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Ayyye, not a fun chapter- boring asffff but it is what it is.

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Hoodie staggered back into the forest, he was annoyed. Annoyed with his boss, coworkers, plans, the kid, so forth. Why was he put in charge of that kid? Surely Toby would have been a better option, right? His job was to get rid of the evidence, he already got rid of the tour guide from that trip.

No one else had seen him other then the boy, he had silenced the others.

New problem had emerged though, the girl had seen him. Perhaps Levi might be smart enough to get the girl to believe it was a dream. Maybe then he wouldn't have to target her as well. As for Levi, he was in too deep.

Levi knew this wasn't a dream nor a hallucination. Despite what his therapists says, it's much more then that. Hoodie understood this as did his boss; the Operator.

He grumbled as he kicked a rock, he hated his job much like his companions. Toby could go either way, but for Tim- oh Tim. He was probably the only one who despised the Operator yet he was his right hand man.

Can you believe that?

Hoodie punched a nearby tree and huffed out in frustration as he heard some rattling from nearby bushes. He rolled his eyes under his mask before turning around. He crossed his arms as he saw a figure emerged from the bush.

"Hello Brian" Tim greeted his friend as Brian scuffed. He could care less for the girly masked dude. He was upset and stressed, he didn't have time to deal with his shit.

"Hello, Tim" Brian seethed as he began his walk towards the small cabin that was located deep in the woods.

"How was the boy?" Tim walked beside Brian as Brian shrugged it off, it was none of his business. He had his missions to carry out, that's it.

Tim noticed his defiance and sighed, he knew his buddy was upset but he was sent here to give him a warning.

"Look" Tim started as Brian gave him a side glanced and stopped walking.

"Apparently he suspects that this kid might be tangled in with (y/n) from years back" Brian narrowed his eyes behind his mask not saying a word. Tim took his silence to keep going.

"When we finished the job all those years back I had to go back into the apartment and I discovered some things" he mumbled more so to himself, Brian still listened quietly.

"There were diapers, a crib, pictures, so forth. All leading to a child of some sort." Brian started to put some puzzle pieces together.

"It seems this kid could actually be her son but then that leads into something else, who's the father you may ask" Tim told him as Brian was about to leave. Who the fuck cares if this is (y/n)s child, she's dead and that's all that was needed to be done. The child doesn't need to be taken or anything, there's no need for that, right?

"I know you might be thinking why not leave the child and shit but" Tim paused, "the father is the key point. That child has bad blood running through his veins. His father is probably one of the woods brothers." Now it all made sense. Why he was so intent on looking into this child's life. Why he was sent to spy on him, why he needed information. If all this is true then they could take Levi and make him his proxy and lure out them (the woods brothers) in hopes to finally eradicate them for good.

"If it is one of the woods brothers child then that means this kid can be useful to us, to him. We can add him in the group, train him, use him as bait and so forth." Tim explained, "but we need to be sure, we need to ask him questions without him getting to suspicious of us which is why I was sent here" Brian looked over at Tim as Tim lifted his mask a bit getting some free air.

"I'm going undercover, you are to be on watch" with that Tim left leaving Brian confused yet annoyed.

This just got complicated.

Over to where Levi was, he was downstairs holding Drew as she shivered in fear. Her eyes were closed as she clung to him, he hugged her as she started to drift into sleep from his warmth.

She felt so safe in his arms, it's been a while since she had felt safe in anyone's arms. The last time she had felt this safe was when her dad was still around, though that's in the past.

She snuggled closer into his chest as he smiled down at her. God, how he loved this feeling.

He kissed the top of her head and drifted into sleep.


Quick chapter because why not?


Love you all!!

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