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I'm having so much fun writing this book rn lmao

"Hey honey" Mom greeted as Harry and I walked through the front door. I smiled and fell into her arms, my eyes slowly drooping closed "Hmm, warm" I hugged her as she wore her fluffy gown and I heard her chuckle "Is she drunk?" She asked "Just really sleepy" Harry replied followed by the sound of a grunt as he set down the boxes from the Jeep. Hours had passed with silly banter between Harry and I, we finally reached Washington after stopping twice for gas. "Long distance traveling has that effect on her" Mom commented and by the sound of her voice, I took it that Dad hadn't told her about Gabriel - it's better that way.

I nuzzled my nose against the comfort of my mother's chest as my body fell limp "Harry, can you please take her to her room? I'll help Boa with the supplies" Mom said and my droopy eyes shot open into slits before I felt arms wrap under my thighs as my arm was slung over a shoulder. I peered up to find Harry shaking his head at me, a lazy smile on his face and I leaned my head onto his chest as he carried me up to my room. Luckily, she hadn't noticed the bandage around my leg or that would have been a big argument which neither my dad or I am ready for.

"Stay" I drowsily spoke, holding onto Harry's hand as he placed me on my bed, "I have to go help your dad" I clicked my tongue and jerked his arm forward causing him to fall on the bed next to me "Just shut the fuck up and stay, Styles" I grumbled and shuffled closer to him as he shifted his position to lean against the headboard before sliding down and I rested my head onto his chest. Harry's arm went around my back and I drifted off to sleep, hearing the thump of his heartbeat.

I woke up the next morning and made my way downstairs, I don't know if I dreamt it or not but Harry slept by me last night. "Morning, sleepy head" Mom greeted and pecked my forehead, I let out a yawn "Morning, what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and grabbed a breadstick, immediately munching on it "Nearly noon" She chuckled and I widened my eyes "What?" I gasped, realizing I didn't pack a single article of clothing for the ski trip tomorrow. "Relax, your bags are already packed for the trip which is what I'm assuming you're stressing about right now" Mom chuckled and I breathed in relief "You know me so well" I hopped onto the barstool

"Obviously, I'm your mother" She gave me a bored look and I shrugged "Where's Dad and Harry?" I asked, hearing the silence around the house except for Ella who sat growling by the back door "They went to the training center for something" I nodded and began helping Mom with lunch preparations. I heard my phone ring with the tone I set for Carter, I walked over to the beckoning device and answered the call "Hey, Carter" I smiled at her "Where have you been? I've been trying to contact you since yesterday" She started, her brows furrowed and I sighed "Long story" Her features softened "What happened?" I noticed her sit back and realized she's at the airport.

She then shrieked "And who gave you that hickey?" I widened my eyes slightly "How did you know that it's a hickey? It could have been a mosquito bite" I defended and looked at myself in the small window on my phone screen, the hickey Harry left on my collarbone had been completely covered with concealer and foundation. Carter really scares me at times. "Oh yeah, a mosquito would bite you and leave a huge blue mark. I think you're forgetting that I'm the queen of hickeys, I've been covering them up since high school" She said in an obvious tone and I chuckled lightly "Now tell me what happened and I want every single detail" Her eyes twinkled with delight and her gossiping smile was on.

I know Ethan is next to her by his shoulder which is visible on the screen, I tapped my ear and she nodded while I waited for her to put her earphones on. I looked behind me to see Mom in her own world so I stood from the couch and headed outside, I took in a deep breath before explaining everything to Carter, from the Ohio trip to the kidnapping to Harry and I having sex. The look of disappointment on Carter's face when I told her about Harry and I, made an ache form in my chest but she quickly masked it with shock. She kept quiet the entire conversation and by the end of it my throat was dry from speaking so much.

I don't know why but her reaction brought my entire mood down. I guess, I just wanted my best friend to support or understand me in whatever I do instead of passing judgment. "Wow, so you had some weekend" She remarked and I nodded solemnly, pulling my knees to my chest as I sat on the front lawn "Yeah, it was eventful" I chuckled dryly, noticing my father's car pull up on the driveway, Harry and him got off as they were immersed in a conversation that they didn't even notice me. "Where are you guys headed now?" I changed the topic "Paris" She beamed and I waved at Ethan who popped his face in front of the camera, she pushed him aside and spoke again "It's already been so amazing. So far the places we went made me want to move continents" I laughed and shook my head before we ended the call.

"What's going on with you and Harry?" I looked at my mother with a startled expression, her question completely surprised me "What do you mean?" I acted nonchalant "Don't think I didn't notice you two staring at each other throughout lunch" Mom wagged her finger in front of my face and I swallowed hard "Oh and not to forget how cute you two looked sleeping last night" My mother is absolutely weird, instead of telling me I shouldn't be focusing on boys, she encourages me to go after them. I guess that's why my father is so strict with me, "Harry's a good boy, he's just been through a lot" She patted my shoulder before placing a motherly kiss to my temple and walked out the kitchen.

"So your Mom finds us cute?" Harry stepped in front of me, a smug smile on his face but he crinkled his nose at the use of 'cute'. I nodded with a sigh "Unfortunately, she does. Both Carter and my mother scare me" I confessed and he frowned "How so?" Grabbing an apple, Harry hopped onto the counter as I stood in front of him. "Well for instance, my mother encourages me to go after boys instead of warning me against them and Carter just knows things without me even telling her" I let out a giggle when Harry stretched his legs, wrapped them around me and pulled me to him as my front hit the edge of the counter.

He continued to munched on the apple, "What kind of things?" I lifted my arms and rested my elbows on his thighs "Like this fucking hickey" I gave him a bored look, pointing to the spot on my exposed collarbone "What hickey?" Harry asked in confusion "Exactly, I covered it with concealer and foundation but she still knew it was there" Harry then smirked proudly and I whacked his thigh "Maybe next time, I'll give you a hickey in a place she can't see" He winked which earned a gasp from me "And I'm guessing you told her what happened" I nodded and let out a deep breath

"She knew about this whole fake dating from the start, I didn't even tell her. She figured it out for herself" I explained and watched Harry carefully to gauge his reaction. He seemed calm and collected, "It's fine because she also confronted me before she left for Europe and I told her the truth, I mean being your best friend, she'd only want what's best for you and I understand that" He replied, surprising me and I let out a soft Oh in response.

Sorry for the boring chapter. I tried to add some fluff (lowkey the queen of fluff but Eh). Next will be great hopefully xx

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