• 41 •

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Wow, we're really 40 chapters in.

I think I owe you guys a double update for not updating in a long time.. Yikes.

The SUV arrived and we all filed in, Madeline pouted when she was pushed to sit in the passenger seat with the driver while the rest of us took the seats at the back. Due to the lack of seats, Hailey and Rebecca sat on their respective boyfriend's laps while Louis sat next to Harry and I, not wanting to carry Madeline. Harry's arms wrapped around my waist as I made myself comfortable on his lap, Louis busied himself with his phone. "Are you okay?" Harry whispered, his breath fanned my neck and I nodded as I leaned my head against his "I like holding you like this" He confessed, quiet enough for only me to hear.

I turned to look at him in surprise, "You do?" I asked and he nodded, tilting his head to look at me "Yeah, I know you're safe in my arms" He added, the sincerity in his voice made my stomach do a somersault and I smiled, placing a kiss to his cheek. The drive to the town was rather short, once reaching we all got out the SUV and made our way to the market set up. I smiled seeing little trinkets on sale, the village folk were prancing about from stall to stall, negotiating with the vendors. "Stay close, it can get crazy over here" Harry mumbled against my temple before holding onto my hand and I nodded.

I walked to the first stall in my line of view, Harry followed quietly. "Let me help you" Harry said from next to me as I had been admiring a bracelet, tiny metal trinkets hung from it, all in the shape of the world's greatest structures like the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty. He gestured to the bracelet, "It's fine" I shook my head "Too bad, I already paid for it" He shrugged and took the bracelet from my hands, tugging my right hand towards him as he clasped the bracelet around my wrist. "I could have paid for it, you know" I gave him a look and he chuckled "You were too slow so I did it for you"

I smiled, "Thank you" He waved his hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we headed off to the other stalls. Several moments later, I found myself hesitating as I stood in front of Harry, trying to form a coherent question in my head. "Adeline, we don't have all day. So, ask me what you wanted to" He sighed and I heaved out a breath "Why are you being so nice?" I finally asked the question that had been eating at my mind for the last 3 days "What do you mean?" He frowned and I went on to list all the endearing things he had done "You kiss my forehead without question, you hold me when we sleep at night and you run me a bath. Why?" I watched his shoulders slump as the frown still stayed on his face "So what I'm understanding is that you don't like it?" He questioned and I shook my head instantly "It's not that I don't, I do. I find it rather endearing but why me?"

Harry sighed, pinching onto the bridge of his nose "You're confusing me here, just get on with it" He rushed and I rolled my eyes "You were the one who brought this fake dating proposition and said that we're ought to act as a happy couple in front of your friends but when we're not in front of them, you're still nice. You don't say those annoying comments that you always did nor do you strike a fight. What's going on, Harry?" I blurted and noticed his eyes morph from soft to sad to cold stone, I took a step back at the sudden change. He then nodded grimly, "If you have such a problem with me being nice, then fine. We're once again back to square one, Adeline. You know what, this right here would actually be the best time to fake break up so you can go home and move on with your boring life"

I opened my mouth to interfere but he cut me off, "You were a great fuck by the way" He spat before storming off behind the stalls, along with the pang of hurt in my chest, my blood boiled at his last choice of words. The rest of the shopping bonanza went on in a blur for me, I bought a few more trinkets, a toy for Ella, scarves for Mom and a little statue for Dad. Rounding up at the pizzeria, I got into the booth towards the window as I looked through the menu. Louis was sat next to me while the rest filed in, Harry sat at the far end with Hailey by his side. Madeline took her seat opposite Harry, much to my dismay and I kept quiet the entire time, only speaking to place my order.

"Trouble in paradise?" Louis spoke from beside me, I almost didn't hear him by how soft his voice was "Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he let out a half laugh before facing me, from the corner of my eye I noticed Harry's focus shift to Louis and I. He seemed tense but I brushed it aside and paid attention to Louis, "I saw you two arguing earlier on so I assumed there's trouble in the paradise that Harry tries to create and you're also sitting the furthest away from him" Louis explained and I shook my head "I just like sitting by the window and Harry was busy somewhere else plus we weren't arguing, it was a small disagreement on a hat I wanted" I lied and Louis gave me a look, clearly not convinced by what I said.

"Seriously, it's nothing" I went on and Louis chuckled, wiping the edges of his mouth using his thumb and forefinger, dragging his forefinger along his bottom lip "Then why did I see him walk out the washroom with Madeline, I mean, if there's nothing wrong then he wouldn't have been with her." Hearing that, my stomach dropped. I glanced towards Harry, shock on my features and I watched as his once alert eyes avert to the menu in front of him, almost scared and worried. I know I said that I will give him the permission to do whatever he wanted with Madeline but not to be spiteful and fuck her when we're having a fight.

I let out a dry laugh, my jaw clenched before I told Louis to move so I could leave. Once everyone was out on my side of the booth, I walked out the pizzeria, haste in my steps. "Addy!" I ignored Harry's call and continued walking away, not turning back to look at him. I could hear his boots click against the gravel as he ran towards me, I pushed at his chest when he wrapped his arms around me, my feet lifted off the ground. "Stop fighting" He ordered and I crossed my arms, stopping my feeble assault on his chest "If I set you down, will you walk away or will you stand here and tell me what's wrong?" Harry spoke, his tone was soft and eyes warm, a complete contrast to a half hour ago.

"That depends if you're going to fuck Madeline again" I stubbornly said, rolling my eyes "What?" He looked at me confused "Louis said he saw you and her leaving the washroom together after he saw us arguing" The relief that flitted across Harry's eyes when I said that didn't go unnoticed by me, his reaction now made me confused, shouldn't he not be relieved but ashamed? "Well he's wrong, I didn't fuck her because like I said, real or not I'm not going to cheat on you" Harry sighed and I realized he still hadn't set me to my feet "Don't listen to anything Louis says, trust me on that" I nodded even though I don't understand what's going on between these two boys.

And the drama begins...

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