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I tweeted "Watermelon Sugar" and some old guy messaged me "I want to be your sugar daddy" like first of all, ew I'm going to vomit and secondly, wtaf

Enjoy the chapter.

"Addy, join us" Dylan called and I shook my head "I'm fine. I'll sit this one out" I sat on the nearby porch bench while everyone else filed into the hot tub "You don't have to sit with me, Harry" I followed Harry as he approached me, walking around the bench as he took a seat "And here I thought you actually like me instead you're chasing me away" He teased and I pushed away the tingling feeling in my chest at his words "No, I'm saying that because you could be in the hot tub with everyone else rather than sitting here" He shrugged "I'd rather be here plus it's awkward being the fifth wheel" He said and I nodded in understanding, Louis and Madeline were nowhere to be seen much to Harry's and my relief.

"Are you still hurting?" Harry questioned after a while and I shook my head "I'm fine and thank you for last night" I passed him a small smile and he returned it with a nod. For some reason, my mind did not think about my period cramps when Harry said that. I mentally scolded myself for continously thinking about Harry inside of me, Carter was right when she said that he's definitely great in bed; just by the judgment of his back. There is nothing awkward or more uncomfortable than getting your period when you're miles away from home. The only thing left from the basket Harry made for me was the candle and bath bombs along with the free back massage. I might have to cash in that coupon.

Without thinking, I crawled over to Harry, lifting his arm up as I placed myself underneath it, resting my head on his chest and let his arm fall around me. "Comfortable?" He asked with a chuckle and I hummed in response, taking his free hand in mine, resuming my recent habit of playing with the rings on his fingers. Usually, I'd hate the fact that I'm female but right now, with Harry being around me causes my mind to drift off to those nights filled of our naked bodies pressed together, I'm so grateful for being female. "You seem to enjoy playing with my rings" Harry pointed out and I nodded "I'm intrigued by them, I've never come across a guy that uses this many rings until you. Doesn't it hurt to wear it every single day?" I looked up at him and he shrugged

"I've gotten so used to them that if I take them off, it's like I'm naked or something like that. It doesn't hurt at all plus when I throw a punch, they leave a massive mark on my opponent" He smirked and I shook my head "So that's how you're able to win every night" I twisted off the topaz ring he uses, not realising he'd be irritated but he didn't react to it, instead he took the ring and slipped it onto my thumb - the only finger it won't fall off of. "I don't use my rings during my matches, I could injure myself severely. What I meant was if I got into a fight out of the ring then it would leave a mark" I frowned "But won't that hurt even more?" He shook his head "The glove is a closed place, it's cushioned yes, but it'll hurt a lot more and I've never tried punching with the gloves while my rings were on as I was strictly instructed by your father to not do so" Harry explained and I nodded in understanding.

"I'm surprised my father allows you be close to me" I noted after a while, watching the four in the hot tub discuss something amongst themselves "Are you afraid of your father?" Harry's fingers brushed up and down my arm "Yeah, I've always been. I mean I love him but his anger is terrifying, he's never let me be in close contact with a boy before. If I told him about Jason, he'd flip the whole world. My entire school was afraid of me because of him" I explained, sighing deeply "I wish I had a father like that, I did until a certain point in life then Gabriel came into our lives and it just became one huge shit show" Harry grumbled and I looked up at him, the relaxed look on his face indicated that he now feels comfortable talking to me.

Something so unlike Harry. "How did Gabriel come into your life?" I questioned with caution but lifted my brows in surprise when Harry answered "He bought my mum" I looked at him dumbfounded for a few seconds until I spoke again "He bought her? As in with love or actual cash?" I sat up to face him and Harry nodded "He bought her love with actual cash. My father had his own business and for a few months, he wasn't making any money, no one was buying his products so Gabriel struck a deal with him. The thought of money clouded my father's mind that he gave in and signed the contract, not reading through it at all. He didn't even realize when he sold his own family" Harry coughed to cover up for the sob that formed in his throat, his voice sounding choked.

"I spent 11 years with that wretched man, I was so glad to move out when I turned 18. My mother was none the better, she left both my sister and I the following year" Harry continued, a slight snicker to his tone "I'm so sorry that happened" I empathized, my heart hurting knowing that Harry spent most of his childhood living with a person like Gabriel. "It's fine, you don't have to apologize" He chuckled softly and I only responded by wrapping my arms around him. So this is what Gabriel meant when he spoke about Harry's father, he thinks that he has an upper hand over Harry and his family just because he saved them from a financial crisis. I'm appalled at the mentality of that man. "Come on, let's go watch a movie" Harry changed the topic and pulled me to my feet.

Okay I hated this chapter too. Ugh, I'm sorry you guys, I can't think lately.

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