• bonus chapter 4 •

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uh hi!

welcome to the last and final bonus chapter that was long overdue.

I sat up in bed, feeling a slight ache in my lower back, the joys of pregnancy. I looked to my left and found Harry in deep sleep, his mouth ajar as soft snores left him. "Dork" I shook my head with a smile before leaning forward and placing a kiss to the edge of his mouth. His arm that wrapped around my baby bump slid off onto the mattress with a thud. Slowly but stealthily I stood to my feet and made my way to the ensuite, after doing my business and usual morning routine, I headed downstairs to start breakfast. It's a bright Monday morning which means Louis will be coming over for his and Harry's weekly video game session, every Monday I pray to the heavens that I have a girl and not a boy, I won't be able to handle that but along with Louis, his girlfriend, Juniper joins him so I have someone to share my thoughts with as well while the two kids scream at a TV screen in the man cave.

I heard the sound of intentional groaning from upstairs and chuckled to myself knowing Harry found that I wasn't in bed beside him. "Babe?" He called and I felt my heart flutter at the sound of his raspy morning voice, something I'm never going to get used to. "Babe. Come on, why am I alone?" He whined further and I stood my ground in the kitchen, tossing pancakes. A few seconds later, I heard shuffling by the staircase as a red-eye, half asleep Harry walked into the kitchen. A pout rested on his cherry lips while his hair swirled up in every direction yet still floppy and soft. "Good morning, sleepy head" I smiled at the love of my life as he leaned against the wall by the refrigerator "Why weren't you in bed? I love waking up to you next to me, it makes my day better" The thickness of his accent was evident in the way he barely pronounced his words. "Aw, but I had to get breakfast started before Louis and Juny come over" He let out a groan, throwing his head back as he padded his way towards me "They can make their own food, in their own houses, this is our food" His large hands wrapped around my bump, gently rubbing his thumbs in circles.

Harry's lips found home at the nape of my neck as he resumed his daily position of holding me while I prepare our breakfast, his arms around my bump, lifting it up as the weight of it causes my back to hunch forward, and when he does that my back straightens. I keep on refusing the gesture even though I find so much relief in it but he declines my refusal as well with the reason that I put that in you so I will help you carry it too in any way that I can. I don't deserve him. "How are you feeling today? Does your back still hurt?" I hummed as I leaned into him "Just a little but I'm okay, I didn't realise that I'd be this big at 7 months, I blame you and your giant genes" Harry let out a laugh into my shoulder "I'm sorry, I'm also sorry if our baby turns out to be 6 feet or more" I gasped and nudged my elbow into his chest only to have him chortle goofily. I sighed in relief as the pancakes were done, "Eggs next?" I hummed and Harry moved us to the refrigerator, his feet walking for the both of us as he slid them under mine, as if his feet were my shoes.

I grabbed the eggs and we went back to the stove, once the eggs were done moments later, Harry set me into the booth we have in the kitchen. I watched as he moved around the kitchen, plating our breakfast before sliding into the booth next to me "I love you" He looked at me, a crooked smile on his face and I mirrored it "I love you too" I leaned over and kissed his lips only to hear the front door burst open "Here we go" Harry muttered against my mouth and I chuckled. "Good morning, you beautiful people" Louis walked into the kitchen with a brown bag in his hand, Juniper behind him with another one "We brought bagels and other snacks" She said and I passed a confused look to Harry who shrugged in response "I told her we don't need to" Louis said and Juny slapped his arm "And I said it's good to not go empty handed to someone's house, be it a friend or family" I shook my head "You didn't have to" She repeated my action "Nonsense, I've noticed that Louis comes here and wipes out your entire pantry so I decided to lessen that habit of his" Harry laughed beside me

"She treats me like a child" Louis huffed and slid into the booth, serving himself breakfast while Juny did the same "That's because you are one, sweetheart" Louis sported a pout on his face and munched on bacon "You really didn't have to" I said "I felt bad and I wanted to repay you guys somehow for always being there for me even if it is with snacks and bagels" She smiled kindly. Juny works at a nearby coffee shop, so happens that we were passing by one night when she landed into some trouble. She was closing the store that night and with scared eyes, she ran up to Harry and I, hugged us both while speaking loudly that she's so thankful we came to pick her up from work. Two men had been following her, making unruly remarks as she walked home after closing the store. Ever since then, we made it a habit to check on her and even actually pick her up on the nights she closed. I only knew her as the girl who took my coffee order but after that she became a close friend until Louis' eyes landed on her and then the two of them got on like a house on fire.

Juny and I were sitting in the living room while the boys ran off to the man cave, we were discussing how I planned to decorate the nursery when I felt a jolt in my abdomen. "Ah!" I yelped loudly and began to panic as I remembered the gynecologist say that my pregnancy is a high risk case due to the tear in my uterus. Even though stitched up and healed, the doctors feared it could open again. I placed my hand to my bump, rubbing around as I tried to pin point the pain but it moved with my hand. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed as I came to the realization that the baby just kicked. The last few months had Harry and I worried because a feotus gives sign of movement in the second trimester and I had entered my third without any sign. We had been assured that nothing is wrong as we could still hear a heartbeat. "What's wrong? Are you in labor?" Juny jumped from her seat, panic stricken and I shook my head with a laugh "The baby kicked" Juny squealed at my response.

"What happened? I heard you scream" Harry came rushing in with Louis next to him, his eyebrows furrowed and I reached out for his hand "Come here" He placed his hand in mine and I pulled him to the couch beside me before guiding his hand to my bump "Babe, you're scaring me" I beamed with a giggle and he continued looking at me as if I had grown two horns "Just wait" I said softly and watched Harry nibble on his bottom lip in concentration, eyes focused on our hands that rested on my bump before he gasped sharply "Holy fuck!" I gave him a look for cursing "She kicked! She finally kicked" Harry cheered. Tears had welled in my eyes as our anticipation fizzled out, the moment we waited had arrived. "It finally happened" I don't correct Harry when he addresses our baby by "she", he's so sure that we're having a girl that I don't have the heart to burst his bubble every time.

"Congrats you two!" Louis cheered from behind the couch as Harry leaned forward, kissing my bump while whispering to it, I still haven't figured out what he says all the time. "Come feel" I told Louis and he held a skeptical look on his face but I assured him that the baby won't pop out like this and he held a childlike awe on his face when he felt the kick of the baby. The rest of the afternoon was spent watching the indents of the baby's foot or palm on my bump, the video game session was long forgotten as Harry had his arms wrapped around me with his large hands covering my bump, protecting our baby.

I hope that was fine? this brings us to the official end of complicated freak. there will be no more updates from this book and it breaks my heart. I love you guys and I thank you so much for being patient with me

if you like my work and want to read more, give me a follow for any upcoming work :)

all the love and stay safe x

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