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What did you think of the previous chapter? The first smut scene. There's one thing about me which is that I am very insecure when it comes to smut scenes so I hope it was good enough.


I think it was sweet of Harry to ask Adeline if she wanted to have sex with him before he went further, he made sure she gave her consent even though every bone (well one in particular) in his body wanted to be inside her.

"Stop moving" I continued to giggle as I wriggled my legs "Adeline, I swear to God if you don't stop moving your legs, I will punish you" Harry threatened darkly, my lips rolled into my mouth "Oops?" I feigned innocence when I wriggled my legs in his grasp once again and he clicked his tongue "That's it, I'm trying to bandage your leg and you keep defying me. Wait until the ski trip, Jones" He warned and I huffed, memories of last night flooded my mind and my body heated up. "It's not my fault that I'm ticklish there" Harry wrapped my ankle with a bandage and put a plaster over it, to hold it in place.

I hadn't noticed the cut on my skin until I had a shower and while scrubbing my legs, the wound started to bleed as I washed off the scab that formed. Initially, I thought it was a small graze but it turns out the chains did that. Shortly after Harry finished nursing my leg, we left for Ohio. I would admit that waking up to Harry's naked body pressed against my own did come as a shock until realization dawned upon me. Oh my God, I had sex with Harry. I gasped as I shot up from bed, my actions unphased Harry who slept peacefully, then switched his position so he's sprawled out on his front with his arm stretched over the pillow I slept on.

With wide eyes, I followed each crevasse of his toned back, noticing the small indents in his skin caused by my nails. I was fully conscious of my actions last night but I guess it was slightly hard for me to let the events of last night to sink in. When I walked out the bathroom, showered and limping, I found Harry awake as he stretched out on the bed before reaching for his phone "Why are you limping?" He asked when he looked up "There's a cut on my leg, I didn't notice it last night" I scrunched my nose as my leg started to ache, I sat onto the bed and pulled my hair into a bun atop my head. "Keep this on it while I go shower" He handed me an ice cube from the mini fridge in the motel room, I placed it on my leg to help the swelling.

Harry finished his shower while I worked on cleaning the blood from the wound, the cut almost two inches big. Once he was changed, Harry pulled the cotton wool away from my hands and began nursing the wound himself. "Hungry?" I turned to Harry, humming in response as I was lost in thought "Your stomach grumbled" My cheeks heated and he let out a chuckle at my look of embarrassment "Uh, yeah" I nodded and focused on the road again. He continued driving until he came to a stop outside a small restaurant, I followed Harry inside while limping slightly. Entering the restaurant, I was glad to not find a bunch of burly bikers sitting inside instead there were families and a few couples.

We took a seat at one of the booths as a waitress came up to us with the menus, I began sifting through it and we placed our orders. "How long more until we reach Ohio?" I asked and realized that I don't have my phone or my credit card "Oh my fucking God" I groaned and tugged onto my hair, knowing my father might kill me for losing it again "A few hours and what's wrong?" Harry asked, giving me a look of confusion "I don't have my phone or cards" I mumbled and he chuckled "It's in my Jeep. You dropped your shorts when they took you and everything was in there" I breathed in relief before reaching across the table to whack his arm "What the hell?" He widened his eyes.

"Couldn't you have said that earlier before I began ranting?" I gave him a pointed look "Then how would I have witnessed the amount of stress you just put yourself through in a span of 5 minutes?" He smirked while tearing off the end of a straw wrapper "Asshole" I grumbled and opened my own, placing it into my milkshake "Although, I'd love to see what I saw last night" He stuck his tongue behind his bottom lip and the lustrous glint in his eyes made me shift in my seat, a butterfly feeling formed in my stomach "In your dreams" I retorted and soon our meals came. "Oh, most definitely" He smirked

Immediately, I began eating the burger when my mind drifted off to images of Harry in between my legs. I gulped inaudibly as I could still feel him thrusting into me, his pulsing cock stretched me out to a point where my legs felt numb. My thighs were still sore but I won't give Harry the satisfaction of knowing that. I can't believe the effect Harry has over me, I should hate him and his arrogant ass. But I don't. I just want more and more of him, like an addiction and he's the drug. With one touch he can render me submissive, I'm not a submissive person.

The sound of glass crashing brought me back to reality, "Are you okay?" Harry asked and I furrowed my brows "Hmm?" He drew a ring with his forefinger in the air, gesturing to my face "You're all red" I hummed with a nod, afraid if I speak, I might say something I shouldn't. I cleared my throat and declared "I'm going to the washroom" I stood up abruptly, not waiting for Harry's reply, and made a beeline for the restrooms, trying to ignore the feeling of my soaking panties against my skin.

I locked myself in one of the stalls, sitting on the lid of the toilet. I gathered my thoughts, well I tried to gather those that don't revolve around Harry. I twisted the handle on the door and stepped out, looking at myself in the mirror, "You were thinking about us, weren't you? Don't worry, I did that too" I jumped on the spot, having failed to notice the figure standing at the door "Don't do that! You frightened me" I held a hand to my chest and Harry chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender "Wasn't my intention but answer my question, Adeline" My grip on the countertop tightened, the smirk on Harry's face when he said my name only riled me up further.

"No" I lied and he neared me, his steps were determined and slow until he towered over my form, caging me in between his body and the sink behind me. "I think that, the way you squirmed in your seat and how you squeezed your thighs together as you walked away, begs to differ." He drawled out before his fingertips ran up my arms to my neck, "I bet your panties are soaking already" He used his thumb to tilt my chin so my eyes met his, our lips brushed against each other. "Fuck you" I spat, grabbing his collar and pulled him closer as my mouth met his "Oh, I wouldn't dream of anything else" He muttered into my mouth and responded to the kiss before hoisting me up onto the countertop.


I think I lived up to the title of this book bc Harry is both complicated and a sex freak. Wohoo.

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