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"Why is everyone staring at me?" I hissed a whisper to Carter as we stepped through the WU gates. "I don't know" she shrugged and I avoided each stare or glare shot my way. "Come on, let's get to class" I tugged onto her arm, pulling her through the corridor to our first lecture.

"Hey" I greeted my biology partner and he nodded nervously, I passed him a weird look and then to the rest of the lecture room. What is going on? I took my seat and began taking notes, I huffed in frustration when I couldn't get the femur to look like an actual femur and ended up flinging my eraser across the table.

"Woah! S-sorry" my biology partner stuttered "Why are you apologising?" I asked "I thought I made you angry" I frowned "Why would you? I'm not angry anyway, okay maybe I am but that's because I can't get this diagram right" I pouted at my notebook.

"Oh" he said with a nod and I glanced around the room before leaning towards him "Do you know why everyone is staring at me?" I whispered "I, Uhm" he continued to stutter "Speak!" I hissed unintentionally "Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just trying to figure out why I'm being thrown glares"

"This" he said, tapping the screen of his phone as he slid it across the table in my direction. Frowning, I picked up the phone and began reading the contents on the screen, a gasp fell from my lips. Oh my god! No. This is so annoying. "Oh for fuck sakes!" I screeched earning the attention of everyone in the lecture room and my hand shot up to my mouth.

"Miss Jones. By you dating one of the football players slash famous boxer, will not grant you favouritism. Office, now!" Professor Ashland ordered "I'm sorry and that is not true" I said immediately, I'm going to have a record. Just great, thanks Harry. I cowered under the scrutinizing glare from my professor and gathered my things before leaving the lecture room.

Professor Ashland is one pain in the ass, he's the only professor at WU that doesn't tolerate anything. You could be playing with your pencil, hidden from his eyes but he would somehow know and he'd send you to the office. I huffed as I stood outside the lecture room and I marched back into the lecture room, taking myself and everyone else by surprise. "No, I'm not going to the office because my father paid a lot of money for me to be here, so I'd rather sit down and get this lesson over with."

Holy fuck, what did I just do? "You think I'm afraid of your father?" The professor laughed and my eyes widened to the size of saucers, I glanced around the room to the other students finding them with the same expression as their mouths hung open. "I think you might be but anyway, the lesson if you may, professor Ashland" I said the last part as I gestured to the board.

With whatever confidence I had in me that made me pull such a stunt, I took my seat again, well aware of the eyes that were on me. The lesson moved on and I sat quietly, not moving an inch causing my ass to hurt from staying in one place for an hour. When the hour finished, I bolted out the room with Carter by my side.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I sighed and opened my mouth to speak when a hand grabbed onto my arm, spinning me around. "He-" I cut myself off when I came face to face with the man in question "What did you do?" He accused "What did I do? Excuse me, Harry but I didn't do anything" I hissed "Your girl got some balls here, Harry. Nice to meet you, I'm Carter and I'll be leaving you two now" I cursed Carter in my head, seeing her smirk as she walked away.

"Why is everyone saying that we're dating?" His eyes wandered around the hallway and I rubbed my temples "Oh, I don't know maybe because you held my hand at the arena and all those people got pictures of it which is swarming the internet" I crossed my arms against my chest, keeping my head down when a group of girls walked by. I thought highschool was over. "Fuck!" Harry groaned and I nodded

"The media just loves to blow everything out of proportion" he used his forefinger and thumb to pinch his lip, my gaze focused on that when I looked up at him and the image of those plump lips pressed against mine flashed through my mind. "Do you want to kiss me, Adeline?" Harry's lips formed a smirk and I shook my head to come back to reality "No, why would I?" I countered, clearly hating that I've been caught out.

"The look in your eyes. Go on, I won't bite...yet" his voice dropped an octave as he towered over me and I took a step back to create some distance between us. "So what are you? An optometrist to know what my eyes are saying?" I sarcastically said - sarcasm being my defence mechanism - Harry chuckled and I watched his tongue dart out to lick his lips. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Though, I can tell you, that I'm the one you've been waiting for"

"Cocky much" I rolled my eyes "Wouldn't you like to know?" He continued to chuckle "I thought I pissed you off, that I'm a tantrum throwing child that always gets her way" I stared at him in the eye "You are but in a different yet tantalising way" his eyes raked my form once again and I shifted from foot to foot.

"Anyway, I'll see you around, Adeline" he drawled in my ear and I sprung away from him, narrowing my eyes as he used my full name.

So did you like it? Did you like it? DID YOU LIKE IT? I just want to thank you guys for all the support you've given me ever since I started this book, I really appreciate it

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