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Ahhh another chapter? Heck yea!

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That night around 3 in the morning Levi woke up in a panic. He gasped for air as he shot up, looking around frantically as if he was being chased. His mind was racing as his heart pumped loudly against his small chest. Beads of sweat ran down his face, trying to control his rapid breathing.

"Another nightmare" he mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes feeling a bit dizzy. He had always had these nightmares, nightmares of unexplained people and different entities.

Static, shadows, figures; you name it, he had seen it.

He opened his eyes as his breathing calmed down a bit, he glanced to his left only to find his sleeping friend. Landon's face was so peaceful as his tiny chest rose and fell to the rhythm of his breathing.

Tearing his eyes away from him, Levi crawled out from his tent and sat outside of it trying to get his mind off of the terrible nightmare. He scanned his room as his small night light lit up some of it though his eyes caught onto the window.

He was always drawn towards it, especially when he had these nightmares. Something about the moonlight and the outside made him feel, comfortable.

He got up and made his way to the window and looked out, it was late as the street lights were on. His eyes looked over the street near the side walk, his eyes landed on a silhouette.

"What the" his voice fading as the figure's body snapped towards him, Levi took a step back as it was the same figure from before.

His eyes still locked onto the figure as he stepped back some more from the window, maybe he could wake up Landon and show him proof.

As he turned he noticed the figure crossing the street heading towards his house. Quickly, he crawled back into his tent and gently shook Landon's shoulder.

"Hey, wake up" he whispered in Landon's ear as he tried to wake him up. Landon stirred a bit but refused to open his eyes. Though, Levi wasn't going to give in just yet.

"Hey" He muttered as he wanted to crawl back out and see if the figure was still there. Half of him was curious but the other half was terrified.

"Please" he begged softly as he shook his friend, hoping he would wake up. "I think I saw Jeff" upon hearing this Landon's eyes slowly opened as he yawned a bit. He sat up as Levi moved away to give him some space.

"I saw the figure again" Levi told him as Landon's eyes widen a bit, his daze state no longer held him as excitement ran through his body.

Before Levi could say anything Landon crawled out and practically ran to the window. He quickly searched for any signs only to stumble back and fall on his butt. It wasn't a loud thud but it was noticeable, Levi crawled out from the tent and made his way towards his friend quietly.

"What happened?" He whispered to Landon as he glanced out the window, Landon only shook his head as he got up and peered through the window once more.

"I thought I saw something out there" Landon mumbled, "but it wasn't the figure you described."

Levi was taken back by this as he clearly remembered seeing a white hooded figure with jet black hair; apparently fighting the description of 'Jeff the Killer'.

"What did you see?" Levi asked as the two boys looked out the window only to find nothing. Landon sighed quietly while looking away from the glass, he slid down as he sat with his back against the wall. Levi taking a seat next to him.

"I thought I saw smoke" he started, "in the middle of it was a tall person but," he paused. His mind trying to think of what he saw, maybe he was hallucinating- probably from the scary stories.

"Never mind" he murmured as he crawled back into the tent. Levi followed him as they both went to their own spots.

"I think you're right, they're not real" Landon insinuated as Levi looked up at the top of the small tent. Landon had his back facing Levi as he went right to sleep. Levi, on the other hand, couldn't fall asleep.

Maybe he was right all along.

'Of course I'm right' he thought bitterly, 'they don't exist'. His mind told him as he turned on his side to try and fall asleep. In time he did.

Morning came around and both boys got ready and made their way downstairs to eat breakfast. Julia was already awake making pancakes for the little boys who happily awaited for their food. Sam came down the stairs not long after who also waited patiently for the pancakes.

Soon Landon went home with his stuff as Levi went to his room to clean up the mess and pack for the trip. Julia came in to help as Sam did the dishes.

"I hope you had fun last night" Julia explained as Levi only nodded, he had fun like always.

Julia glanced at him before giggling softly. Levi looked at his mother confused as Julia packed some of his clothes in a suitcase.

"I'm just thinking of something your father said earlier this morning" she grinned as Levi smiled a bit. He then packed some books to read if he would ever get bored. Julia glanced at him as she spoke up softly, "did you sleep well?" Levi shrugged as he got one more book and placed it in the suitcase. Julia sighed a bit as Levi disregarded her question.

"Did you have another nightmare?" She asked as he paused in what he was doing. Should he tell her? It's not like he hadn't told her before, is it wise to tell her though? 'She worries a lot and on top of that I'll be leaving soon- I don't want her to worry while I'm gone' he thought as he smiled softly towards his mother.

For being only twelve he learned to be understanding and kind.

"No" he lied as his mother scanned his face only to find his soothing smile. She couldn't help but smile back while giving him a bear hug.

"Glad to hear that" she kissed the top of his head and helped him finish his packing.

Hope you liked it!!
So tired, goodnight!!

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