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I have a headache :,)

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          The next day rolled around, the whole night seemed like a blur. Levi awoke with a headache as he was, surprisingly, one of the first few kids to wake up. He stretched a bit as the pounding in his head increased.

He noticed Landon next to him who slept soundlessly although, something seemed off about him. As he looked closer, he noticed scratches and bruises all over his arms, some on his face.

He knew for a fact they weren't there before but, he quickly dismissed it as his stomach grumbled for food. He sighed as he got up with some other kids and left for the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair.

As he finished he noticed Drew was up and dressed, steeping out of her room. She glanced at Levi as she gave a small smile before walking next to him.

"How are you feeling?" Levi asked as the two kids made their way downstairs towards the kitchen for some breakfast. She shrugged a bit, "alright, I had the craziest dream, well nightmare" she chuckled a bit, "for some reason it felt so real, my body aches but it seems almost too good to be true ya know?" She laughed a bit as Levi laughed along with her.

'Thank heavens' he thought as he gave her a reassuring smile. "I would be happy to hear it if you ever want to share." Both kids let out some giggles as the made their plate of food.

"I would love to tell you" she beamed as they say next to each other, eating happily.

As they finished, Landon game stumbling up the stairs. He was exhausted beyond belief, but it wasn't unusual.

"Sup" he held up one of hands towards his bestfriend as he walked past them to go upstairs.

"He looks like a zombie" Levi commented as the duo broke into giggles. As the giggles died down, Drew cleared her throat grabbing Levi's attention.

"I have some good news" she smiled as Levi started to drink some orange juice, "I'll be going to your school starting Monday" she beamed as Levi chocked on his orange juice. Gasping; he took some huge gulps of air, trying to get his lungs working again.

"Really?" He coughed out, excited yet embarrassed. His coughing fit soon vanished as Drew's worries went away- replaced with a smile.

"Yes, I convinced my parents to let me go" Levi couldn't help but smile, he would get the chance to see her everyday through tour middle school and most likely high school.

"Awesome! I have so many friends I want you to meet and I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly" he stated as Drew laughed in delight.

"I hope so, I'm so excited. It's been forever since I went to school with other kids" Levi cleared his plate followed by Drew.

"It's going to be great, you'll love it" Levi replied as Drew smiled a bit. He was happy as Drew was pleased with his attitude towards the matter.

         The day past by quickly as Levi laid in his room thinking of last nights events. Questions ran through his head, he wanted to know who the cloak figure was and he wanted to know who Liu is. Well, he knew who Liu is but, he wanted to talk with him- get him to talk about his birth mother.

He finally found his birth father, something no one has ever accomplished. This was once in a lifetime opportunity, but something tells him that they won't be meeting for a while.

He tossed and turned for a little while before finally drifting into the darkness.

     The weekend passed by quickly as it was already Monday. He was beyond excited as he left the house in a hurry, desperate to get to school. Landon barley had time to catch up to his over excited friend who was racing down the street.

"Levi chill!" Landon screamed behind as he quickly caught up to his buddy. Levi could only smile, he had ever right to be excited.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Levi apologized, "I'm just excited to see her" he beamed as Landon chuckled after he had finished catching his breath.

"You just saw her a couple days ago" he joked as Levi's face started to heat up a bit. He covered his mouth with his hand as he turned his head to the side.

"I'm just happy" he mumbled into his hand as Landon rolled his eyes while grinning. He put one of his arms around Levi, and whispered into his ear.

"Levi has a little crush~" Levi immediately pushed Landon's body as Landon bursted into laughter soon followed by a blushing Levi.

"Ya ya whatever man, so what?" Levi questioned as the laughter died down a bit.

"Ohh so you're not denying it? Dang, that's new" Levi hummed in response as they walked the rest of the way to school.

They started talking about different things as they neared the school. Levi's eyes quickly scanned the students that were in the courtyard and entering the school.

Nothing yet.

He had sent her a quick text earlier, but got no reply. She must be busy.

Levi and Landon walked towards their lockers as Peter and Aiden soon joined the duo.

"Have you two seen Drew yet?" Levi asked as Peter shook his head. Aiden, on the other hand, saw her earlier with Luna. 

"Luna was giving her a tour, though she didn't look exactly happy" Aiden stated as the group of boys gave each other questioning looks.

"Well alright, maybe she'll have our first hour" Landon said as he walked off towards his classroom as the others followed close behind.

Welp here's a quick chapter.

I'm tired lmao

Love you guys!!

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