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"So, I see that being with Harry, has changed you a lot" Carter said and I sighed "What do you mean?" I handed her a bottle of water as we entered the kitchen, Mom was asleep in her room and Dad wouldn't be home for hours. I didn't feel it right to go back to Harry's apartment with Carter after the way she reacted the first time around "Well, you've become snappy for starters and secondly, you don't care about your friends" I gave her an incredulous look "The only reason I'm snappy is because of your attitude towards Harry and I. The only friend I have is you and Scott, he's busy doing his own thing and you just killed your baby" I spat out of frustration and I don't have any regrets saying the last part.

"You don't have the right to say that to me" I scoffed and her eyes began to brim with tears "Carter, you aborted your baby. I know that your career is important to you and a baby during this crucial time is not something everyone needs but what you did was wrong. Not telling Ethan about it was wrong, he deserved to know" I pointed out and she kept quiet "What's done is done" She gulped down the water and I sighed, rubbing my temples "Look, I'm sorry for being such a bitch but you say I don't have the right to judge your decision on the abortion, so in the very same way, you don't have the right to judge Harry and I. I like him, I actually like spending time with him, I may have hated him before but that's the best part, all of that hatred and distaste morphed into something different" I breathed, trying to explain myself.

"You love him, don't you?" She stated and I rolled my lips into my mouth "Addy, do you love Harry?" I fidgeted with my fingers, nodding slowly "I do and there's nothing I can do about it. He made me fall in love with him, something I never thought would happen, happened" I blatantly confessed, waving my arms about and a stupid grin made its way to my face. "The last 2 months with him have been the best 2 months of my life, apart from seeing The 1975 in concert but that's not the point right now" Carter's eyebrows rose in surprise and she took in a deep breath "I didn't know you felt this way about him" I shrugged "Well, neither did I until now" She then passed me a small smile "Then I guess, I can live with the fact that you're with him, but one wrong move and he'll have to deal with me" I chuckled and stepped towards her, hugging her "I think he already knows that since we started the fake dating drama" She chuckled "Good, he should remember that"

We then spent the rest of the afternoon, curling up on the couch, munching on popcorn as we had a Harry Potter marathon. I dropped Carter at her house towards the evening as according to her there's one benefit of Harry and I dating - we get to drive around in his expensive Jeep. "Hey, sweetheart" Dad greeted when I walked through the front doors. I passed him a smile, now feeling slightly on edge in his presence, "Hey" I waved my hand a little and he gestured to the couch next to him. With meek steps, I walked towards him and sat in the couch "What's going on?" He asked, the stern look he usually gives me when I demand something rests on his face "What do you mean?" I relaxed my shoulders, giving off the message that there's nothing wrong. "Your body language is tense and you've been on edge around me for the last week. Don't think I didn't notice, I did and I need you to tell me the problem"

I sighed and fidgeted with my fingers, a sign of nervousness, "I know about Amy" I spoke softly as I kept my vision fixated on my father. His eyes widened a little but remained neutral overall, "Fucking Harry" He cursed and I bit my lip from letting my sobs escape "Why did you do it?" I questioned, ready to voice the rest of the questions that's been floating around in my mind ever since Harry told me. "It wasn't my intention, I lost control over my actions. I'm so sorry, Addy, I've been repenting it from the time I did it" I shook my head in disbelief "You're a grown man, who always has his emotions in check, who is the pillar of strength in this family, who loves us with everything he's got. So how do you lose control over your actions in a situation like that?" I raised my voice a little "You could have resisted, knowing you have a wife and a daughter, but you didn't" The hurt look on my father's face only angered me further.

"I pushed her away, plenty of times, but she kept coming back" He defended, his case falling weak next to mine "So you just slept with another woman, got her pregnant and is now secretly caring for her and your spawn. You're fucking disgusting" I gritted my teeth as I stood to my feet, forgetting that the man before me was my father, a man I looked up to my entire life - the kind of man I wished to find as my future life partner. "Do not raise your voice at me, Adeline. I'm your father, have some respect" He stood up as well, towering over me and I wiped my cheeks, cursing myself for crying. "I lost my respect for you the minute I found out about your infidelities" I pointed a finger at him "This is the reason why Mom is sick, isn't it? She found out about you and Amy" I gasped in realization and he kept quiet "You're the reason she's throwing up everyday, she's going for chemotherapy every week. She fucking got cancer because of you" I shouted, feeling my body shake with animosity.

"You don't think I hate myself for it" Dad's voice boomed, his eyes blazed with pure rage "I regret having an affair everyday of my life. I'm trying to redeem myself here, I've apologized to your mother on multiple occasions, more than I can count, I've asked for her forgiveness because I love her and I'm so sorry for doing what I did. It wasn't my intention on hurting you or your mother. I'll do everything in my power to win you both over again, I'm nothing without the both of you" I scoffed at his attempt of defending his actions "Well, too bad you did, Dad" I turned on my heel and ran up to my room, grabbing my suitcase and shoved my clothes in it. I kissed the forehead of my sleeping mother and stalked downstairs, out of the house and into the Jeep.

I walked through Harry's apartment, leaving my luggage at the entrance and hung my keys on the key hook. The apartment was silent and the only indication that Harry was here, were his boots that lied haphazardly on the floor of the living room, I walked into his bedroom to find him asleep. Without making any further sounds, I stealthily crawled into bed beside him and layed my head on his chest. I'm surprised I managed to make it to his apartment in one piece, the anger I held for my father had blurred my vision that I couldn't see the road in front of me. "Baby, what's wrong?" Harry woke up, his voice was raspy and he wounded his arms around me "How did you know something was wrong?" I asked with interest

"You walked in with harsh steps and your breathing is rapid, something pissed you off again. So, tell me sweetheart, what's bothering you? " He declared and I looked up at the curly haired man with awe, wondering how he picked up my mood based on a few gestures that not even I noticed. His eyes were still closed and I resumed my position, nuzzling my nose against his chest, curling into the warmth his body radiates "I don't want to talk about it right now" I mumbled and he sighed "Okay, get some rest then, you've had a long day" Harry rubbed his hand along my back and I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep with the sound of Harry's beating heart resonating through my ears.

soooo? thoughts on this chapter and the previous smut one???

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