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My last Friday of classes was yesterday ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

I'm actually kinda sad. I'm going to miss High School. As weird as it sounds, I had a lot of memories and stuff.

Welp, hope you enjoy this chapter!!

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Drew woke up in her bed with a painful groan. Her eyes squinted up towards the ceiling as her stomach area began to burn a bit. She winced as she struggled to sit up, leaning her back on the headboard of her bed. Her head pounded against her skull as she tried to recall the events that happened yesterday.

Everything seemed like a fog though.

She looked her right to find a folded up note with some pills on the side. Carefully, she reached over and grabbed the note; unfolding it in the process.

As she scanned it, her stomach started to burn from the wound. She then realized the pills were pain killers and before she knew it, she took two.

It didn't do much, but the medicine needs time to set in.

She winced some more as she sat the note back down and slowly got out of bed. Her muscles ached with each step as she made her way towards the bathroom to do her morning routine.

Landon Laid in bed, looking up at the torn ceiling in his room. Mixed emotions filled his body as his mind went over what happened yesterday.

Two months.

Those two words echoed in his head. What will happen?

There's so many 'what ifs' he didn't know what to do or who to go to.

He sighed as he sat up on the edge of his bed, looking at the carpet floor that was stained with variations of things over the years. His house wasn't very nice as his mother was a drug abuser and also a slut but, there's not much you can do.

He stretched a bit before going to his bathroom to get ready for the day.

As weeks passed, the neighborhood started to forget about the 'disappearance' of Levi Miller and moved on. His family was still upset and had hope for him but they needed to take care of Elliot. He was still a child and something like this was very traumatic for him to go through.

It was traumatic for a lot of people.

The gang kept their mouth shut about running into Levi in fear of cops and the media showing up and questioning them. It wouldn't make much of a difference, they wouldn't be able to catch him.

Elliot glared down at his cereal as his father, Sam, looked over towards him. Elliot changed a lot, he was no the outgoing child like most children, he was rather hostile with everyone and everything, except Drew who came over from time to time to talk to him and help him. It worked but it didn't help with how he interacted with others.

He mumbled something as he gently pushed the full bowl of cereal away and left to get his stuff ready for his last day of school.

Sam eyes dropped into sadness as he watched his child walk away silently, all the child had was anger and betrayal.

He was broken.

Julia came down as Sam got up to get the car started. Sam didn't say much as he walked past his wife who's eyes was filled with sadness. She still grieved every night over her sons absence.

After some time, Elliot had his bag ready to go and was already out the door. He didn't bother saying bye to his mom, he didn't care anymore. He was still young but his mind was older. Kids his age didn't really get the concept of death, but for him. He learned it, he hated it.

Sam drove him to school as he then went to work.

Just another Friday.

"Ahh no more school!" Some girl shouted as the bell rang, signaling everyone's departure. The seniors graduated as the other students were let out.

Drew sighed as she walked around the busy streets as kids pooled out and made their way home. She kicked a pebble as the count down was going in her head.

"3 more weeks" she mumbled as she felt the weight of her bag being pulled backwards. Gasping; she looked behind her only to find a cheeky, grinning boy named Landon. Rolling her brown eyes, she gave a huff before brushing his hand off.

"You always do that, it's annoying" she commented as she kept her pace up. He chuckled before walking next to her.

"That's the point" he replied before he hunched over in a little pain from Drew's small punch to the side.

"Okay okay" He wheezed out, "never again" he coughed as he caught up to her.

They walked in peace before Landon broke the silence.

"3 weeks huh" he stated as she made a small hum to signify he was right. He sighed as he put his hands behind his head as he walked.

"I don't think the others should come" he finally said as Drew gave him a side glance, urging him to keep going. He noticed her look as he continued his thought, "it's too dangerous, we know better than them what they're capable of. We've known this since we were little" Drew hummed in response as he continued some more, "compared to them, we won't make it. Plus more of us will just be more pain and more of a hassle ya know? We need their kind on our side which we have, if our friends go then one of us, if not all of us, will surely die" he finished as Drew kept quiet.

He was right.

Drew was stabbed over a month ago, if we bring more of our friends with us then our emotions would just get in the way of things.

With their ability, we don't stand a chance. Not in our state, we're basically the helpless prey.

"What do you think we should do them?" She asked as she kept walking beside him. He thought for a moment as he kept his hands behind his head in a relaxed position.

"I think with the friends we have now, meaning the creepypasta friends, we can do this— also including you and I" as he said that, he quickly fixed his thought.

"Well actually, maybe just the creepypasta friends and I—" Drew stopped as Landon stopped as well to look at her.

She glared at him as he lowered his hands from behind his head, he was confused as to why she was giving him that look.

"I can handle myself" she began, "I'm his girlfriend, I should be there to help—"

"—you got stabbed last time, don't you rememb—"

"—I was caught off guard, I'm prepared this time" she countered back as Landon sighed a bit, she was always stubborn.

"Fine, but I made a promise to my buddy. I will protect him AND you . Hopefully I won't have to" he mumbled the last part as they started to walk home once more.

Hoped you liked this chapter!!

Love you all!! ^^

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