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I just watched Rambo, Last Blood. and all I can say is that I need a year to recover.


"Harry! Pants" I shrieked when he walked through the kitchen, stark naked. "It's nothing you haven't seen before" He chuckled and poured himself a glass of water, downing a few painkillers. I served our breakfast and he sat opposite me at the island - now with sweatpants on. "There's someone at the door" I told Harry after breakfast "Let them wait" I let out a giggle when Harry's lips moved from my neck and found my own followed by another knock on the door "I'll go check on the door and you get into the shower, you stink" Harry looked up at me with a raised eyebrow "You didn't seem to have a problem with that this morning" I rolled my eyes "I was hungover and so were you, I wouldn't have minded anything" I patted his cheek before getting off his lap, hearing Harry groan as he walked towards the bathroom and I shook my head with a chuckle at his reaction.

I made my way to the front door, opening it "Carter? What are you doing here?" I questioned in shock to see my best friend on the other end of the door. Her eyes wandered to the rest of the apartment behind me and I stepped aside to let her in, "I called your house to find out where you were and your Dad said you'll be here. Nice apartment, by the way" She walked in "Why didn't you call me?" I closed the door, hoping she couldn't hear the shower running "I did but it went to voicemail" I picked my phone from the table at the entrance and saw that the battery died "My battery went flat" I groaned and she waved her hand "Doesn't matter, I'm here now" I passed her a small smile "Is this where you're going to stay when the next semester starts?" I nodded

"It's lavish, I like it but can you afford it?" I frowned "I have a roommate actually" I prayed that Harry will stay in the bathroom for a longer time but he didn't, I scrunched my nose, a few moments later, when I heard the shower stop "Is that your roommate? Maybe I should meet her to warn her that she won't be able to take my place" Carter chuckled and I joined in but the usual sparkle in her eyes disappeared, something is wrong with her and she isn't telling me. "Actually, it's not a she, it's H-" I immediately glanced to the floor when Harry's voice cut me off "Oh, hey Carter" He walked into the living room to where we were standing, nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist as his hair left droplets of water on the floor. "You're staying with him?" Carter shrieked and I sighed with a nod before he stood next to me, kissing the top of my head as he then made his way into the kitchen.

"You didn't mention that you're still together" She flailed her hands "Why is that a problem?" I finally asked, my voice rose a few octaves. "Answer me, Carter" I probed further when she kept mum "Because that's Harry" She exasperated "Why's it so bad that it's him?" I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache come on "You were the one that pushed me towards him yet you're the one that also told me to stay away from him" I pointed out and she scoffed, folding her arms "I'm just looking out for you" She said softly "I know and I appreciate that but you don't get to tell me who I date and who I don't" Carter raised an eyebrow "So you're actually dating now?" I nodded and I noticed from my peripheral, Harry standing at the entrance of the kitchen, his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Unbelievable" She sighed and I rolled my eyes "I don't understand you at times, honestly. Can you be my best friend and just be happy for me? If I have my heart broken then that's on me, it's my choice, Carter" I then ranted on about how she should support me instead of judging me for being with Harry when her voice cut me off, "What?" I gasped in disbelief and tears formed in her eyes "Yeah, I'm pregnant" Her lips quivered and I wasted no time in engulfing her shaking form into a hug, I rubbed her back in a comforting manner "I don't know what to say to this." I felt her rest her head on my shoulder and I glanced over at Harry, he nodded before heading into his room "How did this happen?" I asked her once I moved us to the couch "I think you and I both know how this happens" I shook my head "No, I meant that you guys are always careful, so how did this happen?"

"I don't know, we were really drunk during one of the nights in Rome and I guess that's when it happened as well a few days later in Greece" She explained and I kept quiet, not knowing what to say "So, I guess I shouldn't be the one to judge you when I'm pregnant. I'm sorry, I just took my frustration out on you and I haven't even told Ethan as yet. I hate myself for letting this happen and I hate myself for being such a terrible friend to you. I'm sorry for being a jerk" I placed my hand on hers, assuringly "It's okay, don't worry about it. It just happened, maybe you could have prevented it but being in such an inebriated state, no one would have remembered protection not even you two horny lovebirds" I said softly, shaking my head, joking towards the end causing Carter to chuckle and I then spent the next two hours with her, comforting her that everything will be okay.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked with caution as I munched on popcorn. Carter left an hour ago and Harry decided to watch a movie since the weather changed. I jumped at the clap of thunder causing Harry to chuckle "Yeah, you didn't let me take off your clothes" He smirked and I threw a cushion at him "I do actually and I don't know what went through Madeline's sick mind" He sighed "How did you manage to get drugged?" He frowned and sipped on a beer "You say that like it's my fault I got drugged" I shrugged "I've never felt more violated" He feigned hurt and I gave him a look "Shut the fuck up, Styles" He rose his brows in delight before pulling me to his lap, I threw my leg over so I straddled him and his hands found home at my hips.

"I was at the pool area and you were taking long so I stood up to go find you. Madeline approached me and all I felt was something prick my skin from behind which I'm guessing Hailey was in charge of" He explained and I nodded. "Rebecca was in on it but she warned me and that's how I found you, if she didn't I think that right now, I would be sitting with those pictures they planned on taking last night" I said "Do you think that I'd do that to you?" Harry asked, his voice was almost a whisper "No" I answered instantly "I don't know" I added "Don't get me wrong, I do trust you. If I didn't then I wouldn't be here right now" I then shook my head "I think it's just the people that are filling my head with these thoughts about you and it's messing me up"

"If you have any doubt, any question, you can always come to me, Addy" I expected him to feel a little hurt that I didn't trust him but all I saw was understanding in his eyes "What's going on between you and my father? I heard you two talking the other day" I blurted and closed my eyes in immediate regret. Harry's eyes widened before his expression changed to neutral, "That's something you've got to talk to your father about" His hands rubbed up and down my arms "Just tell me, please." I could feel my eyes start to water at the possibility of what their secret might be. Harry's eyes flicked between mine and the wall behind me as if he was contemplating on what to tell me. My hands placed against his abdomen, feeling the ripple of his abs to grab his attention.

"Tell me, please" I pleaded in a teary voice and Harry bit his lip before sighing defeatedly "You remember Amy, right?" I wracked my brain and I pictured the blonde haired woman from my father's training center "What about her?" I frowned, wondering what she has to do with any of this but her words came back to my mind. No "You trust me and you know that I won't do anything to hurt you, right?" I felt faint but nodded at Harry's question. Harry continued speaking, his warm hands rubbed along my skin and I sought comfort in his touch as I felt my head start to cloud at his words before my form fell forward, my forehead lulled towards Harry's shoulder as my vision turned black.

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