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so about that last chapter, hey?

"Pregnant? What do you mean pregnant? I took my pill eve-" I cut my ramble short when I realized I had stopped taking my birth control pills for a month "You didn't, the card is still full in the kitchen drawer and I thought you had a reminder so I didn't think to ask you neither did I bother using a condom and we had a lot of sex in the last month" Harry slumped into the chair next to the bed, his hands clasped against his mouth, elbows resting on his thighs as I sat speechless on the bed. I glanced down to my body, placing a hand over my abdomen where I felt the thickness of a bandage and a sob escaped my lips "I knew I felt different, I knew something was wrong but I couldn't think of the reason. I thought my period was late because of my irregular cycle which is why I was given the pills but.." I trailed off in a breathless tone, disappointed in myself for not realizing sooner.

"What would you have done?" I peered up at Harry and his gaze met mine "What do you mean?" His eyebrows furrowed "What would you have done if I found out sooner that I was pregnant and that too with your baby?" I added, wondering if he'd bail or stay with me "I would have done everything to make sure that the both of you lead a comfortable and happy life because nothing would have made me more happier than raising a baby with the woman I love, I probably would have already planned how we're going to decorate the guestroom into a temporary nursery until we move into a proper home." The sincerity in Harry's voice and words made a shiver run down my spine. He really would have wanted this. Why do I still want to kiss him even though I'm mad at him? I nodded at his response and we fell into silence thereafter.

Harry then spoke up, clearing his throat "How about you? What would you have done?" I frowned noticing the fear in his eyes and I shrugged "I don't know, I guess I would have been shocked like how I am right now but I wouldn't have aborted it if that's what you're thinking because I love you and this baby would just be a bonus" I made a note of that so he didn't think otherwise. "You love me?" Harry perked up, his voice hopeful "I do," I shook my head "I did. I'm not sure about that anymore" I added solemnly and the small smile that kissed his lips fell along with the faint sparkle in his eyes at my confession. He nodded slowly before standing up, rubbing his hands against his thighs and I noticed the slight quiver to his fingers - he's nervous? "What's wrong?" I asked and he scratched above his eyebrow, while clearing his throat "I'm.. I think I should give your dad a call and tell him that you're okay. I'll be right back" He pulled out his phone and I just watched his retreating back as he walked out the hospital room, shutting the door behind him.

After Harry walked out, I was left in a discerning silence, the only sound in the room being the ECG machine to my left. My shoulders shook, I hadn't realized when I started crying until my chest tightened so much, making me feel as if I couldn't breathe. You were two and a half weeks pregnant. Those words rang in my head like a broken record, getting louder by the minute as if someone had been yelling it at me. I had a growing, living being inside me and I didn't care to acknowledge it. A baby, Harry's and my baby, a little human that would have made the three of us a complete family. I wondered if it would've been a girl or a boy, I began imagining what our baby would be like if I only knew beforehand. Would it have Harry's hair and eyes or my smile and nose? Would he or she pick up Harry's awful habit of eating out the pot when I cook? Would it grow up to be a doctor or an athlete?

So many questions and no answers, my head began to spin with thoughts and I pressed the red button, summoning the nurses. Two rushed into the room as my chest heaved in hyperventilation with each breath I took, I felt a prick into my skin before darkness consumed me and I fell unconscious, yet again. The faint sounds of my father's voice woke me up and I opened my eyes to find him standing next to my bed "Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" He cooed and proceeded to help me up "I'm okay, how long was I asleep for?" I felt a relief in my lungs as I was now able to breathe with ease "Three hours, the nurses said you had a panic attack" Harry answered from his position at the window of the room "I did" I nodded and Dad took a seat on the bed, his hand cupped my cheek as if inspecting me for anymore injuries and I placed my hand to his "I'm okay, Dad. Just a minor injury" I assured him but he still seemed unconvinced "I'll let the doctors decide when you're okay, you were in a freak accident, Addy, it's not minor" I took it by his words that he didn't know the entire story.

Harry stepped up to us and I glanced up at him but he shook his head slowly and I understood that he didn't tell my father about my what could have been pregnancy, I'm grateful for that "I promise, I'm okay. Give me a day and I'll be good as new" I passed the worried man a small smile and he leaned forward, tears formed in his eyes as he kissed my forehead "I almost lost you, sweetheart. Please be careful, I've always told you that, I don't want to lose the second half of the most important thing in my life" His voice choked up and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying at the mention of Mom. "I miss her" I added "I do too, honey, every day and every minute. She would have been reprimanding you so much right now" He said and I let out a soft chuckle "Then she'd cry and try to nurse my wounds" I added causing Dad to laugh with a nod to his head "Well on behalf of her, you're not driving ever again, if I see you behind a wheel I will ground you until you're 90" I jutted my bottom lip out and looked at Dad with puppy eyes "I'm sorry, Dad"

He sighed "Damn those puppy eyes!" I giggled and I didn't fail to notice the smile on Harry's face as he stood next to my father. "I'm gonna go for now, but I'll be back later, I have a meeting to attend to" Dad said and I sighed "Oh, and don't forget Harry, your match that was this Friday got pushed forward to Wednesday" Harry nodded at my father's words "Take care, sweetheart" Dad kissed my forehead once more bringing a smile to my lips before he walked out, leaving Harry and I alone. "You didn't tell him about the baby?" I questioned with a grown "I figured you would want to keep that hidden for a while until you're ready to disclose the matter" He answered softly and I felt my heart ache, as if millions of shards of glass had pierced through my skin. "You haven't eaten in 18 hours, I'm going to get you something from the cafeteria" Harry announced and I nodded, watching him walk out the room, his hands had lifted to his face as he used the heel of his palms to wipe at his eyes. I love you Harry, so much, but I'm gonna need time to wrap my mind around what you did, what you said.

so I started reading Aerial....

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