not have kissed!?!

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