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lol Addy isn't going to forgive him...

His bottom lip quivered as he took in a shaky breath and I held onto his hands when he began twisting his rings around his fingers out of nervousness. "What you said hurt me deeply, Harry. I felt like I was the dirt beneath your shoes, I felt played and betrayed, I couldn't believe that you would actually speak about me like I was just some object, just another notch in your belt." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, not bothered that a few salty droplets cascaded down my cheeks and onto our joined hands. I then glanced up at the man in front of me, his hair was unruly almost as if he had been running his hands through it multiple times, "These last two weeks were torture because despite all that happened, I still love you, Harry" I watched as his eyes widened at my confession, his throat caving in as he sucked in a breath "And no, this is not the end of us, it's just a bump in our road, I don't want it to be the end of us either." I added and relief washed over his dull eyes "Does this mean you forgive me?" He stuttered, hope in his voice while his shoulders tensed.

"I do, I'm giving you a second chance, Harry. Life's too short to be mad over the little things." I sniffled and a smile broke out on Harry's face before he engulfed me in his arms, peppering kisses along my the side of my head "I'm so sorry, Addy, thank you for this and I promise that I won't ever let you down again, I will make this up to you" I sighed in content and whispered "I know" I reached my free hand up to his hair, closing my eyes in solace. "I missed you so much, Harry. Don't break my heart again" I continued and I felt him place a kiss to my neck as he hid his face in the crook of it "Never. I won't allow it ever again" He replied sincerely and hugged me tighter, making sure to not add pressure to my injured arm.

"I love you, Addy, so fucking much" Harry confessed and I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my lips, I brushed my fingers through his hair and turned my head, lightly kissing his cheek "I love you too, Harry" I could feel his lips stretch into a grin against my skin. "Well, I better leave you to your book" He pulled away and I frowned "You're not staying?" Harry swung back and forth on the heels of his shoes "Do you want me to?" He asked cautiously and I looked out the window to find a monstrous bike parked in my yard "Yes, I want you to and I also don't want you to drive that death trap while drunk. How did you even manage to make it here in one piece?"

I tugged his arm, pulling him further into my room "I don't know, you were the only thought on my mind" Harry's brows furrowed and he bit onto his lip, I smiled small while handing him a bottle of water "Here, sober up" He nodded and gulped down the liquid within seconds. I watched the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down at the action of him swallowing the water "Thank you" Harry said solemnly, a double meaning to his words "You're welcome" I left the half empty bottle on the nightstand and tugged off my hair tie in readiness for bed. "Can I get a," Harry started and I turned to face him with a questioning look ", kiss, please?"

His eyes were downcasted, his fingers curled against each other and disappointment fluttered through his features, almost as if he had a slip of tongue incident. "I mean it's fine, if you don't" I smiled at the boyish aura he gave off in that moment, I stepped towards him and cupped his cheek only to hear him suck in a breath as his eyes shot opened. My lips met his in a feather-like touch, embracing each other in a supple hug of passion, I could taste the whiskey from his lips but that didn't bother me. Harry's arm went to my waist, holding me up while I stood on my tip toes and he responded to the kiss by pulling me flush against his chest.

Breaking the kiss, Harry rested his forehead on mine, deep breaths left through the cupid bow shape of his lips. "I missed this. Missed you, so fucking much" Harry whispered and I hummed, nuzzling my nose against his "I missed this too. Don't break my heart again" Harry pressed a soft kiss to my lips as I repeated my words "Never again. I promise you, Addy, and I'm a man of my word" I nodded at his sincerity and pulled away from him. "Where are you going?" I asked once he stepped towards the door, twisting the doorknob "To the guestroom?" He answered in confusion and I shook my head, clicking my tongue "No need, you can sleep here" I gave him a look as he still stared at me befuddled

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