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okay so turns out writing was my way of coping with the grief I experienced so here a SURPRISE UPDATE.

"Finally! I'm seeing you after ages" Carter exclaimed as she ran up to me "You saw me yesterday" I laughed and hugged her tightly "Still too, that's a very long time and it's worse now because we don't share a room together" I gave her a look "Yeah, I wonder who's fault that was" She passed me a sheepish smile and I rolled my eyes playfully. Harry rounded the car to where I was standing with Carter, "Hey!" She yelled when he shoved her head back, his entire hand covered her face and I let out a laugh before his lips met mine "My lecture starts in 5, I'll see you later, okay?" I nodded and he tilted my chin up, kissing me again. Carter and Harry have developed this weird yet welcoming friendship, where they curse at each other most of the time or shove each other out of the way, I'm just happy they're getting along. Her mindset towards Harry changed after she saw how he took care of me through the week of my mother's death.

As I watched him walk away, a heavy sigh left my lips, "Back to this hell-hole" Carter remarked and I looped my arm with hers "Just another year and we graduate" We walked into the university building, having been standing by Harry's car in the parking lot. I didn't fail to notice the amount of side eye glances, blatant stares and hushed words being thrown my way as I walked through the hallway. Most of them mentioned Harry's name with mine, "They just can't believe that you two are still together" Carter spoke up and we took a lazy walk to her first lecture, I didn't have a lecture for the next half hour. "They also got whiff of the fights Harry had with Jason" I frowned at the pluralism to her words "Fights?" She nodded "He didn't tell you?" I shook my head "It was a few weeks back.." She trailed off, thinking of a precise date "Oh, it was when your Mom was rushed to the hospital. He probably didn't want to worry you and I agree with him on that" I pursed my lips "He should have told me, Jason is getting under Harry's skin and Harry is letting him. Jason isn't worth it" I sighed and stopped outside the door of the art room "This is my stop" Carter heaved out a breath

"Come back to art, please! I can't handle being stuck in there alone" She pouted and I chuckled "You'll be fine. You're Carter, a complete bad ass" I hyped her up and she laughed "Okay, fine. I'll see you later" I pulled her in for a tight hug, deciding to find Harry after my lecture. I walked into the classroom and took my seat, waiting for the professor to arrive. I frowned when the students, who usually sat close by, now sat a few feet away from me. I didn't pay attention to it as the professor bustled in, coffee in his hands and I took out my notebook, ready to start my last year in university. Professor Winkle began his lesson, I kept my focus on him rather than the whispers around me which only caused me to sink further down my seat, if I went any further, I would be under the table. The sound of collective 'oohs' and 'ahs' made me look up from my textbook, I choked on air at the sight before me.

I gawked at my boyfriend who stood shirtless next to Professor Winkle, grabbing the attention of every female in the room. His gym shorts hugged his thighs deliciously and sweat glistened on his torso, clear indication that the coach had been making them do drills for the game this Saturday instead of attending their lectures. Harry ran a hand through his hair while handing a slip of paper to Professor Winkle. The girls behind me sighed dreamily I couldn't help but agree with them, I found myself biting on the end of my pen as I thought back to how he tied me up this morning. My body flamed with arousal and I squeezed my thighs together, ignoring the ache I felt each time I took my seat. I was so lost in thought of Harry and I that I didn't even notice when he walked up to me until the warning tone of the professor brought me back to reality, he rested his palms on either side of my textbook.

I peered up at him to find a smirk on his face, I cleared my throat as if to keep my expression neutral but I knew he could see right through it. "Careful there baby, I wouldn't want anyone else to know how horny you are right now" I gulped when he leaned in, whispering in my ear before placing a kiss to the sweet spot on my neck "Don't walk around like that then I won't have to feel that way" I retorted and watched his smirk broaden, his hooded eyes met mine before he pressed a kiss to my lips then stood to his height "I'm excused from lectures for the entire day, when you're free, come to practice" He winked then walked out the room after making a saluting gesture at a frustrated Professor Winkle. "Miss Jones, fraternizing in my classroom is unacceptable" I could hear the girls behind me snicker "I'm sorry, Professor Winkle, but when you have a boyfriend as hot as Harry, one just can't resist themselves" I smirked hearing the girls gasp, probably not expecting me to talk back to a teacher.

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