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The start of the first book, well first full chapter!! Hope you enjoy!!

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         "Mom" Levi called out as he entered the house, he put his backpack aside as he waited for his mother response, in no time Julia appeared from the kitchen with a smile.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" She asked as Levi went into the kitchen to grab a snack. He glanced at her as she smiled, he was already 12.

"It was good, we learned some new things- oh and I need you to sign a permission slip" he beamed as he raced back to his bag to retrieve the paper completely forgetting about getting a snack. Julia chuckled a bit as Sam wasn't home yet, he was still working.

Levi came back with a small piece of paper. As she took ahold of it, glancing over the words.

"It was the trip we talked about before school started!" Levi announced as he looked up at his mom with big, happy eyes. She smiled down at him and patted his head.

"So you're going on a week trip to (Nebraska, Iowa, or Wyoming: choose one of these three states) next Monday?" She asked as the 12 year old nodded his head energetically. He was excited to go, his classmates and friends were going.

His mother smiled altered a bit as she looked at the price. "$1,000? That's a lot sweetheart" she spoke as the little boys smile faded. Of course, he had forgotten about the price- they discussed it over the summer.

"Oh yea" he mumbled as his smile was gone, "I forgot about that" his face showed disappointment but covered it up with another smile, "I'm sure we can do something else!" He stated enthusiastically, hoping his mom wasn't to down about his behavior. He didn't want to worry her- or anyone for that matter.

Julia smiled down at him, she caught on to his faces and routine early on. He was so sweet and understanding, truly the perfect child.

"It's alright son" she began as she got a pen and wrote her signature down. "You can go, I'll talk to your father once he's home, besides," she bent down and kissed his cheek as his smile grew, "I've been saving up for it since we last talked about it" she gave him a cheeky grin as his eyes lit up.

He was overjoyed to say the least. She ushered him to finish some homework while she would start lunch. He agreed happily and ran off to do his work.

Time passed as it was night time, his parents were sound asleep. For himself though, he couldn't fall into the slumber that patiently awaited for him. Some odd reason his body wasn't tired and every attempt was futile. He just wasn't tired? The excitement was to much for him, his body wanted sleep but his mind wanted adventure.

It was an ongoing war against one another as he laid in his bed looking up at the ceiling. His night light was plugged in the wall as it shown a green light, his rosary was on his night stand (in the original Liu story, the thing that saved him from dying of his stab wounds when his brother stabbed him was the rosemary he had even though his family was atheist).

He got out of bed and looked out the window in hopes to fall asleep, he couldn't explain it but he was definitely a night person. As he gazed out the window his eyes caught sight of a figure far off in the distance.

The figure was just walking along the sidewalk on the other side of the street, his house was a two story house and Levi's room was on the second floor. His eyes trailed the figure as the figure stopped. He couldn't make out who it is since their white hoodie covered their body and face, he noticed their jet black hair though. Some strands flew in the wind, out of their hood, under the street light.

The figure slowly turned around and their body seemed to be facing Levi. Taking aback; Levi stumbled backwards. Could the figure really be looking at him?

Questions arose in the little kid head as he quickly shut the curtains and crawled back under his covers, holding onto his favorite blanket.

He may be 12 but when things got rough or anything his blanket always gave him comfort.

He snuggled into his pillow while closing his eyes tightly in hopes to fall asleep and forget the figure.

In time it worked, he was fast asleep.

Morning came and the little boy yawned whole stretching a bit. He did his normal routine and headed downstairs for breakfast.

He smiled up at his parents who smiled back and gave them a hug before grabbing his things and heading towards his friends house so they could walk to school together. His friend and neighbor Landon was already outside waiting patiently for his friend. His mother had already went to school yesterday and paid for the trip after their talk.

After Levi went to school with his friend, he went to his locker and put his bags and stuff in it as his friend did the same. They are in middle school after all.

"Hey" he smiled as the boy smiled back. They began to talk about the trip as their parents already signed their permission slip.

"I'm so excited" Landon beamed, his brown hair swaying a bit from his excitement. His brown eyes lighting up from their talk as he went on about the trip. His dimples could be seen as his smiling face kept going on.

Levi was content with his buddies attitude, he was always outgoing. Different from Levi's behavior, they were polar opposites for the most part but somehow managed to be friends; childhood friends for that matter.

"You're going to sit with me on the bus?" (Or plane depending on what state you chose in the last book and how far it is from these states).

"Yes!" The little kid announced as they neared their homeroom.

The day flew by as Landon and him began their walk home.

"I'm so excited! Maybe you could have a sleep over at my house" Landon beamed, "it's the weekend and Monday we will be leaving" Levi thought for a moment as they walked on. Maybe his parents would allow it, it's not like he hadn't slept over before and vise versa.

"Are you sure your mother is okay with it?" Levi asked as Landon's smile faded a bit, "I'm sure she won't mind, it's not like she's ever home" he mumbled the last part as Levi couldn't help but feel sorry for his buddy. He always thought a mother and father were ideal beings, someone who protects you like a superhero. Sadly, not everyone can have that. It's why he cherished his parents for always being there for him and being a good role model.

"How about you spend the night at my house, I don't think my mom or dad would mind" Levi stated as Landon's eyes lit up once more. Being the twelve year olds they are, they were always excited for sleepovers.

"Okay, I'll tell my mom that when she gets home!" Landon replied with never ending enthusiasm as Levi gave him a small smile. They continued along the sidewalk together as they parted ways to go into their own house.

'This weekend is going to go by fast' Levi thought as he entered his house.

Thank you to those who have been with me on my other book!! The journey was so much fun and I hope you stay for this book!!

Love you all!!

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