5:10 PM.

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I've been writing more and more during the days lately but I just have so much to say. I had an entire chapter written out, simply to call out one person. Because this person is the biggest p.o.s. I've ever met in my life, but out of respect for others, they are irrelevant to my life anymore. So why bother? See, I go into this mode when I care about people. Its not that they can't take care of themselves, or they wont, it's the fact of if I care about you, I'm gonna protect you. I'm gonna help you build yourself back up to the person you once were and I don't stop until I see you thriving with happiness. I've mentioned that word a lot, though, haven't I? Happiness. Its a funny word because it means so many different thing. Happiness could be, reading a good book, under a tree during the Spring. Or it could mean going out in a Friday night with your friends to a football game or to dinner. Or it could mean talking to the ones you care about and just laughing until your stomach hurts. Happiness can also mean a person. If you thought about it, right now, the word happiness and tried to think of a name, the first name that comes to your mind, is probably it. You're happiness is the person that makes you happy and keeps you happy, no matter what. I try my best to be people's happiness in my life, but some people reject it. Others, embrace it. It really just depends on the situation. But always, always, ALWAYS, strive to be someone's happiness. Because you never know what might happen after that.

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