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Aye, another chapter lmao

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The weekend rolled around, Landon came over like he said. Him and Levi decided to play up in Levi's room as Julia started to fix some snacks for the boys.

"Hey, hey" Landon laughed as he threw a pillow at Levi's face. Levi fell on his butt as laughter could be heard from the brown eyed boy. Levi took ahold of the pillow and smirked slightly before getting up and pummeling Landon. They both ended with laughter as the pillow went flying across the room.

"This is fun" Landon laughed as they both were on the floor giggling. Levi agreed as they got up to see if they could play something else.

"You got any card games or board games?" Levi's friend asked as Levi nodded. Levi went downstairs to retrieve some games and made his way back to his room.

"I got Sorry, Monopoly, Life, Trouble, and uno" Levi explained as he sat the boxes of games down along with the uno cards. Landon walked over and picked up the Sorry box.

"This one looks like fun" with that said they both started to play it. As they played Julia came upstairs with some cut up Appel slices with peanut butter and Carmel for the kids.

They thanked her as they returned to their game.

Minutes passed as Landon slid his green piece down the blue slide, knocking out Levi's piece which resulted in Levi's piece going back home.

"Sorry" he mumbled while laughing a bit, it was the name of the game. Levi smiled as he put his piece back home.

They continued a bit in silence before Landon spoke up.

"Mom was thinking about moving" Levi froze upon hearing this. Moving? His best friend moving?

Landon glanced up at Levi's face, his face dropped as Levi's face looked shocked yet worried.

"I don't know when but she wants to move in with her boyfriend, Ryan" he shuttered a bit from talking about that man. Levi didn't understand why but he felt like his buddy hated to speak about them.

"Do you know when or if it's final?" Levi asked as Landon shrugged, "it could be weeks, months, maybe a year" he whispered to Levi as he got a 1 and moved one of pieces out If it's home, "hopefully never" he mumbled to himself as Levi heard his friends words.

Levi looked at Landon's arms as he was once again wearing a long sleeved shirt. Though, as he stretched his arm to move his piece his shirt moved up a bit and he noticed the purple/ yellow bruising.

Could it be Ryan's doing?

"Hey" Levi softly spoke as he got a 7 and moved one of his pieces seven spaces. "Is Ryan.." he trailed off not knowing what to say, "is Ryan a good guy?" He asked as Landon tensed up a bit.

Levi noticed his friends reaction as he continued to play the game.

"He's okay" he mumbled as he moved his piece three spaces forward, "He's just—" he paused, thinking of a word that could fit Ryan's description without giving it away. "—moody, kind of like my little cousin who throws fits" Landon laughed upon remembering his little cousins outburst but stoped once he noticed Levi's face.

Levi wasn't laughing nor was he happy.

How could he be? He finally put two and two together. How could his friend be laughing when he's hurting? Landon.. his best friend, his first friend, his brother. He cared for him deeply, it hurts to know that all this time he was hurting behind closed doors.

"How long" Levi mumbled as he moved his piece, "How long have you known Ryan?"

Landon fidgeted a bit, his body trembling ever so slightly. This wasn't the Landon Levi knew, this was some scared little boy. Someone boy that cowered in terror.

"Little over 3 years" he whispered as Levi's eyes widen a bit.

"Three years?" Levi stated, "three years this dude was hurting you— how come you haven't told anybody? What about your mom?" He cried out as Landon flinched. Levi never raised his voice, sure he didn't raise his voice now but it was definitely louder then the other times.

"I did" he stuttered out before moving his piece two spaces ahead.

"She always told me that I was being dramatic— that I should be grateful that he was paying for our bills and food" he muttered as his eyes caught Levi's upset ones.

"It's not only me that he hurts, he hurts mom too but—" he stopped himself before shivering in fear. Levi didn't understand but he knew that whatever was going on in Landon's life was horrible and wrong.

"He drinks, smokes, hits, mom always brings other dudes to the house or leaves for the weekend" he uttered as he sat back a bit, taking a break from the game. He looked over at Levi who was listing intently.

"I'm usually stuck with Ryan, he knows but doesn't care unless he's in one of his moods" he shuttered from flashbacks. All the beatings and swearing were going through his mind.

"Sometimes I wouldn't get anything to eat but your mom has always given me snacks and food" he took an apple slice and smiled down at it. It wasn't much, but he was grateful.

"I'm happy to have a friend like you, your parents are amazing" he bit into the apple slice as his eyes started to water. He swallowed it as Levi moved close to Landon and gave him a hug. Landon couldn't take it anymore and broke down sobbing as he let the bitten apple slice fall to the floor.

"It's not fair" he cried into Levi's shoulder as Levi tried soothing the poor boy. His heart breaking, Landon was like his little brother, they were only 1 week apart, but that doesn't matter.

He loved him, as did Julia and Sam. Hell, Sam and Julia called Landon their other son.

"I don't want to move with him, I want to stay with you guys. You're like my home" he sniffled as Levi rubbed his back softly, something his mother did for him whenever he was upset.

"It's okay, I won't let them take you."

That night, a promise was made.


I'm tired lolol

Will Landon move away??

Love you all!!

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