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Don't you just love sexual tension?

"I still can't believe you did that" I sat in my seat, shaking my head in disbelief and Harry let out a laugh "You've got to admit the look on her face when she found us was hilarious" He said, his shoulders shook from laughing and I shoved at his arm "It's not funny, Harry. The poor girl must have been scarred for life" I scolded and noticed we finally reached Ohio, Harry drove to the warehouse where we needed to pick the supplies that my father wanted. "I doubt, she's probably watching porn secretly. Everyone does that" I gawked at him "Harry, she looked like she was around eight years old" I shrieked and he laughed again.

Harry's wondrous hands made their way under my shirt as he lifted me onto the countertop, his lips pressed against mine as our tongues moved together in a battle of dominance. He slowly began unbuttoning my shorts while I worked on getting rid of his shirt. My fingers trailed down his muscled torso to the belt on his jeans, immediately opening it, my hand brushed against the buldge that formed earning a groan from Harry. Moving my hand in a circular motion, I continued palming him through his jeans as his hands cupped my breast, kneading it.

The sound of a door opening caused us to pull away and we turned in its direction to find a little blonde girl standing there, a distraught look on her face as the lollipop from her hand fell to the floor. "Guess I forgot to lock the door" Harry muttered and I frantically began sorting my clothes out, tossing his shirt back to him. I hopped off the counter only to see the girl's mother walk in, her face twisted in a judgmental way as she blocked her daughter's eyes. Obviously, the mother was a few seconds too late.

"Weren't you curious at that age to know where babies come from?" He raised an eyebrow "I was but I didn't go onto Google and typed the thing" I threw my hands up and he shrugged "Anyway, we're here" He said while parking the Jeep and we got off. "Hi, we're here on behalf of Balboa Jones" Harry greeted an old man who held a clipboard in his hands. I stayed near the Jeep while Harry did all the talking besides I was sent to give him company anyway. I watched as multiple men walked out the warehouse with huge boxes then loaded them into Harry's Jeep.

When I looked back at Harry, he was on the phone talking to someone whom I'm guessing to be my father. He nodded a few times then walked with his phone to where everything was kept, showing my father to ensure that all the supplies he needed was loaded instead of making another trip. "Hey, Dad" I greeted him with a wave and he smiled, Harry stood beside me as he held his phone while I looked over his shoulder. We spoke for a little longer and he asked me how I felt after being kidnapped, his overprotective mode was enabled and I assured him that Harry took good care of me.

"Dad, I promise. I'm fine. Just a minor scratch, nothing I can't handle. Plus you know how clumsy I am, I hurt myself all the time" I said and he sighed, rubbing his hand along his face and I noticed Ella jumping behind him "As long as you're okay and safe. I trust that Harry is doing just that. Ella, stop it" He smiled then groaned when Ella jumped onto his back. "Aww" I chuckled "She learns a new trick everyday" Dad rolled his eyes and finally placed the Labrador onto his lap "Alright, Mr Jones. We're leaving now so we should be back to you in about seven hours" Harry said and my father bid us goodbye before he ended the call.

"So, I took really good care of you" Harry licked his lips and rose a teasing eyebrow at me "Keep that up and you'll never get to fuck me again" I warned before getting into the driver's side, not waiting for his reply "Hey! That's my seat" He stood out the door and I turned the key in the ignition "Not anymore. You've been driving all this time, so now let me and you can have a break" I shrugged as the Jeep roared to life "Just this once because you're never driving my Jeep again" He pointed a finger at me before rounding the front, getting into the passenger seat. I passed him a bright smile then drove off.

"It's a Jeep not a sports car, Addy" Harry scolded and I laughed as I pressed further on the accelerator pedal. "It's a freeway not a parking lot" I retorted then brought down the speed much to the relief of Harry "I never thought you'd be a reckless driver and here I was, driving at a moderate speed so you won't die" He chuckled and I shrugged "That's why my dad doesn't want me to have my own car. He says I'm unsafe" I noticed we were passing the mall where Gabriel kidnapped me from and I realized that's almost at halfway point. I didn't even know when time flew by.

"Well now I agree with your father. He's just looking out for you" Harry said and I sighed "It gets suffocating at times. He becomes too overprotective and I need my space. When I was in high school, he had this need to know where I am and what I'm doing, every hour on the hour" Harry reached over the console and switched the channel on the radio "That sucks but in his mind, it's how he shows his love" I gave Harry a weird look "Are you okay? Because you're talking in a very civilized manner" He rolled his eyes and I gaped at his next choice of words "Would you prefer that I make obscene comments about how I want to finger you as you drive?"

This trip had been going on since chapter 25. Lmao I'm dying. I sure can drag something. Dw, in the next chapter they will be back home in no time and next stop,, ski trip.

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