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As the fighting continued, the women knelt down beside Drew's dying body, pressing a cloth to her wound.

"Stay with me girly" the women spoke behind her white mask, her jet black hair swaying in the breeze.

Jeff took notice of the figure quickly before growling in anger. Taking his knife, he dodged an attack and ran over towards the women who was currently keeping Drew alive.

"You stupid fucker" he growled lowly as he swung his knife towards the women who barely escaped with only a little scratch on the arm.

"Jeff, I'm trying to save the girl" she stated calmly as she went back to pressing on the wound.

"Why the hell would you save someone" he sneered out as the fighting continued behind them.

She shrugged as she helped Drew stay conscious a bit.

"I owe Y/N" she simply stated as Jeff rolled his eyes.

"She's been dead for years, get over it Jane" he shot back as Jane shot him a glare behind her mask.

"So? She was still my frie—"
"—getting sentimental are we? I always knew you were weak"

Jane blew out a breath, trying to keep her anger under control. He was always pushing her buttons, even now.

"Just go fucking be useful for once Jeffrey" She sneered back as Jeff gripped his knife.

"Don't fucking call me that you piece of sh—." A knife came flying towards the duo, who ducked in time as it hit the tree behind them.

Clenching his teeth, Jeff ran back into the fight as Jane picked up Drew's body. Taking it away to be treated quickly.

Landon barely got to the side when a knife swung his way, grazing his right cheek.

"LEVI!" He screamed as the burning sensation started up in his cut. Levi kept his cold stare upon him as Landon gritted his teeth.

"I don't want to hurt you" Landon mumbled to which Levi mocked back.

"Oh, but I want to hurt you" with that, Levi charged towards Landon who was then stopped by his father.

In a blink of an eye, Levi was on the ground wrestling with Liu.

"Enough of this" Liu shouted as Levi struggled under his grasp. He glared daggers up at his father who only glared back.

"Levi please" Liu trued to reason, "they're not your friends— I'm your father for crying out loud" he said as Levi shook his head, "You abandon me— you didn't want me! I know a lot about you" he replied, "you're evil, you're rude, you only care about yourself!" He shouted as Toby ran up and tackled Liu off of him.

Quickly; Levi staggered to his feet as well as Toby.

"We'll be back in 2 months. Be ready" Levi warned as the two boys disappeared in the woods.

The group huffed out a relief as some fell to their knees gasping for air. They needed a break as sweat had already seeping through their clothing. As they took a few minutes to relax, Landon looked to where Drew's body was.

It was gone.

"Where's Drew?" His panicked state had him on his feet in less of a second. He looked around frantically as everyone looked at one another. That is until Jeff kicked a nearby tree trunk.

"Fucking Jane must have taken her" he shouted as the group looked at him. He only glared back at them as he crossed his arms, acting like a child.

"Lucky for you guys, she will help her. But, that fucking bitch can be untrustworthy—"

"—only to you" Liu cut in as Jeff rolled his eyes. He picked up his knife before sighing.

"I have to go, you all got two months. Should prepare for that" with that, Jeff disappeared as Liu coughed a bit.

"It should be summer for you so, I'll see you soon. I'll bring friends" with that, he left as Ben stood there with the humans unsure on what to say. Landon turned towards him as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"So" Ben trailed off, "I'll get Drew back safely to her house tonight. You guys should leave" with that, the blonde disappeared in the phone as the group started to pick their stuff up to leave.

Jane barely made it to EJ's house as she kicked down the door, she ran towards his laboratory as the door swung open.

"Hey, I need help" she stated as EJ put his book down to see the calm girl holding a teen in her arms.

"Friend or food?" He asked as she quickly stated friend. He sighed; annoyed he won't have food as he got his equipment ready. Jane gently laid the unconscious girl on the table as EJ came back and stood beside the girl, lifting her shirt up a bit as Jane was filling in on what had happened prior to this girls accident.

"Didn't think they were back, strange" EJ mumbled as he took some ointment and tools and started his recovery for the girl.

Jane stayed silent as she watched his friend continue his work as a short blonde made his way into the room. Glancing behind her, she saw Ben smiling face as he stood next to her.

"I'm just here to take the girl back home safely" Jane rolled her eyes behind her mask as she mumbled some incoherent words as EJ finished fixing the wound.

"She will be sore for a few days but she should recover in a week. Have her ice it daily and take same pain killers. Also, limit her walking if you could" he instructed them as a put some pain killers in a bag for them to take. Jane quickly grabbed it and thanked him as EJ waited patiently for his reward.

Jane sighed as she looked towards Ben, who already knew where this was headed.

"Okay okay, I might have gotten something on the way" he mumbled as he pulled out a bag of a kidney and threw towards EJ who successfully caught it.

"Nice doing business with you two, now please leave" with that, Ben picked up the girl as Jane had the medicine and they went through the TV that was in the other room to get her to her house.

Ahhhh sorry for not posting last weekend.

Love you all!

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