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Ayyyye another chapter!!

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"Hoodie?" Landon questioned, Levi nodded as Landon sat quietly; thinking to himself.

"I know it sounds weird" Levi started as he clicked on another link, "but it's true, it has to be. You said it yourself the first time you explained this to me" Levi told Landon as Landon kept quiet.

"You said they are real—"

"—I lied."

Levi head snapped towards Landon as Landon kept his hard gaze on Levi. He couldn't be serious but his Look said otherwise. Why would he lie? His whole demeanor from before was like a child waking up on Christmas Day. He was so happy and jumpy! Why was he being so quiet and closed off?

Levi couldn't understand this, his friends attitude changed.

"What do you mean you lied?" Levi questioned him, his eyes narrowing in the somewhat dark room. Landon looked to the side, glaring at the floor.

"I mean I lied Levi, they aren't real- they never were" he stated as he brought his head up to meet Levi's intense glare.

"That doesn't make any sense" Levi hissed, "you were so happy and jumpy when explaining this to me, you were so convinced and so passionate about it- about them being real and now you're denying it?!" His mind was racing, his body started shaking from anger that was slipping from him. His own friend lied to him- his bestfriend had lied to him. All Landon could do was stay quiet as Levi was fuming, you could basically see steam coming from his head as his face was turning pink from the anger building inside of him.

"There has to be a reason Landon, there's no way you, out of all the people in this world, would lie to me about something like this! I told you my nightmares, the weird instances- everything!" Levi whispered angrily, trying hard not to wake his parents. Landon looked towards the window, his glare softening from the moonlight.

"They're fake, okay? You're nightmares, instances, stories- they are all an illusion and coincidences" Landon stated softly as Levi's anger was rising, he turned his head towards the window just as Landon did. He counted in his head as he bawled his first to try and get rid of some of the anger. It worked somewhat.

"Fine" Levi closed his laptop as he got ready for bed, "I'm tried" with that, he crawled into the fort that they had built earlier and laid down in attempts to fall asleep.

Landon sighed as he got up and sat by the window, he wanted to give Levi some space. Not only that but also to give himself a break as well.

Landon starred out the window, so many memories had been made here. He smiled a bit to himself, letting the anger leave him. He didn't mean to upset Levi but he had too. He needed him to stop this, if Levi didn't stop then bad things will happen.

He was warned.

Of course he believed in the Creepypasta's, he was threatened by some of them. Some of the bruises came from them, some even left scars on his back. He shivered at the memories.

He didn't want Levi to get hurt. He knew what they were capable of. Ever since he introduced Levi to the creepypasta fandom and Levi told him everything, that's when some of them started to appear. The moment he saw the figure from the outskirts of the tree line, that's when they made their move.

It wasn't hoodie that hurt him nor was it the woods brothers but, it was one of them. His face turned into a scowl, how could he ever forgive them for what they did? He wanted them to die, wanted them to be locked up somewhere- anywhere!

He knew that was a hopeless wish, they never been caught, let alone let their victims leave alive. This brought out other questions.

They knew that he knew of their existence so why let him live? Whatever the reasons may be all he knew was he needed Levi to steer away from them. It was up to him, as Levi's best friend, to get him away from these monsters.

It's the only way that he can make amends for his wrong doing, at least if he died he could die protecting his friend.

That thought alone made him smile softly, he will do what it takes to protect his new family. They treated him nicely, out of everyone they took him in basically. He loved them like it was his own family. Levi was like a little brother to him, Julia and Sam were like the parents he never had.

He was grateful for them, for everything they did for him.

He glanced back at the fort, Levi was still fuming with anger as he tossed and turned.

Landon looked back out the window, he knew Levi would be upset. He knew he might have just broke their friendship. He was prepared for this but it had to be done. If he didn't do this then...

He didn't want to think about it, not now at least.

He just continued to sit there, looking out into the night sky; smiling to himself as his mind wondered into his own little imagination.


This was somewhat short but it was needed for this story.

Love you all!!

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