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"Daddy! Come back, please" I cried, reaching out to him but he was too far away. I moved my legs to start running towards him but it felt as if I was on a treadmill, an endless path in a fixed position. "Please! I need you" I fell to my knees, distraught and tired. I watched as a blonde woman walk up to him, a baby in her arms "I'm sorry, I love you so much" He mouthed before he walked away with her, his arm wrapped around her just like he did with Mom. Mom stood behind me, she picked me up and held me to her chest. "Mommy, will Daddy ever come back?" I whispered and wiped away the tears that streamed down my cheeks "I don't know, honey" A little kid, few years younger than me, ran up to them and Daddy picked him up before tossing him into the air just like he did with me. He seemed farther away from me than before and I noticed Mommy walking away in the opposite direction, she didn't once stop him, she didn't tell him that I'll need him, she didn't do anything.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" The soft sound of Addy's voice broke my train of thought "Hmm?" I glanced up at her, shifting my gaze from my hand that rested on her midriff "What's on your mind?" She asked again, her hand trecked lightly through my hair "Is it about the nightmare you had?" I couldn't help but feel this flutter in my chest as she guessed correctly. I didn't say a word and she understood, "You're better off without him, babe" Addy assured and I nodded "It's just weird that I had that dream after years, maybe it's because I saw him but I just don't like it" I voiced my thoughts and she passed me a small smile "He's not worth your time, he left you and your family when you needed him the most. Don't break your head over someone who doesn't even bother about you" I smiled at her words "When did you become so wise?" She chuckled "I was always like that" Addy remarked proudly.

We were lying in bed, the only thing covering us were the sheets, talking about anything that came to mind. Her limbs tangled with mine and my hand layed on her naked torso, gently tracing patterns on her soft skin while her one hand played with my hair and the other loosely twined with mine from time to time. Casting my eyes over her chest which slowly rose and fell with each breath she took, I trailed my hand up along her collarbones then ended off at her exposed breasts, so round and plump. Her nipples were erect and hard, due to the cool air surrounding us and I knew my touch had started to affect her by the heaving of her chest. My eyes met hers, the most captivating feature, like dewy drops of water. I watched as her lips stretched into a soft smile and I couldn't help but mirror it, "You're so beautiful, Addy" I complimented in admiration that the girl sleeping stark naked beside me is all mine and I saw the instant rise of heat that rushed to her cheeks.

I moved my fingers around her breast, feeling the hardened nipple graze my palm before I gently cupped it causing a low hum to leave her lips. Her eyes shut closed as she tilted her head back and I massaged her breasts, taking my time by pinching the nipples between my thumb and forefinger, a subtle gasp escaping her mouth. I smirked to myself in satisfaction at being the only one to elicit such a reaction from her. Her eyes opened to meet mine and I once again trailed my hand down her cleavage and to her abdomen, drawing mindless patterns until she placed her hand over mine "What's wrong?" I asked "Stop teasing me, Harry" She warned and I let out a chuckle before shuffling closer to her "You know you got me right where you want, a heaving mess with a pool between my thighs" She went on and I licked my lips, feeling my blood rush south at the image of her riding me entered my mind. "Round 2?" My hands went to her hips as she threw her leg over my thighs, straddling me while hovering over my erection. "Don't have to ask me twice" She giggled at my answer only to yelp as I gripped her hips and lowered her onto me.

Hours later, I dropped Addy at her parents and left to football practice much to my dismay. I would have rather stayed in bed with Addy, discussing the most stupidest things while caressing each other's bare skin which obviously led to sex. "Styles! You're late" Coach shouted and I huffed, dropping my duffel onto the bleacher "I know" I put on my gear and ran to the field for drills. Unfortunately, Jason's team had graced us with their presence as Coach decided it was best we all trained together for a game. I stopped myself from hurling the football at Jason's head each time he corrected mine and my team's form on the field. "Styles, where were you? You're never late" Coach asked, he had his clipboard in his hand, ready to take down my excuse as insubordination which is pretty fucked up, Jason snickered "He must've been getting his dick sucked by that slut of his" That's it.

I lunged towards Jason, my arm jerked back before I threw it forward, my fist colliding with his jaw. "Don't you dare talk about her like that" I warned him after being pulled off of him by Corbin and Dylan. "Hope you enjoy my used goods" Jason yelled with a smug smile on his face, his teammates nudging his arm as they all laughed and I growled, breaking away from Corbin and Dylan. "I've had enough of your shit for today, Jason" I pushed at his chest, he fell on his back and I threw multiple punches at his face. "Say another thing about my girl, one more time, and you're fucking dead" I threatened and stood up, looking down at him as he lied on the ground. "I've warned you before and I'm warning you again, don't mess with me" I gritted my teeth, not failing to notice the terrified glint in Jason's eyes at the menace in my tone.

When I got home that evening, I found the apartment empty and sighed realising that Addy was still at her parents. "Coming!" I wrapped a towel around my waist as I exited the shower, hearing the doorbell ring "What do you want?" I pinched the bridge of my nose seeing Gabriel on the other end "Is that the way to greet your father?" He barged through the door, pushing me aside followed by his two minions "You're not my father, Gabriel" He chuckled and took a seat on the couch "Oh but I am, I raised you to be the man you are" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him "My mother raised me, singlehandedly, not you. The only thing you ever did was buy us over with money, granted we needed it because we were desperate" I spat and Gabriel sighed "Details, details" He waved his hand about "Why are you really here?" I questioned and he stood up, buttoning his coat around his pot-bellied body.

"Remember when you used to run errands for me and I'd give you a new toy car as a reward?" He started and I scoffed "Fuck no. I'm not becoming your little drug delivery boy again. I'm done with that" I walked to the door and held it open "Thank you for your time" I gestured to the hallway "Think about it. Lots of cash involved, you can finally buy a proper house" Gabriel cajoled "I'm not interested and stay away from me. I don't want anything to do with you. Goodbye, Gabriel" I shut the door behind the three of them and walked to my room, grabbing my phone and making a few calls - mainly to the police commissioner. I ended the call with the commissioner only to have my phone ring with another call, "Hey babe" I greeted as I answered the phone. I tensed hearing her sob, "Baby, what's wrong?" I began to panic, thinking that Jason got to her "I need you, please. My Mom, we're at the hospital, she's not okay" I got dressed as she spoke "I'm on my way, hang in there, Addy" I got in my car and drove to the hospital.

so how was THIS????

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