• bonus chapter 1 •

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these chapters aren't going to be very long so hope you enjoy x

Thump. Thump. Thump. The rhythm of my heart grew faint with each beat, my body felt afloat yet an unknown force pulled me away, drowning me into an abyss of darkness. My torso ached and my veins felt cold, I could feel pressure being added onto my chest as the voices around me were muffled, something pricked my skin - multiple things pricked my skin but I couldn't decipher what. I was shot. Jason shot me. I gasped for air as I gained consciousness, jolts of energy surged through my nerves. Being greeted with the familiar fluorescent light hooked to the ceiling as I opened my eyes was something I didn't think I'd see again. The bright beams made my eyes to crinkle, burning at the edges as I blinked profusely to adjust to my surroundings.

My gaze flicked around the room I was in, sensation returning to my being bit by bit. A weight was felt on my torso and I willed movement in my arms to my fingers, trying to claw away at the weight on me but I was too weak. The sound of the door opening broke my concentration and I looked up to find Harry standing at the doorway, I watched his lips quiver as he dropped the bag he was holding and it hit the floor with a thud. "You're awake" He breathed, relief washed over his reddened and tired eyes. I tried moving my arms again but I couldn't, my shoulders shook in the process, "Don't move" He started "Don't move just yet, you're still healing, baby" Harry was near my side in a second, his warm hand embraced mine and my throat tightened. I'm sorry. I said but I couldn't hear my voice, "Water?" I managed a small nod at his question.

I forced my lips apart, tearing away from each other as if scorched and I peeled the skin off, "Here" Harry held a straw to my mouth, making sure none of the water from the bottle spilled over and I pulled, gulping down the liquid within seconds. It being like an oasis in the dry desert, quenching my thirst. "I'm sorry, Harry" I croaked, my voice was groggy and he shook his head, bringing the chair closer as he sat "You don't have to apologize for anything, it's not your fault" The tears that welled up in my eyes trickled down the side of my head, getting lost in my hair, the moisture of it slid along my scalp. "Baby, please don't cry" I screwed my eyelids closed as I continued to sob, I felt Harry brush his fingers through my hair before wiping off the tears from the side of my eyes with his thumb "You're safe and you're alive now. There's nothing more that I wanted than to have you safe and sound"

"I was shot. Jason shot me, what ha-" I pointed out and my voice was choked, I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and Harry cut me off by shaking his head, his finger over my lips to stop me from speaking "He's taken care of, Addy. He's not going to trouble you again, I promise you that, he's out of our lives forever" I nodded and tilted my head into the pillow, blinking away the tears that formed in my eyes yet again. "So, how long was I unconscious for?" I asked, moving away from the topic surrounding Jason "It's been two days since the incident" Harry replied and I nodded, flattening my hand on the bed, imploring at him to take it as I craved his embrace. "You should get some sleep, Harry. When was the last time you slept?" I looked at my boyfriend and his haphazard appearance, his hair was tousled and seemed unwashed while his beautiful, seafoam eyes laid stressed and tired with a red ring around the irises.

He shook his head, squeezing my hand in his grasp and I smiled a little at the action "I don't need sleep, I need to be with you" He said and the door opened, breaking into our conversation "I can answer that for you. Lover boy over here hasn't sleep for the last three days" Carter walked into the room with Ethan and Scott behind her "Hey, you guys" I smiled at them "Your dad will be here later on, he's still at the center and he reminded me to let Harry know that he's going to kick his ass for neglecting his health in the last few days" Scott spoke up and Harry rolled his eyes "It's good to see you awake, you scared me, you scared us. I felt like I was going to lose a piece of me" Carter stood at the opposite end to Harry of my hospital bed "It feels good to be alive and you'll never get rid of me, I'm like a leech in your life" I said lightly, hoping the joke would ease the tension of my boyfriend's shoulders but it only made his body go even more rigid "Hey, I'm okay" I assured him, squeezing his hand.

"I know" He nodded "How are you feeling? Any pain?" Ethan asked "A little but just my torso, I can feel the weight of the bandage" I sighed "Are you hungry?" Carter nudged Ethan "Of course she is, dummy. She hasn't eaten for the past three days" I chuckled softly at their banter "I was just asking, sheesh" Ethan pouted "I'll head to the cafeteria and bring you something" She said "Nothing solid, she can't have any for a while" Harry mentioned quickly just as Carter was walking out the room, she nodded "I know, Harry. Relax, okay?" He sighed and put his focus back to me "I love you" I muttered, watching as a smile broke out onto his grim face "I love you too, baby" He lifted my hand to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss to my knuckles "Ugh, you're making me want to barf" Scott commented, presuming Carter's position next to my bed "You'll survive, Scott" Harry shook his head and Scott sighed dramatically.

Carter had come back carrying multiple tubs of jello which I ate with the help of Harry. Hours went by as the four of us spoke about random things, some regarding Harry's matches, some regarding university and graduation while the rest was Scott gushing about the men at the navy as well as flirting with Harry and Ethan - which was very entertaining. "Hey, sorry I'm late, new supplies came in and I got caught up with a bunch of other stuff at the center" Dad bustled in through the door, closing it behind him until he turned his head "You're awake? Oh, thank God" He set eyes on me and breathed in relief, placing a hand to his chest over his heart as his eyes welled up with tears "Hey, Dad" I greeted softly and he rushed to my side, going over the mandatory questions about how I felt. "I just want to go home" I whined and he passed me a stern look

"You'll go home when the doctor says you can. You nearly died, Addy, and I'm not taking any chances. You'll stay here, in this hospital, until your wound is completely healed, if it was up to me" He scolded and I rolled my lips into my mouth, nodding slowly. "Finally, he's asleep" Carter whispered and I felt a weight on my thigh, a small smile played on my face as glanced at Harry's sleeping form. I ran my fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his forehead with my free hand as my other still laid in his grasp. Soon the four of them left and I sighed loudly, not knowing what to do now that I wasn't unconscious and I chuckled to myself hearing the soft snores leaving Harry's lips. I could only imagine what was to come in the next few months especially knowing that Harry was going to watch me like a hawk.

was this okay? I tried. I didn't want to go too much into detail regarding how each and everyone of them felt since the book is over and I mostly focus on Harry and adelines feelings at times skdkd.

All the love and don't forget to wash your hands and tpwk x

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