• 65 •

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I think it was high time for this considering we're 65 chapters in. wow

"Hey, how was training?" I asked as Harry walked through the room door, his boots dragged across the flooring. He kicked them off and dropped his duffle to the chair, "Tiring, your father decided it was time to take training to the next level. Either he's frustrated with something and needed to take out his anger or he just wanted to be dick" Harry shrugged off his jeans and shirt, leaving him in his boxers "Hey!" I said warningly and he rolled his eyes "I'm sorry he did that, babe. Come here" I lifted my arms and Harry crawled onto the bed, fitting between my parted legs with his arms snaking around my back. I kissed the top of his head, the fragrance of his shampoo wafted my senses and I brought my arms down to go over his shoulders. I continued with my last art project, now at the final stage, being glad that it's over and I won't be doing art for my senior year anymore.

Harry nuzzled his nose against my chest and I played with his hair from time to time, "Is this my hoodie?" He asked, barely lifting his head to look at me "Yeah, I wanted something comfy and I found your hoodie, is that fine?" He nodded a little "Of course, I like it when you use my clothes" He said and I smiled, kissing his head again. Soft snores left Harry as he fell asleep while I finished the sketch I started, I kept the sketchbook aside once I was done and carefully slid down on the bed. Harry has been training for the last week since my birthday, he said he's preparing for the big championship that's at the end of the month and my father hasn't made it easier for him either. I haven't spoken to my parents, I haven't even left Harry's apartment except the times I went up to the terrace.

I tangled my fingers in Harry's hair, gently scratching along his scalp and chuckled lightly as he hummed in his sleep followed by him mumbling a few words. There's one thing that I've come to learn about Harry, is that when he's extremely exhausted, he tends to talk in his sleep. It's quite entertaining trying to figure out what he's saying, I promised to record him as proof when he didn't believe me. I reached for my phone, finding the sound recorder and placed the speaker near Harry's mouth. He continued muttering words to himself, most of it sounded like gibberish and I giggled in response. I sucked in a breath when I heard him next, pressing the stop button on the recorder and looked at Harry with wide eyes. My hands shook as I placed my phone to the bedside table when I noticed Harry stir in his sleep, I closed my eyes as Harry's opened, I kept mine in slits and watched Harry glance around the room in confusion before he looked towards me.

I calmed my rapid breathing, his words played on my mind like a broken record and I felt him fit his head in the crook of my neck, holding me tighter in his arms and I mirrored his actions. His lips pressed against my skin in a soft kiss and I screwed my eyes shut, my body had gotten tense, I knew Harry could feel it by how he rubbed his hand up and down my side in a comforting manner. A smile made its way to my face at the gesture as I thought of how different Harry was when we met three months ago and how he is now, it's almost surreal. Eventually, I fell asleep as well, multiple questions floated through my head. Did he really say that? I managed to brush those thoughts aside, bringing myself to believe that he didn't say anything at all. It can't be true.

When I woke up, a few hours later, I noticed the time to be nearing dinner. I glanced down at Harry, who was still asleep on my chest, now completely wrapped around me as his legs tangled with mine. My urge to pee overpowered my need to stay in his arms until he wakes up as well, I started kissing his forehead and cheek to make him wake up. "Babe, I'm gonna move now, alright" I whispered in his ear, something new I had learnt after staying with Harry, he groaned in response as he stirred awake and loosened his grip on me. I slid from underneath him, replacing myself with a pillow and watched as he hugged it with all his might. I chuckled softly, bent down and kissed the side of his head before heading into the bathroom, now feeling a relief in my breathing from having Harry's heavy body on mine.

I don't mind Harry sleeping on me but his large frame is sometimes suffocating, especially when he's really tired then I can't move him over onto his back. I headed into the kitchen, opening the fridge to see what food was leftover and what I can cook. I connected my phone to the sound bar in the living room, hearing the familiar melody of Killer Queen, keeping the volume at a minimum so to not disturb Harry. I grabbed my laptop while the food was simmering on the stove and went through my emails as my art professor has a habit of sending us all a message to make sure we complete the assignment before our first day back in the new semester. "Hey, sleep well?" I jumped a little when Harry's hands rested on my shoulders, kneading it softly. He rested his chin on my head and hummed, "Why did you wake up so quickly?" He then wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I leaned further into his arms.

"I needed to start dinner plus I had to pee" He let out a low chuckle "How's your art project coming along?" He asked and I sighed "It's great, almost done. I can't wait to hand it in" He nodded in response "That's good, I could never get any assignments done during breaks from school or university" He said and I looked up at him "Such dedication" I noted sarcastically "Oh, shut up. Not everyone is as studious as you, babe" I giggled "That's true, all of you are such losers" Harry gasped with a hurt expression on his face "How rude! You're the loser, if I may add. Who does homework when they're supposed to be on break?" He gave me an incredulous look and I rolled my eyes "I do, I like to get things done as soon as possible" I leaned up and kissed his chin before going back to my laptop. "What are you making?" Harry walked over to the pot on the stove, stirring it with the spoon and I immediately whacked his hand as he lifted the spoon to his mouth.

"What was that for?" He looked at me wide eyed "Not with that, it's rude. Take another spoon and don't put it back into the pot" I said warningly and he sighed "Yes, ma'am" Harry did a salute before following my instructions. "Oh, wow" Harry moaned and I peered over the screen of my laptop "This is so good" He hummed "I think I might just fall in love with this" I choked on air and coughed in response, he gave me a weird look "Are you okay?" I nodded with a small smile "I'm good. Let's have dinner" I said and grabbed us two bowls before dishing out, Harry being the one to overfill his bowl causing me to chuckle at his childlike behavior. Dinner went on smoothly with the both of us watching reruns of Friends, I cleaned up the dishes while Harry had a shower.

I walked into our room - is it really our room? I mean, I have been staying here for the last two months. I noticed my phone on the bedside table, the distant sound of gushing water danced through the background. With timid steps, I reached for my phone - almost as if I will be scorned by touching it. Opening the door to the balcony, I then sat on the outdoor couch before standing up and pacing the area out of pure anxiousness. I scrolled through my phone to find the recording I made of Harry earlier as he slept, I placed the speaker to my ear and tears had stung at the edges of my eyes, hearing him say something - even though sleepily - I never thought he would. Harry had hummed in his sleep, "Hmm, I love you" My hand covered my mouth while my eyes widened in shock, still not believing it.

well? definitely wasn't how I expected this would go...

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