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Aye, another chapter Lolol

HEEEY!!! PLEASE GO CHECK OUT SuperFunFriend drawing!! IT'S AMAZING!! I love it so much!! Thank you for the fan art!!
Please go give them lots of love!! The drawing is absolutely beautiful!! Credits to SuperFunFriend

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The next morning went by smoothly, Levi got up and did his thing before coming down the stairs. He yawned a bit as he sat at the table waiting for breakfast.

It was some eggs and bacon (I don't like bacon but Levi does).
Julia poured some orange juice for him as Sam got himself some coffee.

They all say together and ate breakfast as Julia wanted to ask about the incident that occurred a few days ago.

"So" she trailed off catching both boys attention, "can you explain a bit about what happened with the masked man?" Their attention turning towards Levi as he gulped down his orange juice. He wiped his mouth as he looked at his mom.

"He was wearing an orange hoodie, he had a black mask with red eyes with a red frown as well" Levi shuttered at the thought, thinking of it clearly the person was no ordinary person.

Julia and Sam listened intuitively as Levi started up again.

"He asked questions" he mumbled out into the open as he face fell a bit. Julia glanced at Sam who was paying close attention, she looked back at her son.

"What kind of questions?" She asked as Levi looked up at her, his face looked sad as he recalled the questions.

"He wanted my name and my parents— birth parents to be exact" Julia eyes narrowed a bit as a flashback ran through her mind, for some odd reason the flashback took her back to when they were at the carnival years ago.

(Y/n) and her group of friends went and there was a terrifying accident with the hooded figure that Levi described, could it be the same guy?

No, it can't. He just be older, he should have aged right? He should be old, not terribly old but older than her. He was what, 22 when they met each other? It's been about 12 to 13 years, surely he is older and less fit, right?

She shook her head as Levi continued his story.

"I told him that wasn't the deal and grabbed the necklace that he had for Luna" he then went on about the necklace, the deal, and why he was out there with the teachers and stuff. Sam and Julia nodded in understanding as the information was sinking in.

"There's one thing that's bothering me though" Levi mumbled as his parents looked at him, his hands fidgeted a bit as he started to shake a little.

"He said" his voice trialing off, "he said he's going to see me soon— like he was warning me" he finished as Julia scanned the poor boys face.

Julia then asked him to leave so she could talk to Sam alone, Levi obeyed and left as Julia turned towards Sam.

"He can't be the same as before, right? If that's the case then he is in his early 40's, no?" She explained as Sam nodded, "this must be a different guy but the description did match perfectly; surprisingly." He mused as Julia huffed in frustration. It had to be some nock off.

"He wants him" she whispered, "but for what reason?" She asked herself as Sam thought about it. It was another relapse, something they couldn't understand.

They talked about it longer before someone popping up in Sam's head.

"We don't know who his biological father is" he began as Julia gazed over his serious face, "What if the father is someone bad and has people out for him, (y/n) never really talked about the father and when questioned about him she brushed it off" Julia eyes began to widen a bit as it all clicked together.

"What if this guy wants the father hurt so he's targeting his only relative— we could be wrong, he could have many children and relatives" Sam went on as Julia listened quietly, "(y/n) never really talked about her past, much less about the incident occurred— not with me anyways, but she could have talked with—" his eyes went towards Julia as Julia looked at him with some confusion.

"You and (y/n) were close, she must have told you things, right?" He asked as she nodded slowly, it all started to make sense a bit.

"She didn't like to talk about her past, but she did say she had some issues in High School and when the incident occurred she texted me that night that she was staying at her parents house" she told him, but stopped herself when she recalled something. Her eyes widen a bit in realization.

"When she moved from here I asked her parents about her and stuff which they told me some stories about her High School incidents" she shuttered at the thought and felt guilty for even questioning her parents about her privacy in the past.

"She was caught up in some murder thing and was being hunted down apparently, it's why they moved here, though I did ask them about her coming to their house that one weekend- but they denied it" she spoke in a whisper as Sam was nodding, asking her to keep going.

"When she came back after a few weeks we found out that she was pregnant which led me to think.." she trailed off, "during that time she wasn't at her parents house must mean she had to be—"

"—at Levi's fathers house" Sam interjected as Julia nodded. Their eyes locked on one another as all the pieces started to fit into the picture.

"Her parents also told me what the guys that attacked her looked like- similar to the description that Levi said. Oddly enough one of them had the orange hoodie with the same description of the mask" she said as Sam stayed quiet, trying to figure this out.

Though, they both knew majority of the story and why these guys are targeting Levi.

However, one things struck their minds. (Y/n) never told the guys that she was pregnant, how would they know she had a child? It had to be a coincidence that the man ran into Levi. Though, he must have felt the kid was different- he must have sensed it.

It doesn't matter now if he knows it or not. All Julia and Sam knew was that.

They were coming for Levi.

Ahhhh I have piano practice later oof!!!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Love you all, see ya later!!

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