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Omg CF readers, we're at 3K. I'm screaming!!! I hope you continue to enjoy this book, it means so much to me. I love you guys.

I breathed heavily as I stood there in front of Harry, my eyes were stuck onto his dark green ones. A small whimper escaped my lips when his hands gripped onto my waist, hearing that Harry tore his glaring eyes away from Luke and focused on me before letting me go. I breathed in relief at being free from his threatening clutches.

"There, I kissed her so now kindly shut the fuck up" Harry barked at the rest of his team players then stormed off. I kept my head down, shuffling from foot to foot "Asshole" I heard Luke mutter before he joined the rest of the team leaving Ethan, Carter and I alone. "Not a word, Carter. Not even a single syllable" I coughed once I cleared my throat, knowing she had opened her mouth to make a comment.

I turned on my heel and made a beeline for the university gates, my heart thumped faster than the highest speed of a Lamborghini or any other fast car for that matter, I was afraid I might just have a heart attack. I ran up to my dorm room, once inside I stripped off my clothes and had a hot shower with hope that I could wash off the murk that sat atop my skin. I wiped my body, changed and fell on my bed thereafter.

It's a good thing I didn't have any lectures for the rest of the day. Not realizing anything, I fell asleep in the same position - my head dug into my pillow. When I woke up, I found it to be nearly 6 in the evening, I've never slept that long before. "Oh great, you're finally awake" I heard Carter speak, I turned my head to face her finding her on her bed, reading glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Unfortunately" I grumbled, tossing over onto my back, staring at the ceiling "So, do you want to talk about it?" She quietly questioned, I sighed as I stood to my feet and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "There's nothing to talk about" I said once I was done, sitting onto my bed again with my textbooks beside me.

"Yes there is. He kissed you, Ads" I bit my lip, the feel of Harry's pressed against it still lingered on my lips. "He did it because he had to" I shrugged and grabbed one of my textbooks "Which was wrong. He should not have done that, he used you. I know that I ship you guys together and all but he shouldn't have kissed you without consent" Carter fought and I sighed "Just drop it okay. Please, I really don't want to think about him right now"

Carter is that kind of person, she hates when someone is forced to do something they don't want to. She could go on forever when it comes to rape cases that we hear about on the news or peer pressure. I'm not against it or anything but I sort of just want some quiet and Carter is a blabber mouth. I glanced towards her knowing she's still glaring at me and I sighed yet again. "Seriously, drop it" she finally nodded and went back to her books.

After that, the both of us kept to ourselves as we studied for our last paper that was in a few days. I heard Carter slam her textbook shut, "Are you hungry? Let's go to the cafeteria" I chuckled when her stomach growled thereafter, "Sure, come to think of it. I'm starving" I shrugged. We gathered our wits, Carter swapped her glasses for contacts then we headed out to the cafeteria. "Listen, I'm sorry for being so rude earlier on" I apologized "Hey, it's fine. I was the one being rude, I shouldn't have poked my nose where it doesn't belong. It's just that I worry for you, Ads" Carter softly said

"Especially now that your name is linked to Harry's" I frowned "What do you mean by that? I mean the last time you told me to be careful" I asked "Harry's a messed up character, I just don't want you to get too caught up in his web that you forget who's actually true to you" she fumbled with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous "Don't worry, I plan on steering clear of him" I passed her a soft smile and she threw her arm around my shoulder as we continued walking to the cafeteria "Well that's good then" she chuckled.

As we walked through the doors, we made our way to the queue that formed. Carter and I grabbed a few items of food and took a seat at our usual table, glad to find it empty as the cafeteria seemed full to the maximum. "What are your plans for the summer?" Carter asked, poking into the ceaser salad "I don't know, I'll probably finish off the art project and Scott is also on break so I'll hang out with him. Other than that, I'll be asleep" I shrugged "Sounds interesting" she chuckled "What do you have planned?" she beamed at my question.

"Ethan and I have planned a small vacation around Europe. We spoke about this a few times and since we're almost done with university, we figured it would be better if we do something like this before we graduate" I smiled at the idea, even though they piss me off, they will always be my favorite couple - other than my parents. "Oh my! We're graduating soon" I gasped "Exactly! I can't believe it. You'll be some high fly doctor and I'll be some forgotten friend" Carter fake cried

"Shut up, you nut! I won't forget you. You're going to make a fine artist, just you wait and see" Carter and I are studying the same course except she's taking more to the artistic side of it rather than the medical - which is her backup incase she doesn't become a famous painter. "2 o' clock" she muttered, glancing up from time to time at a specific spot behind me "What is it?" she sipped on her milkshake, now staring in that direction "Some boys are staring or gawking at you" she pointed.

Normally, Carter would be ecstatic about me receiving attention from the male species but not in this manner. I heard her giggle slightly and I raised my brows, questionable at her "What's so funny?" she stopped playing with her straw "Harry walked in and they scurried off" my heart thumped at the mention of his name "Even though I don't like what he did, at least that's keeping those fuckboys away from you" she said with a slight scowl in her tone.

"Hey" I choked on my muffin at the sound of that familiar British accent "What are you doing?" I accused, watching as Harry slid onto the seat next to me. His thigh brushed against mine and I jumped on the spot at the spark that stung my skin "I experience no joy, whatsoever, by doing this but I have a reputation at stake so if my girlfriend isn't sitting by my side, that reputation that I have will slither down the drain like muck" he growled at me and I leaned away

"Well, we need to shut down those rumors and the feeling is mutual, I'm not happy either" I scoffed, munching on the rest of my muffin when a hand reached across, taking a French fry from my tray of food "Hey!" I smacked Harry's arm "The fuck?" he looked at me wide eyed, surprised at my actions, his green eyes stood out against the pale lighting of the cafeteria "Get your own" I growled this time "Nah, yours looks tastier" Harry's lips held a small smirk to it as he raised the French fry to them, taking a bite and I narrowed my eyes at him.

I leaned forward, in a somewhat threatening manner, he mirrored my action and I felt our noses brush against each other "I don't like sharing my food. So get your own" Harry continued to smirk "No" he said and took me by surprise when he gently pecked my lips before leaning back in his previous position "I'd rather have yours instead" my eyes widened at his actions and the sound of Carter slurping onto the last bit of her milkshake broke me out of my reverie.

When I looked back at her, Carter had her green eyes wide opened and her jaw hung open with the straw of her milkshake, hanging loosely from her lips. I gave her a look as if telling her to keep quiet, "You just kissed me" I turned to Harry "Yeah, so?" he shrugged and continued eating a salad "Why?" I folded my arms "Because you're my girl." Harry stated, I watched the slow movements of his jaw as he chewed onto a leaf of lettuce "I'm not" I gulped seeing Harry's eyes darken.

"Then why couldn't you tell that to everyone else!" he bellowed causing me to squeak in fright "Why are you putting this all on me, Harry?" I raised my voice a little, thankfully the table Carter and I sit at, is situated in the far corner of the cafeteria "If you could have opened your fucking eyes and seen where you were standing, I would not have had to save you that night" Harry turned his body to face me "No one told you to fucking save me!" Harry kept quiet thereafter - the both of us did.

Well then.
Oh Harry, what is wrong with you?

All the love x

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