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Welcome to the third half of Complicated Freak. We're 60 chapters in, can you believe that? A year ago I was struggling to just write chapter 6 and now look where we are. Much love for all of you. enjoy

I giggled in my sleep at the sensation of lips peppering kisses along my neck, "Wake up, sweetheart" Harry's morning voice reached my ears and I opened my eyes into slits, looking at him from under my lashes "Good morning, I'm going back to sleep" I greeted with a smile before closing my eyes again "I'm not done with you" He said and started sucking on my skin "Babe, please" I whined causing him to chuckle against my neck as he trailed his lips up to mine, I let out a hum and kissed him back, forgetting I needed to brush my teeth first. "Okay, I'm awake now" He smiled into the kiss and I slithered my arms around his shoulders, playing with his hair as I tangled our tongues. Harry pushed his body on mine and I turned over on my back, bringing him closer to me as I felt his buldge against my thigh.

He broke away from me, much to my dismay and I pouted "Happy birthday, baby" I gasped, my eyes widening when I looked over to the digital clock "It's my birthday and I forgot" I said in realization and Harry chuckled "Yes, it is" I smiled and leaned up kissing him softly "No wonder, all the special treatment this morning" I teased, referring to him waking me up with his lips attached to my skin "Oh, please. You can get that kind of special treatment at any part of the year" I raised an eyebrow "Really?" He hummed in response with a nod of his head, his lips stretched into a smirk "I have something for you, a present" I reached in between our bodies, gently stroking his hardened cock as it rested on my thigh, "Is this my present?" I asked innocently, pumping my hand before guiding the tip along my entrance "Well, that and an actual one" He groaned

I parted my legs further, "Hmm, I like this one better" I whispered against his lips, my hand now massaging his balls "I've ruined you, you're insatiable" Harry chuckled, swallowing hard at my actions "I'll take that as a compliment and don't tell me you don't enjoy ramming your dick inside me" He shook his head with a laugh and I giggled then grinded my hips against his. "I do actually" He replied, caressing my cheek with his thumb "Now come on, let's have breakfast so I can give you your present" He rolled off of me "Harry, you didn't have to get me anything" I chided and he shook his head, stubbornly "You're my girlfriend, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get something for you when you turn 21? A fucking rubbish one at that" I couldn't help but blush hearing his response. I got off the bed with a content sigh and slipped on Harry's shirt.

He's right, he ruined me. After being with Harry, every time I see him, it's like this spark that goes off in my body where the only thing I want is him, his body pressed against mine. It's alluring yet frightening. I'm usually not someone that's like this, I'm an independent person but Harry changed that, I've become so dependent on him for nearly everything I do that it's scaring me. I took my seat at the dining table, after freshening up, taking note of the meal spread out. "You're spoiling me" I told him and he shrugged, sitting next to me "That's a problem, why?" I shook my head instantly "It's not, I'm just not used to this" My every birthday has always been simple, I'd wake up and have breakfast then spend the rest of the day in my room - reading and sketching - I didn't even have a party for my sixteenth like most girls do.

"When did you have time to make all of this?" I began eating, letting out a moan as I took a bite of the pancakes "Well, I woke up earlier, grabbed my phone and a half hour later, the Postmates boy was outside the door" I laughed  "I knew you would have never made all of this by yourself" Harry feigned hurt, placing a hand to his chest over his heart "I am offended, Jones. I can make all of this but I chose not to, that way I got to spend more time with you in bed" He gave me a knowing look and I rolled my eyes "Sure you can" I continued eating "Are you doubting my cooking skills?" He rose an eyebrow and I shrugged "Maybe" He scoffed "I'll take that as a challenge. One day, I'll cook you a proper meal and then you can judge my skills" He huffed and I giggled, seeing this agitated side of Harry was nice and it was playful.

"Open it" Harry gestured to the large box that he rolled into the living room after breakfast "It's huge" I gawked at it, not moving an inch towards the present "Babe, I love that you think of my dick every time but seriously, just open your present" He chuckled and I swatted his chest, then reached my hand out and tugged at the taped edges of the wrapping paper. "I know it's not your desired career choice but more of a hobby to you and you love it, so I thought why not make it comfortable for you" Harry spoke from behind me as I tore the wrapping paper to reveal a rather familiar pure oak easel, with the art supplies leaning on its ledge. "You're always using your sketchbooks, which I respect since that gives you privacy, although this allows you to add more life to your artwork" I stood there, not moving a single muscle, frozen in disbelief. "Addy, are you okay?" I felt Harry nudge my side, concern in his tone and I spun on my heel, throwing my arms around him in response.

His arms tightened around me and I leaned back, kissing his cheek "I love it, thank you so much, Harry" I said gratefully and he beamed, breathing in relief "I'm glad you do" I mirrored his smile before pressing my lips to his softly "It was really thoughtful of you to get me this" I spoke sincerely "I will admit, it's by far the best gift I've gotten over the years" The proud smile on Harry's face warmed my heart, creating this fuzzy feeling inside causing my stomach to knot. It's true, I didn't like the attention on my birthday, I refused any kind of party since the age of 10 as well as gifts, my parents would however get me something small, something of use to me and now Harry does this. Why is he making me fall even more in love with him? He has no clue how he makes me feel, he doesn't know about the fluttering sensation in my chest each time he calls my name, he doesn't know how I can feel literal sparks shoot through my every nerve ending at a simple touch of his.

"Now, how about my second present?" I bit my lip and Harry smirked, releasing a low chuckle from the base of his throat "Patience, baby. Now go shower, I'm taking you somewhere" He pulled away from me, spinning me on my heel as his hand smacked my ass. "Asshole" I gasped, looking at him over my shoulder and walked towards his room "Yeah, yeah, whatever" He laughed before turning into the living room. I entered the bathroom, stripping off of Harry's shirt and stepped into the shower, standing under the warm water with a giddy smile on my face as I thought of everything that happened just a few moments ago. "What happened to being patient?" I smirked, hearing the shower door open before arms wounded around my waist "I changed my mind plus what better way to start off the day than with shower sex?" Harry nibbled on my earlobe and I melted into his touch.

"That's two, only nineteen more to go" Harry breathed out and my legs wobbled once I let go of his waist, I leaned back against the cold wall as I caught my breath "So, that's my second present" I let out a giggle and Harry smirked, pulling me towards him with his hands gliding over my ass, squeezing it in response "How do you think you're going to give me 21 orgasms in just a day?" I raised a brow, my arms around his shoulders "I have my ways" He said with a low hum, pressing my body to his and I whimpered when my breasts came into contact with his chest, my nipples were still hard and sensitive from Harry sucking onto it. "I better leave you to your shower" He said and moved away from me, I reached out to hold the wall as I steadied myself from falling over "No, you're not. I have cum dripping down my legs and I can't move, you're helping me shower, mister" I pointed out and he chuckled, the proud look on his face made me smack his arm.

I'll try not to drag her birthday on for 3 chapters lmao, it should be over in the next one but be ready for a lot of smut since she only has 19 orgasms to go. (bet your nasty selves will love that)

thoughts on this chapter????

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