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thank you all for being so patient with me, I hope you haven't lost interest as yet, I'm so grateful for my readers. and now to pick the pace of the book, we move on. enjoy

what do you think of the new covers???

"Honey, what a surprise!" Mom exclaimed as I entered the house, her eyes were bright and I felt my heart break seeing her frail form on the couch. "Hey, Mom. How are you feeling?" I hugged her gently then took a seat next to her, "Just tired, how are you? What's it like staying with Harry?" She coughed and I held onto her cold hands, her fingertips were purple from the aftereffects of her chemotherapy. "I'm good, I've just handed in my art project and living with Harry has been amazing, he's really kind and gentle" I smiled "I'm glad you have a guy like Harry in your life and the best part is that you two are dating, I always liked him for you from the moment Boa introduced us" She added with a motherly tone and I blushed "Yeah, well he treats me right" I watched her eyes well "That's more than fine with me, your happiness is my happiness, because after I'm go-" I cut her off by placing my hand to her mouth "Don't say that please" I said while I shook my head.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" I asked and made myself comfortable next to her "Knitting" She answered with a bored tone and I chuckled "Your favorite activity" She rolled her eyes "I miss my spinning classes and I miss going out for a jog every morning. I'm putting on so much weight, I hate being sick" Mom pouted and I let out a laugh, knowing how she always kept herself active and her figure was literally to die for, other mothers used to be jealous of her whenever she'd pick me from school and the boys used to stare at her, which is why seeing her like this breaks my heart. "What have you knitted so far?" She reached over the armrest and lifted a handful of knitted items "That's a lot" I said with raised eyebrows and she laughed "I knitted these little socks and  I'm trying to do a sweater, so far I've gotten the arm done" She said with a proud smile and I mirrored it "I'm proud of you, Mom"

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked and stood up only to have her stand up as well "I'll make dinner, you just relax. I'm seeing you after so long, I don't want you slogging over the stove" Her words made me feel guilty for once again not being there for her when she needs me the most "I'm sorry" I blinked away the tears that formed in my eyes "Enough of that, you're here now, that's all that matters to me" She said assuringly and I nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek and helped her walk to the kitchen before making her sit on the chair after much persuasion. I started on dinner, a simple pasta dish which falls in her dietary plan. My doings were interrupted when the front door opened, followed by the heavy footsteps that belonged to my father, my body tensed "Addy, sweetheart! You're here" He exclaimed with a bright smile as he entered the kitchen and I waved a little "Hey, Dad"

He gathered me into his arms and I felt my guard fall at the feeling of home. Mom's features softened as she watched us, not wanting to hurt her any further, I wrapped my arms around my father's torso as I hugged him back. I could feel his form relax before he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "It's so good to have you home" He whispered and I nodded slowly then pulled away and continued with preparing dinner. He walked towards Mom, and took out her medication from the kit that was left near the table, I chuckled when she whined like a 5 year old. I watched them from the kitchen island, a smile on my face as they bickered like the husband and wife that they are but thinking about my father's affair dampened my entire mood. I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive him for that but maybe, just maybe I can try to be civil around him for Mom. She doesn't need the additional stress of the petty daughter being angry at her father. Am I being petty?

"Dinner is served!" I laid out the casserole on the dining table once I had taken it out the oven and kept the oven mits aside, I took my seat next to Mom while Dad sat at the head of the table. The only sound heard throughout dinner was the clinking of our utensils against the ceramic plates. "Now this isn't fair, when I cook, you don't take seconds" Dad sulked and Mom laughed, serving herself a second helping of pasta "Addy is much better at cooking, I'm sorry honey" She molified "Face it, Dad, you could never survive in the kitchen" I chuckled and continued with my dinner "Hey! I've been trying, okay, and I've gotten better at cooking." He defended and I shrugged "Whatever you say" I sung, remembering the times he would cook and the whole house would end up full of smoke. I guess beside boxing and cheating on my mother, he never took time to learn anything in the kitchen.

I was asleep on the couch, Criminal Minds played on the TV, when I heard the sound of sirens. "What's going on?" I panicked, watching as paramedics ran upstairs with a backboard. "Mom!" I followed them, I called out for her and walked into their room only to find her lying unconscious on the floor "What happened?" I asked and got no response, my father helped the paramedics in picking her up with the board and they ignored my presence completely. I followed them out the house to see her being trolleyed into the back of the ambulance "Is she going to be okay? What happened?" I raised my voice, pulling my father by his arm so I could get some answers "I don't know, I was in the shower and came out to find her on the floor, I couldn't find a pulse" He breathed out as his eyes started to tear up, dread etched on his face, I shook my head disbelievingly "No, no! She was fine during dinner" I ran back inside the house, slipped on my shoes and got into my car then drove to the hospital.

"How is she?" I sprung from my seat in the waiting area of the hospital "She's critical but we've managed to stabilize her. Unfortunately, the mass found on her kidney turned out to be malignant" Mom's doctor spoke and I looked at him confused "What do you mean?" He glanced towards my father who stood beside me "Will anyone tell me what's going on?" I shrieked, now frustrated with being kept in the dark "It's very rare to find a patient that has two kinds of cancer in their body which is why your mother's health is deteriorating by the minute" The doctor continued "We thought that, when we discovered the mass during her first round of chemotherapy, it would go away with the radiation as well but it didn't" I fell back on my seat as the doctor spoke to my father, I didn't feel a thing. My body was numb and the thought of losing my mother was like this nagging ache in my body.

I'm sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy with my study notes and I've been dealing with a lot of other personal matters that I've hardly got time to do much and Ik that the story is taking long to go on, please just bare with me. I really appreciate all the love you continue to give this book.

I love you guys xx

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