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It's been 2 hours since Carter fell asleep, I've been sat upon my bed making notes for my last paper. The thought of the party plays on my mind like a broken record but I push it away. It's not like I wouldn't have went, I definitely would but I don't get why it's on my mind ever since Carter mentioned it. Almost as if my intuition is trying to tell me something, am I going to meet someone there, if I go?

Finishing up with my last set of notes, glad to have completed one textbook, I went to have a shower. When I stepped back into the room I found Carter awake, "Good morning, sleepyhead" I chuckled and threw on Scott's old football sweatshirt. "Hey, oh gosh you still have that thing?" She croaked and I nodded, looking down at the strangely large sweater "He doesn't even know I still have it" I fell onto my bed with a thud "Oh and some guy is looking for you" I looked at her questionably and she nodded "What?" I asked in disbelief, that is one thing that has never happened in my years of being at this university.

"He was continuously texting you, I woke up because of that" Carter rolled her eyes, knowing her it's because she was awoken, and then wiggled her eyebrows "So, who's this unknown number?" She gave me a suggestive smirk and I averted my gaze to the floor from her face. So she assumed it was a guy. I reached for my phone to see 5 messages from that number, how did this person get my number? Not answering Carter, I opened the text messages to see that the messages were actually from Ethan. What the hell. I chuckled and replied to him, "It's Ethan, he forgot his phone in his dorm so he said to remind you to take it" Carter shook her head while slapping her hand against her forehead and I laughed.

Unknown Number:

Hi. Who is this?


Ethan, it's Addy, you dork.

Unknown Number:

How the fuck did you get my number?

It's Harry.

Holy shit. Great, now he thinks I'm stalking him or something like that. I'm not going to reply to him. I threw my phone aside, "Yes?" I heard Carter cheer from the side of me and I gave her a questioning look "You can't go back on your word" I didn't say a thing except look at the weirdo I have for a friend "What do you mean?" I finally asked "You agreed to going to the party with me and you can't go back on your word" she smirked and my jaw fell "No I didn't" I groaned "Yes you did, you answered with 'yes' and I'm taking that as a yes to going" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

Moments later, I was dressed in a cocktail dress and after much persuasion I got Carter to let me go in my boots instead of heels. "Come on, slow coach. At this rate we're going to be late" she called out and I sighed. "Coming!" I yelled and looked at myself, one last time, in the mirror before heading out the door. "Finally, you're slower than a snail, Addy" I rolled my eyes at her. "Okay enough chit chat, let's get hammered" I cheered as we made our way to the Uber.

"Carter, baby. How are you? Oh my god, who's your sexy friend?" Ethan stumbled his way towards us and I crossed my arms, I'm not surprised that he didn't recognize me, I've never dressed up like this before "Ethan, that's Addy" she hissed and I chuckled at his shocked expression "Addy! Wow. You look amazing" he threw his arms around me and I scrunched my nose at the scent of alcohol, weed and sweat on him. "Hey and as much as I love you, get the fuck off me" I pushed him off.

"By the way, who's phone did you text me from?" I asked, curiously, even though I knew the answer. "Harry's, he was kind enough to let me use his phone. He's a good guy but I definitely wouldn't want to get on his bad side" Ethan explained and I held myself back from scoffing, kind enough, if he was so kind he wouldn't have acted so rude to me for no apparent reason whatsoever. Shaking my head of anymore thoughts about the curly haired boy, I made my way to the drinks area and immediately filled myself a shot of tequila, downing three of them one after the other.

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