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"Where were you?" Carter asked when I walked into our dorm. "I was at my Dad's training center" I breathed out before falling onto my bed with my limbs spread out "No wonder you look like you just ran 10 miles, what did you do there this time?" I tried pulling myself up but failed as my muscles burned "Help?" I weakly held up my hand, I heard her laugh before she grabbed onto my hand, pulling me up with a jerk. "He put me on the bag" She continued to laugh "Its not funny!" I whined and threw my dress at her. Oh, I hadn't changed from the sports bra and shorts, much to Harry's - not my father's which was shocking - dismay.

"Did you even hit it?" She asked once her laughter died "That makes me sound as if I just smoked a joint but yeah I did, with the help of Harry" I muttered the last part "Harry was there?" Carter shrieked and I nodded "He was the one I went with" I sighed "Oh" Was her reply which made me frown a bit. "What's wrong?" She shrugged, "You've just been spending a lot of time with him lately" I nodded, a deep sigh leaving my lips. It's true, wherever I go on campus, he's there. He makes it his mission to torture me by walking over and placing his arm around my waist. If this was an alternate universe, I'd swoon but Harry's arrogant attitude just turns me off.

"Sadly, I have. I'm sorry" I said softly and felt the bed dip beside me, I looked up from my hands to find Carter before me. "I'm not mad, I just get worried. I know you don't like him and I always joke around that you two should be together but Ads, Harry isn't your typical frat boy. His anger is ruthless, he has no care for anyone or anything in the world. He's the only student here that lives on his own and apparently that deems him dangerous" Carter said and I chewed on my lip, taking her words in. "He's not that bad" Woah, hold the phone, did I just defend Harry? I must be really tired and drained to do that. Carter looked at me in surprise before nodding her head, slowly.

"Just be careful, okay. I wouldn't want you getting into something you're against" I somehow had the feeling she knew about our little set up of fake dating and acting all lovey-dovey but I just nodded my head before throwing myself back onto my bed, sleep immediately evaded my senses. I didn't have the strength to stand in the shower and wash my body even though I felt my skin start to prick with dirt and sweat from today's occurrences. I'll just have a longer shower in the morning.

Day 2. I woke up, a loud groan left my lips as my limbs burned, clearly you can tell I'm not much of an athletic person, I prefer reading novels and sketching from time to time. I finally lugged myself off of my bed and got ready for the last day of the semester. "I'm going to miss you" Carter pouted as she sat on my bed, hugging my pillow. "Aw, babe. I'm gonna miss you too but you're going to be touring Europe, do you really think you're going to miss me?" I chuckled once I got out of the bathroom. "Will you update me on things between you and Harry?" In the middle of the night, Carter woke me up by repeatedly patting my arm which is when I told her about us fake dating.

"Come here and cuddle your best friend before she leaves in 5 hours" I shook my head at her needy ways and threw myself onto the bed next to her. Carter's last paper had been pushed forward much to her dismay and she writes it today "Damn, I always walk in at the right moments" I heard Ethan say, I lifted my head from Carter's shoulder. "You're disgusting, Ethan" She said "But I love you, baby" I faked a gag at their interaction "Hope you have more space on that tiny bed" I widened my eyes when Ethan pushed us further onto my bed, my back hit the wall and he fitted himself behind Carter.

"Addy!" I heard someone scream my name as I made my way to a lecture. I turned on my heel and squealed, "Scott!" I exclaimed and skidded across the glossy floors as I jumped into his opened arms. He spun me around, my knees bent upward "What are you doing here?" I asked once he set me to my feet "A few of us were asked to give a talk so I volunteered. Thought I'd come say hi" He held a gracious smile to his face "That's great! What kind of talk?" He fell in step with me as I walked to my lecture "Something about the army life" He shrugged "I'm not really interested in that, I just volunteered to come see you" I let out an aw and he hugged me tightly.

"Anyway, that talk starts now. I'm going to die of boredom" I chuckles at Scott's sulking face "You're in the army and you find it boring" I gave him a weird look "If I tell you I went there just for the muscled men, would you believe me?" Scott chuckled and I whacked his shoulder "You're unbelievable, Scott" I finally reached the lecture room "I'll see you later, Ads" He kissed the top of my head before walking away. I attended my lecture and almost threw my textbook to the ceiling when it was over.

"Miss Jones, can I have a word with you?" My professor called out as I made my way through the door, I nodded and stepped towards the podium. "Yes?" I clutched my notebook to my chest "I wanted to discuss the paper you turned in last month" I nodded, Professor Mitchell clasped his hands together "What about it?" He sighed and alarm bells rang in my head. Oh fuck. "I'm actually surprised someone understood the world of fictional writing. Your paper was chosen for the Washington State's Literary Competition" I looked at him in surprise, having not expected that.

With doing art, I had to take a fictional writing class and shockingly I enjoyed it. It's like my hobby but for marks. Someone may say I'm crazy for doing so many courses but it's actually better for me in long run as I have a backup for my backup. I thanked Professor Mitchell and then made my way out the class with a bright smile on my face. "What's made you so happy?" I rolled my eyes "Is that the right way to greet your boyfriend, Adeline?" Harry said and I sighed deeply "Oh, right. I have to lay down a red carpet and fan you with a huge leaf like you're some Greek God"

"Well you're not wrong about the Greek God part" He smirked "How big is your head? It's like three times the size" I snickered "Depends which head you're talking about" The smirk stretched further on his face and I scoffed "Obviously, you think with your dick more than your brain" He chuckled, brushing his knuckle against his nose "Honey, if I thought with my dick, then I would have pinned you against this wall and fucked you senselessly instead here I am, talking to you in a civilized manner" He lowered his voice and my body tingled as his breath fanned my neck.

"You think being all cocky and arrogant is being civilized" He shrugged, I looked up at him as I'm immediately aware of our close proximity "If I kiss you, will you please leave me alone?" I asked in a bored tone, taking note of the various pairs of eyes on us. "Pretty much, it's just for appearances and you know that. I don't have interest in kissing you, my team's behind me and if nothing happens right now, my reputation will go down the drain" He gestured to the groups of boys behind us and I groaned before grabbing his collar, pulling him closer as our lips met.

Wolf whistles were heard and you'd think that 20-21 year old males will be much more mature than 17 year olds, this right here proves me wrong. I said 'males' because they're not men nor are they boys - they're barely teens. Harry's hand gripped onto my waist, pulling me closer so my chest pressed against his as his tongue slipped past my lips, molding with mine in perfection. "Note to self, thorough oral hygiene when I get back to my dorm" I remarked once Harry broke apart from me, he clicked his tongue and let out a deep chuckle.

"You say that now but when you're begging me to fuck you, then you'll see" I rolled my eyes "In your dreams, Styles" I felt like ripping that smirk off his face "Oh most definitely, Jones" With that, I walked away and made a straight beeline for my dorm room. The vanilla taste of Harry still lingered on my tongue, the corners of my lips burned in delight no matter how much I brushed my teeth and used the mouthwash.

On a scale of 1-10, how bad was this chapter?

Leave your thoughts, please. The fun is just about started. Summer is going to be magnificent for Adeline Jones.

All the love x

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