• epilogue •

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heyy, how y'all doing???

p.s. The attached picture is my biggest flex


I sat on the bench near the bay window, my left leg was folded under my right and I tightened my grip on the scalding cup of coffee in my hands, I was afraid I might break it with how strong my grasp was. My teeth chattered slightly from the winter air outside, the frost created an icy effect on the glass windows as flakes of snow sat atop the sills. I watched the neighbors walk by the front lawn, going about their daily activities or probably heading to work, the outlines of their bodies were only visible through the foggy windows. As I sipped on my coffee, my mind couldn't help but wander, making me think back to the worst moment in my life - the moment in which I lost everything. Amazing, right? Just how a simple, four lettered word can hold such heavy emotions. Loss is a feeling that no human or animal is estranged to, it's inevitable and it's one where we all can relate to. It's a nightmare disguised as a dream.

It's like an automatic, unbreakable cycle where I can't help but revert back to that afternoon. That should have been me on the receiving end of that bullet and not Adeline, she paid the price for something I did but I won't say I regret blacklisting Jason, he deserved every single thing that happened to him. I shuddered as the sound of that gunshot resonated through my eardrums, bouncing off of the walls causing my stomach to knot tightly. If I had been home earlier, maybe she wouldn't have gotten shot and I blame myself for that every fucking day. I was at the training center with Mr Jones, we had a long and tiresome meeting about what's to happen in the next season, especially for me since I had won the championship title in the previous one. The meeting went on for hours with them discussing ways in which I can better my techniques, increase the power in my punch and added changes to my dietary plan.

Once I noticed the time and realized that Addy would have been done with her lectures, I had wanted nothing more than to run away from that meeting and into her arms as we'd cuddle in bed all afternoon, talking about anything and everything but I was too late. I was mid-way through training - that Mr Jones put me on - when my phone rang and I could feel my heart rate increase as I thought it was Addy calling but the feeling sunk when I noticed my neighbor's name flash across the screen, "Cassandra, how can I help you?" I grabbed my water bottle and gulped down the contents "Hey, Harry. Where are you?" I frowned at her question "I'm at the training center, is something wrong?" I started to worry and immediately began packing my duffel. Addy. "Oh, it's just that I can hear loud voices coming from your apartme-" I cut her off by ending the call and sprinted out the center, into my car and sped my way home.

I took the stairs as a faster route to get to my apartment floor instead of the elevator, I almost stumbled over my feet at the sound of the gunshot, I pushed open the door and my heart sunk to my ankles. I watched as her lips morphed into a smile upon seeing me and the blood that pooled in my tank top that she wore was like a nightmare - one that became a reality. I ran towards her just as she fell back feeling like I was sucker-punched in my gut. I dialed the speed-dial number on my phone which I had saved in case I was injured and being a boxer, it came in handy with the paramedics. I love you, Harry. I always will. Those words heavy with her love and affection weighed down on my heart, it played in my head like a broken record for days on end and when I placed my fingers to her neck, I felt the faint beat of her pulse, the sensation had given me hope that I could still save her, that she could still return to me, that it was not the end of us. Anger coursed through my veins once the paramedics drove away, "You're dead" I gritted my teeth and wrapped my hand around Jason's throat, pushing him up against the wall.

"Are you happy now? You killed her, you fucking twat" I spat in rage and he swallowed hard, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to pull the trigger on her" I grimaced at his pathetic excuse of an apology "That doesn't change the fact that there's a bullet in her chest. All because of you. I'm glad you're blacklisted, you're going to rot in a cell for the rest of your life" I spoke in a low, threatening tone and my grip tightened around his neck causing Jason to whimper in pain "Remember that? Now you know how Adeline felt when you did the very same thing to her, she couldn't breathe because of you and yet again, she's losing her life because of you!" I yelled and watched him visibly shake at the menace in my voice. "Enjoy Jason, it's the only place you'll ever stay" I pulled him away from the wall and threw him to the side "We'll take it from here, Mr Styles" Jason fell onto a police officer "Thank you" I nodded and after that Jason had been sentenced to a lifetime of imprisonment, charged with attempt to murder, sexual assault, possession of an unlicensed firearm and trespassing.

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