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Another chapter Lolol
Hope you like it!!

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        Monday rolled around and Sam offered to drop off Landon and Levi at school. Landon's mother didn't seemed to mind nor care as Sam took the kids to the school.

Julia was busy working on a project but still managed to give her son and his friend a goodbye hug for the week.

Now the kids were waiting at school with their bags as Sam gave them both a hug and left. Landon turned towards his buddy as they both cling to their stuff, just like the other kids.

"You excited?" Landon asked as all the kids chatted about random thinned while waiting for the test to arrive. Levi smiled as he turned to face Landon.

"Yes, I can't wait to see new things" he beamed as his buddy chuckled from Levi's enthusiasm. Levi was a strange kid, he seemed quiet and shy but can be outgoing- even though it was rare for others to see. He loved books as well as drawing.

Landon scanned all the kids as the rest showed up. Soon enough the teachers and chaperons rounded the kids up and they left to go to (states choice from the three earlier).

Time passed as the day ended and the kids were settled in a hotel. There wasn't a lot of kids but there was enough to make one classroom. It was a miracle for Landon to come, his family didn't have a lot of money. Though, Levi was thankful for it; now, he won't be alone.

"Alright kids" one of the teachers began as all eyes were on them. "You will be sharing a room with 3 other people" the kids looked around at one another as the teacher went on, "there will be four to a room, 3 small beds and one couch. You can choose your friends" with that said the kids scrambled to get into a group of four.

Luckily there was only 20 kids, 12 boys and 8 girls. Oh, how the numbers were perfect.

Quickly the girls split up into groups of four as did the boys. Landon and Levi looked at their two new roommates. A blonde boy with brown eyes, his face decorated in freckle's. He had a tan skin, seemed to always be in the outdoors. He had a toothy smile as he introduced himself as 'Peter'.

The second boy had red hair with black glasses, he had blue eyes and freckles decorated his pale skin as well. He was skinnier then the other boys and a little frail to say the least, he introduced himself as 'Aidan'.

Landon smiled politely as he patted Levi's back before introducing himself.

"My name is Landon and here is my best-friend Levi!" He proudly stated while gesturing to the shy kid next to him. Levi gave a small smile as the other two boys took notice and smiled back.

Before they could say anything, the teachers voice started up again.

"I see you all have paired up nicely, let us take you to your room so you can settle in for the night" with that said, the kids followed the teacher as the other teachers and chaperones following behind.

That night, the four boys laid in bed. Aidan took the couch despite Levi's protest, Levi hated not helping others especially if it's something so little. He wanted to help as much as he could, but Aidan was persistent about it, not wanting to make a big deal out of it- Levi decided to drop it.

It was around midnight and the boys couldn't fall asleep, more like the new kid; Peter.

He tossed and turned before muttering in the darkness, he asked if anyone was awake to which he didn't get a reply.

Levi, however, was fully awake as his back was turned towards Peters direction. He didn't want to speak in case Peter would try and talk all night. Levi was exhausted and wasn't really comfortable with the two new recruits so he tried to avoid talking with them as much as possible.

Peter, though, was restless and decided to slide out of bed as he made his way to their hotels window (which is the sliding glass doors). It had a balcony even though they weren't allowed to open it. He only pushed the blinds to the side and gazed out the window. Their hotel side had the perfect view of the nearby forest as the moon light lit it up in such an awe state.

Peter couldn't help but be mesmerized by the tree line, this was his first time being away from home and actually enjoying nature.

Levi turned slowly as his eyes landed on Peters silhouette as the blonde boy sat crisscrossed in front of the big glass, sliding doors.

He too, had a nice view of the forest from his bed. Though, as Levi squinted his eyes to see better his vision caught sight of something in the tree line.

Peter was unaware of it as he hadn't notice Levi's stare. Landon and Aidan were passed out, Levi and Peter were the only ones awake in their room.

Levi's eyes held onto the figure in the distant, It was a tall figure for sure. It kind of looked like a tree, could his eyes be deceiving him?

It was a possibility.

Levi quietly crawled out of bed and made his way next to Peter. In an instant, Peter took notice of his roommates body as Levi sat next to him.

He didn't jump.

"I didn't know you were awake" Peter whispered as both boys gazed out the glass door. Levi shrugged as Peter took a glance sideways. His eyes catching Levi's stare, he followed it and gazed into the forest.

"Do you see something?" Peter mumbled to Levi. Levi kept his mouth shut, if he told him what he told Landon then Peter might think he was crazy.

He wasn't.

He understood that kids have uncontrollable imagination, his mind was no different, right?

"No" Levi muttered, "I don't see anything".

That night both boys just sat by the glass door looking out into the forest and sky.

Hope you liked this chapter!!

I'm actually really happy about this book! It's weird, I'm enjoying this book more than the first one >.>

Lolol, which do you like more so far?

Love you all!!

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