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Thoughts on the previous chapter??

The ride back to the dorm was quiet, relaxing to be honest. The soft sounds of Fleetwood Mac resonated through the Rover. I kept my eyes closed, leaning back against the seat as I softly hummed along to the music. I hadn't noticed we stopped until Harry placed a hand to my knee, warm yet calloused and strong, "We're here" he said and I sat upright followed by thanking him for dropping me off, taking note that he hadn't stopped blocks away but right at the entrance of the dormitory - unlike the last time.

I had sped into the building and into my room finding Ethan and Carter sprawled out on her bed. Ethan had half of his body, falling off the single bed while Carter was pressed against the wall - caged in by Ethan's body. I chuckled to myself, at the sight before me as I reached for my charged phone, snapping a picture for future use. I took a long, hot shower before changing into a pair of sweatpants and an off-shoulder top. Once my hair had dried, I threw it up into a messy bun before gathering my study material as I made myself comfortable on my bed.

A half hour into studying, I heard soft groans from the side of me. I then turned my attention to the hungover couple, "Wakey wakey" I sing-songed much to their annoyance "Shut up" Carter grumbled and I shrugged going back to my textbooks. That's one thing I like about getting drunk, my hangover doesn't last long. Due to that I felt special about myself, Carter had always envied that. "Addy!" Carter called, her one eye opened as she peered up at me "Yes?" I dragged the word "Can you get me a cup of coffee?" She pouted and I sighed

"Ethan, for you?" I asked as I stood from my bed "I'm good, Addy" he sleepily said "You're awake!" Carter gasped and Ethan chuckled softly, he had woken up a long time ago but Carter wouldn't have gotten off the bed if he wasn't awake hence her surprise "Yeah I am" he looked at her from over his shoulder and I laughed at them. I made her a cup of coffee, handing it to her, having made sure it was extra bitter as we have to study for our last exam before the summer holiday - something I'm waiting patiently for.

"What are you doing?" Carter croaked, leaning up against the wall "Studying" I deadpanned as I sat on my bed again watching Ethan fall off the bed, face first. "Don't kick me" he whined, flipping Carter off and she stuck her tongue out at him. Honestly, they amaze me with the way they act, at times they're all lovable and at other times they just want to rip each other's heads off.

"I'm gonna head to the café" I chuckled, once again getting off my bed and heading out the dorm room with my books in the curve of my arm "Have fun!" Carter yelled and I waved at her then made my way out the dormitory and across the road to the local café. It's peaceful here with the soft buzz of the coffee machine and chatter of the many patrons. I took my seat at a random booth, setting my laptop on the table before me along with my various textbooks.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice, I looked up from having my nose buried deep inside my anatomy textbook while my hand scribbled points in my notebook "Oh, hi" I waved slightly at the blue eyed boy "Luke, right?" He smiled a pearly white smile "Ah, she remembers" he placed a hand to his chest above his heart in a dramatic way and I chuckled "Please, have a seat" I offered - not wanting to be rude since he had asked - and he nodded before sitting across from me. "So, what are you up to?" I held up my textbook, showing him the cover "Studying for my final"

"Medical student, nice. Care to play doctor-doctor with me someday?" I raised my brows at his suggestion, taken aback slightly and he laughed "I'm kidding. I hate hospitals, they all smell like death and hand sanitizer which makes me want to puke. Apparently, they smell like that so the patients feel more miserable and stay longer hence the big paychecks the doctors receive" Luke grimaced and it was my turn to laugh this time "Quite a discovery" I commended and he shrugged "What can I say? I'm a sucker for facts" I shook my head at him as my Frappuccino arrived.

"What are you studying?" I sipped on my Frappuccino, the foam covering the top of my lip as I then licked it off. My cheeks flushed as I caught Luke's eyes following my actions, "Uh, music" he answered in a somewhat distracted tone before his eyes met mine instead of staying at my lips. "Here's your coffee, Luke" minutes later, the busty waitress placed a cup of coffee on the table, winking at him and he smiled at her "Thank you, darling" she giggled like a school girl before walking away. My eyebrows raised in surprise for the second time in 10 minutes, "Wow" I muttered to myself.

"So, what are your plans for the summer?" Luke asked, taking a sip of his coffee. I won't lie, Luke is quite good looking. He has this fluffy head of blonde hair, the bluest of eyes with high cheekbones and pink lips. Perfection. What? Don't give me that look, I'm allowed to look at hot guys. "Sleep" I stated with a low chuckle, Luke shook his head "I'm kidding, I'll probably spend time with my parents and catch up with old high school friends that stay in my neighborhood" I blabbered a few lies to make my life seem interesting, watching Luke play with his lip ring - which suits his grunge appearance.

"That's nice, maybe we should meet up" he suggested with a playful smile on his face, leaning his elbows on the table and I sat back in my seat "Maybe we should" I smiled softly at him, he returned it before looking at his watch "I better get going, I have a lecture. It was nice seeing you, Addy" he drawled my name causing my cheeks to flush. "Likewise" I nodded and watched him leave a few notes on the table before walking out the door of the café.

Why did I lie? That was so stupid of me. For all I know, I'm just going to spend my time watching Netflix, eating junk food and sketching or reading a few novels for the rest of my summer holiday. So why did I want Luke to think I lead an interesting life, when I don't? Shaking my head of any further questions, I continued with my studying as I scribbled points from my textbook and highlighted important facts.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter, lately I've just felt demotivated. I'm gonna make the next longer, hopefully.

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All the love xx

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