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Is it weird that I zoom in on pictures of Harry and take note of his every feature? Bc on this you can notice his stubble and he said he'd been trying to grow a moustache for 20 years. Lies! Lmao

Who saw the teaser on my board?

Hammers. My head felt like hammers were knocking onto it. I opened my eyes only to immediately close it due to the bright sun rays. My body felt numb and cold, there was a weight around my torso, it's probably Carter. I shuffled on the bed I was sleeping on, moving my legs to be met with another pair. At that my eyes shot open and I jumped in bed earning a groan from the person next to me. What the hell happened last night?

I slowly turned my head over my shoulder to look at the person that slept next to me and gasped finding Harry. Just great. Memories of how I don't have my dress on came flooding to my mind and my cheeks heated, in a mortifying way. Seeing that he's still asleep, I stealthily got off the bed as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I tiptoed across the room and twisted the knob on the door, jumping like a damn kangaroo on the spot when I heard Harry's raspy morning voice, "Where are you going?" His green eyes were opened in slits. "Uh, downstairs. I'm thirsty" I licked my lips, feeling my throat parched.

"Okay" he nodded before falling onto the bed again, turning onto his front and I watched the slow rise and fall of his back to make sure he's asleep before leaving the room. Once I closed the door behind me, I looked around the frat house which had cups strewn everywhere, bottles kept at random places. I gripped onto my head as the thumping sound grew and immediately made my way to the kitchen, I searched the cupboards for a first aid kit. Upon finding one, I placed an Advil on my tongue and swallowed it with water.

I'm so hungover. I splashed cold water on my face to fully wake me up before wiping my face with the sleeves of the shirt I was using. I heard a few muffled voices coming from the living room area, I guess, I didn't dare move out of the kitchen. I'd wait until they quiet down or leave, thankfully the kitchen is in such a way that I can stay hidden. I don't know three quarter of the people that were here last night and I don't plan on bumping into one of them, especially desperate Dylan.

Remembering what I did to him, I chuckled then glanced down at my right hand to find a slight redness around my knuckles. Oh well. "What are you doing here?" I shrieked hearing a voice behind me "Oh shit" I cursed when I knocked over a glass, watching it fall onto the floor breaking into tiny shards. "Who are you?" I turned around finding a guy with blondish hair and blue eyes "Adeline" I said in a small voice, backing up against the counter to create an even bigger distance between us. "Oh, you're Adeline" Blue Eyes grinned sloppily and I passed him a confused look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He shrugged at my accusing tone "No reason, I'm Luke" he held his hand out, nearing the island in the kitchen as I stood on the opposite side of it. Timidly, I placed my hand in his for a handshake "Nice to meet you" I nodded a little, not replying to him. For the next two minutes, we stood there awkwardly glancing at each other from time to time until I spoke up, "I should get going" I attempted a small smile and stepped out the kitchen, up the stairs into Harry's room.

I stood with my back against the door once I closed it, leaning my head back to somehow grasp my composure. "I thought you left" a raspy voice startled me, I opened my eyes and turned to the voice as my mouth instantly fell dry. It isn't the first time you're seeing him shirtless, Addy. I chided myself, "Uh, yeah about that. I can't seem to find my phone" Harry walked around the room, a towel hanging low around his waist giving me the pleasure of seeing his toned torso as well as his well defined v-line.

Suddenly an image of me running my tongue along his skin, pranced around in my mind, making me gasp out loud as my eyes widened to the size of saucers. "What's wrong?" He frowned at me, pink lips set into a small pout and I shook my head "Nothing" was my immediate answer "Nothing at all" I passed him a small smile and began walking towards the bed where I noticed my torn dress on the floor at the foot of it. I picked the dress into my hands, examining the size of the tear which I hadn't done in my extremely intoxicated state. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath.

"You can borrow something of mine" I looked up at Harry, just in time to see his nether regions being enclosed by a pair of tight fitting boxers. I averted my gaze from his taut back muscles, watching them flex beneath his skin as he pulled on his clothes. It's like he has no care that I'm in the room and when did he even drop his towel, I hadn't even noticed. Taking a deep breath, I calmed my raging hormones and the thumping beat of my heart.

He turned around, leaning against his dresser with his arms folded. I nodded slowly to his offer, "Your phone is on charge by the bedside table" he pointed to the mahogany furniture, I nodded yet again "Thanks," I said in a small voice. I grabbed my phone to find multiple messages from Carter and one from my father. I ignored the gibberish-like texts from Carter which she must have sent while intoxicated. I opened the one from my dad to see it as an invitation to this weekend's match. My eyes rose at that and I slumped to the bed in shock, "What's wrong?" I heard Harry ask from behind me

"My dad. He just invited me, openly, to this weekend's match" I looked at him over my shoulder, holding up my phone as if Harry could see the message from where he's standing. "That's good, right?" He frowned and I shrugged "Yeah I guess. I just didn't expect it" I watched Harry place a pair of boxers and a black t-shirt onto the bed "Here" I nodded, standing up and taking the clothes, walking to the bathroom where Harry had just stepped out of. I unbuttoned the flannel shirt, shrugging it off and then slipping on the clothes Harry set out for me.

I groaned when the boxers kept on falling down my thighs, I pursed my lips and grabbed the flannel by the sleeves as I tied it around my waist allowing it to hang at the back. I put on my shoes from last night once I stepped out the bathroom. "I'll have the clothes washed and brought back to you by tomorrow" I said in a soft voice, glancing up at Harry who had sat down on his bed, typing something onto his phone "It's fine, keep it" he shrugged and his green eyes raked my body from head to toe. "You look good in my clothes" he blurted and I could tell by the way he widened his eyes that he didn't mean to say that and I bit back a giggle.

Can I get 10 votes and comments for the next chapter?

I'm hoping I can make my chapters longer but I just don't have the time so I write what I can, I used to write for like 3000 words but now I'm like no!  I can't do that anymore, lol. Anyway you know the drill.

All the love x

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