Dawn (stolen)

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People in real relationships aren't posting cute selfies all day or worried about matching outfits. They are working, talking, arguing, praying, forgiving and holding it down day by day. They are two imperfect people, in love and making mistakes along the way - waking up with bad breath, gaining weight, forgetting to take out the trash, wondering how they're going to pay the bills and keeping each other encouraged when they're insecure or losing faith. It's not always cute. Sometimes you don't understand each other, your zodiac signs don't match, your in-laws argue over where your spending your holidays, and there are still ex's who don't respect boundaries. Relationships are work and love is a decision - not just a feeling. Love is spelled C O M M I T M E N T. It's not all bad, and it's not all good. Relationships are wonderful but they need to be de-romanticized in order to respect who you have and to keep what you have - in the long run. It's the bad working together for the good. That's why the word says "Love is patient. Love is kind. It bears no records of wrongs done. It is not selfish or puffed up, etc." Because God knew we had it twisted and hyper-romanticized. He gave us truth to help us STAY together after the forming, through the storming and to the norming. Not breaking up in the storm, is really what's #relationshipgoals. Because, contrary to popular belief, love does hurt; ask Jesus. He has nail prints and stripes to prove it. #GodIsLove #RelationshipGoals #TriedInTheFire #FireProof
Pastor Vincent R Brown Repost

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