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I glanced towards the door, squinting my eyes to see who's standing there until they stepped into the room, now under the light and I let out a breath of relief seeing Harry. His lip was bust and a cut had formed on his forehead, blood dripped down his face from the slit on his skin. "Did you do that?" Harry looked between a groaning Gabriel and a flustered me, I still held the knife up in front of Gabriel's face. The tone in Harry's voice held pride as he made sense of the situation, "Open the chains" I pressed further and watched as Gabriel pulled out a key and did as I said.

I twisted my ankles about as I was set free, trying to get some ease in them. "Good choice, Harry. You've caught a feisty one for yourself. Tell me, Harry, how much are you paying her for the night?" Gabriel commented, clutching onto his side and I dropped the knife from my hand, the metal hit the floor with a clank. "He doesn't own me" I retorted, bile rose in my throat at his question and Harry stepped towards me, breathing heavily as his nostrils flared. His arms shook with rage, hands fisted at his sides. I've seen him angry, but not this much "What do you want? I've told you countless times that I want nothing to do with you and your life" Harry bellowed.

"No matter how hard you try, you're never getting rid of me" Gabriel chuckled and took a step forward, Harry now stood in front of me "You and whatever you are, all belong to me. I made you the man you are, not your worthless piece of a father that you had" He sneered and I could see Harry's muscles tense, unknowingly my hand gripped onto the back of his bloody shirt, fisting the material. "Say one more thing about my father and I swear to God, I will fucking rip your head off your shoulders" Harry remarked, threatening Gabriel who just laughed mockingly "I'd like to see you try, son. You're nothing, worthless, always were and will always be" Gabriel, even though stumpy, he still held an upper hand over Harry.

"Now, consider this my generosity, you can take yourself and your little chew toy," He tilted his chin as if gesturing to me and I pursed my lips ", and leave my property because we both know how much I love to torture. Oh and, don't think I'm done with you yet, Styles" He chuckled cynically before Harry dragged me out the room, his grip tightened on my arm as we reached his Jeep. The burning sunlight made my eyes tear up from being in the dark all the time. As I looked around, I noticed that we just exited a concrete fortress, almost like a castle. "Harry, you're bleeding!" I exclaimed taking note of the blood smeared all over his back, his shirt was torn in slits.

"Yeah, I know" He grumbled and pushed me into the passenger's seat then took his own before driving off. "How did you manage to get kidnapped?" Harry accused and I rolled my eyes "Oh yeah, it's my fault that Gabriel followed us then attacked me in the girl's restroom. What did he want anyway?" I rubbed my wrist, the ropes created marks on my skin "A favor, as always." Harry sighed before continuing "Look, I'm sorry for what he did. He has no limit to his actions" He said sincerely and I nodded "Apology accepted. It's not your fault he's such a fucking asshole" I cursed then noticed the time to be nearly 10, realizing it's the next day.

"What kind of favor did he want?" I questioned, curiosity got the better of me. "I don't know" Harry's knuckles turned white as he grasped onto the steering wheel, clearly he does know "Your dad knows what happened" I whipped my head towards him and shrieked "What?!" I turned in my seat, ignoring the ache in my back "Yeah, he knows about Gabriel anyway. He's the one who helped me track you down otherwise you wouldn't have lived to see the next day" He said nonchalantly and I gawked at him "So basically, he's some sort of hit man or mafia" I rose an eyebrow at Harry "Drug lord, if I may put it that way" He shrugged and focused on the road again

"Though, I must say, I did not expect you to have stabbed him, he deserved it. You're quite sexy when you're all bad ass" Harry smirked slightly and I flushed a deep red "Is that your way of praising me on being able to take care of myself?" I rose an eyebrow at him "Believe it to be whatever you want. In my books, if a girl is able to defend herself and if she's able to completely stand on her own two feet, she's hot and if you were actually my type, I'd fuck you" He went on further and I sat back, dumbfounded, this is where I don't understand Harry. He can go from shouting at me to being civilized to being a total dick.

"We're stopping at a motel for a few hours to rest then get back on the road to Ohio" I nodded "Do you think we should go to Ohio? I mean, will you be able to manage?" I asked softly "I'm a boxer, Addy. I'm not fragile, I've been through much more excruciating pain than this" He remarked and I nodded meakly, curling up on the seat and falling off to sleep immediately. When I opened my eyes, I panicked upon seeing my surroundings "Easy, you're safe" Harry entered the room, his tone was assuring and I calmed down. I pulled the blanket tighter around me and that's when I took note of the blood stains on my hand "Why didn't you wake me up?" Harry sat next to me on the bed.

He took my bloodied hand in his and began wiping it with a damp cloth, a foreign smell to it making seem like he laced it with some kind of chemical, "I realized you needed the rest after dealing with Gabriel so I just carried you in" He shrugged like it was any normal day "Thank you, Harry, for coming after me" I passed him a small smile, my lips still hurt from when the tape was yanked from my skin. "You're welcome" He mirrored the smile. Silence engulfed us thereafter, Harry had focused on cleaning my hand then applied an ointment to the burn marks left by the rope and wrapped it with a bandage.

I'm starting to think that this side of Harry, this caring side, is his third personality. I noticed he had attended to the wounds on his face and I know for a fact that the slashes on his back were still unattended, "Take off your shirt" Harry raised his eyebrows at me in shock "Excuse me?" I sighed "Take off your shirt" I repeated, stressing on each word "Addy, if you wanted me naked, you have to say the magic word first" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, I knew his soft and caring side was too good to be true. "Fuck you, turn around and let me bandage your wounds" He sighed this time and stood up, reaching behind his neck as he pulled his shirt over his head.

His eyes were focused on me and I followed his actions, my mouth running dry at the sight of his naked torso. The swirls of ink on them amazed me, always did, bet you just want to run your tongue all over his abs, don't you Adeline? Oh, hush. Harry balled up his now scarlet shirt and threw it aside before sitting at the edge of the bed. I took that as my cue, I knelt on the bed and grabbed the first aid kit, shaking the disinfectant spray. "This may sting" I said softly, kneeling on the bed behind him and immediately scrunching my nose as my eyes casted over the gashes on his back. It looked like he was in the middle of a sword fight and things went south.

"Fuck" Harry's torso caved away from me as I sprayed his wounds with the disinfectant, his back muscles tensing at the action. "Sorry" I instinctively said and once done with the spray, I grabbed the cotton wool and began cleaning out the excess blood. I could feel the ripple of his muscles beneath the pads of my fingers but I kept my focus on nursing his wounds rather than gawking at his physique. Luckily, the wounds on Harry's back weren't too big so it was easy to nurse and eventually I had covered them with plasters and gauze. "There, all done" I sighed, my hands rested on his shoulders as I then took noticed of the huge mirror in front of us.

The mirror being the sliding doors to a clothing cupboard. Harry's eyes met mine and suddenly I felt self-conscious, "Why are you staring at me like that?" I widened my eyes when Harry twisted around, wrapping his arm around my waist while he hooked his hand behind my thigh, bringing me onto his lap with my knees on either side of him "Because I can" He whispered, tilting his head back to look at me and I slung my arms over his shoulders, my hands immediately sunk into his luscious locks - even though they were soaked in sweat - I lowered myself onto his lap while my legs now wounded around his waist, locking behind him.

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