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Hey guys, please go and vote for 'Complicated Freak' in the Four Seasons Writing Club. I posted a message on my board but I guess some don't know bc you don't follow me but this would mean a lot to me. If you love this book, please go and vote. The link is on my message board! Thank you so much, I love you xx

"Okay, I've got to go. My dad's on his way and I forgot to mention this" I started and she raised an eyebrow "You didn't send in the forms for our residency" Carter's eyes widened and her jaw fell "Fuck! I totally spaced out. I'm so sorry, did you talk to Jackson?" I nodded "I filled out the forms but we won't have the dorm for about a month next semester" I sighed "I'm so sorry, Ads. I'll find us a place when I get back" She said and I nodded "Anyway, have fun in Istanb-" I was cut off by another set of lips being pressed against mine and I let out a groan. "You know, you've got to stop cutting me off by kissing me every time" I rolled my eyes at Harry, he stood to his height and chuckled "It's part of my specialty"

"Hi Carter" Harry greeted the shocked girl on my phone screen and I chewed on my lip "Hey, Harry?" Her voice came out as a question and I shook my head slightly before she says something about us fake dating. I cut the call and sat upright, "Why do you always kiss me when I'm in the middle of a conversation? That's got to stop" I gave Harry a look and he took the seat next to me. You know how every girl, at some point in her life, wants to experience that iconic Spider man kiss? Yeah, doesn't feel too great when his nose touches your chin and his curly locks tickle your neck.

"I can't help it" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes "Anyway, what are you even doing here?" He sighed "Your dad messaged me to come here and wait with you" I crinkled my nose "Then you didn't have to kiss me, there's no one around" I pointed out only to notice Hailey and her boyfriend standing a few feet away from us and I let out a soft oh, "That's why. Ever since we have formed this relationship, these assholes that I call friends, have been keeping an eye on me. Almost as if I'm some endangered species who's incapable of being in a proper relationship" He scoffed and I giggled.

"That's not funny, Adeline." Harry said and I broke out into giggles again "I'm sorry but it is. You called yourself an endangered specie, to some extent that's true because no other guy is an asshole like you" I ended off with a smug tone "Oh really now? You're becoming quite bold, Jones. You better watch that tongue of yours or you wouldn't want to face the consequences of defying me" He threatened and his voice dropped by an octave causing me to gulp. Seeing my reaction, Harry smirked before looking behind me.

"Mr Jones" Harry acknowledged with a nod as he stood to his feet and I turned around seeing my father. "Harry" My father returned the gesture before engulfing me in a bear hug "I missed you, sweetheart" I smiled and hugged him just as tight "Aw, I missed you too Dad. I can't wait to sleep for 3 months" He chuckled and then broke into a conversation with Harry as we walked to his pick-up. "Harry mentioned you guys are going on a ski trip" My father said and I glanced at the man in question seeing him shrug "Did he now? Well, what did he say?" I asked cautiously "He asked for my permission to take you as well and I gave it to him"

"So can I g- wait what?" I started off by pleading only to hear him say something else other than no "Yeah, you can go" He chuckled and I looked at my father in shock "Oh wow, okay. Thank you" I smiled brightly and hugged him again. Within the next few minutes, my boxes were loaded onto my Dad's truck and we were on our way back home. "I swear to God I will cut your throat the next time you change the song" I threatened Harry "Woah, easy there, sweetheart. Since when did you become so violent?" My dad looked at me with a shocked expression through the rear view mirror "Since I met Harry" I grumbled and he laughed while Dad shook his head.

My father being the person he is, made Harry join us on the way back home, something about trying out a new boxing mechanism. I kicked the back of Harry's seat one last time before sliding down my own, leaning my head back and falling asleep. "We're home!" I heard the baritone voice owned by my father, yell from the front seat. I groaned as I adjusted my body then slid out the vehicle. "Nice tattoo" I jumped on the spot, bringing my hands down after I reached them above my head to stretch out my tired muscles "What tattoo?" I whispered in alert and I shivered feeling Harry's fingers slip under my sweater, grazing my back by the hem of my jeans "This one"

"How did you even see it?" I turned to look at him, making sure my sweater set properly on me as my parents don't know I got a tattoo. "Well I am standing behind you, offloading your shit. You're lucky your father wasn't the one to see it" I sighed "Well don't tell him" Harry smirked and I raised an eyebrow at him "What would I get in return for keeping your secret?" I crossed my arms "What do you mean?" He mirrored my stance and I stepped back, creating a small distance between us "I keep your tattoo a secret so I should get something in return" I scoffed "On second thought, I think I'll just tell them about it so I don't owe you anything"

"Damn and here I thought I'll get lucky" He chuckled "Don't you hate me or something? So why would you even want to do anything sexual with me?" I raised my eyebrow again "Yeah but you're a girl, I'm a guy. Meaningless sex is just meaningless to me even if it's with someone I don't like that much" His words made my chest ache, I don't know why but I didn't like that feeling.

Sorry for the short ass chapter.

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