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I forgot what year of university Addy is in..

the prologue of CF has nearly 10K views. excuse me while I go cry in a corner. SO BASICALLY NEARLY 10000 PEOPLE HAVE SEEN THIS BOOK? I-

"Addy, this way" I heard Louis and he placed a hand to my lower back. I let out a shriek when Harry pulled my elbow, his mouth meeting mine "Be careful out there" He said and I nodded "Good luck" I wished him before following Louis out of Harry's changing room. "So are you two official?" I gave Louis a confused look "Harry told me about the fake dating" I chewed on the inside of my cheek, waiting for him to continue "You probably figured out that Harry and I had a fight but I hope you know what you're getting yourself into" I frowned "You're his best friend. Shouldn't you be assuring me that Harry is a great guy instead of defaming him behind his back?" Louis opened and closed his mouth before looking at his hands "Yes, he's my best friend but I also don't want the girl he's dating to regret anything"

"I'm not going to regret dating Harry. Can you just be clear on what you're trying to say instead of beating around the bush because I'm frustrated with people telling me that I should be cautious of Harry" I exasperated and Louis sighed "You've already been kidnapped by his stepfather, he's got a hold of you, Adeline. You're not safe for as long as you're with Harry" I crossed my arms and spoke in a defiant tone "I am safe with Harry. I'm not some weak maiden in distress, my father has been teaching me ever since I was little on how to protect myself. I think I can manage on my own and you're some friend to Harry. Does he even know about the way you think of him?" I spat before walking off to the arena, finding my seat next to Carter and Ethan.

Harry hadn't accompanied me to the airport since he had to train before his match. As soon as I saw Carter at the gates, I began contemplating on telling her about Harry and I but I was afraid of her reaction. I know as an individual, an independent person, her opinions on me shouldn't matter that much but I couldn't help but tense at the thought of her lashing out in a fit of rage, explaining to me about what a bad guy Harry is. If she thinks so low of him, why did she tease me and push me towards him from the first time we attended one of his matches? "What's wrong?" She nudged my side and I shook my head with a sigh "Nothing, I'm just tired" I then leaned my head onto her shoulder. Even though I'm skeptical about her reaction, I really did miss my best friend in the last few weeks.

"What did I miss? Did anyone lose their teeth?" Scott took his seat next to me, he had snacks in his hands and I looked at him incredulously "The match hasn't even started, you dork" Carter chuckled from next to me and I joined her, watching the pout that formed on Scott's face "Give me a break, I've forgotten what boxing was like ever since I joined the force" I let out a pitiful 'aw' and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around Scott in a hug. "I'll survive, I don't need your pity" I chuckled and the lights dimmed thereafter, I sat upright and waited for Harry to walk out. The commentator announced his opponent, giving the opponent's weight, height and signature move. I almost laughed at the crowd's response to Harry's opponent which I've come to know that he goes by the name, Thomas.

The commentator then introduced Harry and the crowd exploded in a bout of applauds, I watched with bathed breath as he walked out, his silk robe draped over his torso and the hood over his head. His hands were adorned by striking red gloves and that reverted my mind back to the day when Harry mentioned he doesn't use his rings during a match. I glanced down to my left thumb and smiled stupidly at the ring that wrapped around it. He walked up to the platform and onto the ring, my father behind him as they went to one corner. Once again, Dad helped Harry with his headgear and mouth guard, shouting a few words to the green eyed Adonis. Harry nodded at my father and jumped on the spot as if to ease his muscles, cracking his neck from side to side and removed the robe from his body.

My hand flew to my agape mouth as Harry's bare torso came into view, I gawked at the hickey that I left on his hip, next to the laurel tattoo. I tried grabbing Harry's attention to tell him about it, he probably didn't see the red mark on his skin but he obviously couldn't hear me either and I knew his mind was focused on destroying his opponent. My arms flailed in mid-air as I tried to grab his attention, earning weird looks from the people around me in the front row. "Hey, watch it. You're going to throw my liquorice on the floor" Scott pouted and I rolled my eyes, eventually giving up on getting Harry's attention. "What was that about?" Carter poked my ribs with her nail "I hate your manicured nails and there was a fly irritating me" I told her, lying in the end and she seemed convinced.

In Carter's mind, Harry and I have called it quits since the one month is now over - I have no affiliations with him whatsoever except for the one time we had sex. The reason why I'm at this match, which I've given her, is that I've grown to like them and I'm here to support my father. It's almost as if my relationship with Harry is now being kept a secret, like it's our own fragile bubble. The bell rang, interrupting my thoughts, and I put my focus on the boxing ring. I held onto my seat in anticipation, I could hear Scott munching on potato chips next to me, Carter was mumbling something to Ethan. Harry's back muscles flexed, creating a ripple effect, as he jerked his arm to throw it forward and it collided with his opponent's head. Punches were thrown back and forth, Harry dodged all except one and Thomas seemed proud, almost as if he'd been working on that move for a while.

Harry was caught off guard, he stumbled back and the crowd quietened, you could only hear the static of the speakers and the referee looked on in shock. I noticed the frustrated expression on Harry's face, he did not like what Thomas did. He charged towards his opponent, backing him into a corner before the referee broke them apart. The third round began and to Harry, the third round is the final round - he doesn't reach the seventh. I gasped and screwed my eyes shut at Harry's last move, he threw a punch at Thomas's abdomen followed by an upper cut and lastly, a kick to his side causing Thomas to fall down. The crowd erupted into a volcanic round of applause when Harry was declared the winner. He took off his headgear, revealing his unruly and sweaty curls followed by his mouth guard only to smirk in victory. His eyes scanned the audience and eventually landed on mine, just like the first time, he winked.

Sorry for the boring chapter, I'll make the next one interesting, I promise.

and thanks for replying to my question about the Q&A thing in the previous chapter (I'm being sarcastic here)

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