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I need to do work, but I want to write and draw :,)

Hope you enjoy this chapter~

Another chapter?!?!

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Levi kept his glare on the tall clown as the clown snickered in amusement.

"What is there to talk about? You are clearly a threat" Levi sneered as he tried to keep his fears down, let's be honest. Thunder outside, it's past midnight, and there's a tall monochrome clown in a room with you. Who wouldn't be scared?

"My my, you're a brave one aren't you?" The clown giggled as he stalked towards Levi. Levi kept his glare as he put his hands in front of him, ready to fight if needed.
Amused; Jack couldn't help but smirk. He was surely an interesting kid. Then again, it wasn't the first time he had ran into a brave soul that belonged to one of his victims older sibling. Alas, they all suffered the same fate- this was no different.

Elliot was still weeping silently as he clutched his bleeding arm close to his chest, between the chaos, Levi hadn't noticed his younger brothers injury. Not until he took a quick glance towards him, seeing the blood seeping through his small upper arm.

He gritted his teeth as he tried to think of a solution to get out of this problem, to get out alive.

"What do you want?" Levi asked bitterly as he held the clowns menacing gaze, making the clown smirk in triumph.

"Oh oh, just some friends to entertain me~" He snickered, "I tend to get bored rather easily" he fake sighed sadly as he seemed to be overly dramatic.

Levi hadn't anticipated this, he needed to find a way to get Elliot to safety. One of his only problem was the fact that the clown was between him and Elliot, he needed to get around him somehow.

"Fine" Levi mumbled, "I'll be your 'friend' but let my brother go. You had enough play time with him" Levi shot back as Jack took a glance behind him to look at the whimpering Elliot.

"But he knows to much~ and besides, your brother already made me a deal and he knows what will happen if he breaks the deal~" Jack snickered, "don't you Elliot~?" Hearing his name ride off his tongue sent a shiver down the little kid spine as he nodded frantically while holding his arm close.

Taking a step forward, Levi's mind started to go into overprotective mode. LJ took notice as he smiled in delight. Oh where, oh where has he seen those eyes before? Something about this kid amused LJ, more so then the others- which is almost impossible.

"Hmm those eyes" jack spoke, "oh how interesting they are~" he giggled, "perhaps I could make you a deal~" Levi was hesitant, but stayed silent. LJ took this as an opportunity to continue.

"Tell me boy, why are you so familiar? Your eyes." his long arm reached out towards Levi's face, gently grazing his cheeks with his sharp claws, "they're so different, yet I've seen them before~" he snickered as Levi flinched upon contact.

"I'll take you as my playmate in exchange for your brother~ but know this" his voice laughed, "the second you break the deal is the second I kill you~ slowly~" he giggled insanely which sent a shiver of fear down Levi's spine.

"Oh imagine~!!" Jack beamed, "How beautiful this room would be decorated with your pretty little organs and blood~ I could make this room look like a party~" Elliot started crying uncontrollably upon hearing this, he didn't want his brother to die.

Jacks face began to frown upon hearing the wails of the little kid, they were quiet, but they got a tad bit loud which annoyed Jack. He turned towards Elliot who only cried harder, trying to be quiet but his body wouldn't let him. LJ loomed over his trembling figure as he was no longer the 'happy' clown, was he bipolar? Levi immediately took action as he managed to run to the other side of the bed, pulling Elliot behind him.

"You've got guts kiddo~ I wonder what they look like" Jack mumbled to himself as he kept his gaze upon the two boys.

"I'm not making deals with you, the deal you made with my brother is over. I suggest you get out now" Levi demanded as he kept Elliot behind him.

"No can do" Jack began, "a deals a dea—"

"—deals or contracts made with a minor without a parents consent is overruled, therefor the deal has been terminated as of right now, so get the fuck out" Levi stated as he glared at the clown who was no longer laughing.

The thunder outside grew louder than before as the rooms atmosphere seemed to drop, sending a deadly aurora around the three people in the room.

Levi wasn't going to lie, he was scared. Everything felt uneasy as he kept his gaze on the monochrome clown who's face was covered in a shadow. His lips were no longer smiling, his bright personality turned dark in an instant.

"A deals a deal" his voice was darker than before, sending shivers of fear towards the brothers.

"You promised" his voice shook, as his shoulders started to shake- almost as if he was crying.

"You promised me, we would be friends forever, you said you trusted me- you wouldn't leave me" his voice shaking as Levi's mind started to panic a bit.

This was terrifying.

Jack was having an episode.

He was having flashbacks of Isaac.

Levi took a glance towards his night stand and noticed his phone, an idea formed into his mind. Quietly, he shuffled over to the stand while keeping his gaze on the clown who seemed to be lost in his own mind, he made it to the nightstand as Elliot followed behind him still. Grabbing the phone slowly, he took a quick glance and sent a text to Ben, asking for help ASAP.

Before Levi could send anything else, a long hand stretched out grabbing Levi by the neck- pinning him on the wall as Elliot let out a scream. He winced as he closed his eyes from impact. As he opened his eyes, Levi found himself staring into the eyes of a crazy, demonic clown who seemed to have lost his mind.

"A promise is a promise, right Isaac?"

Oof, so LJ has NEVER met Levi. Just wanted to clear that up, he was on Levi's mom side but, he never knew that she had a son. Not everyone knows she had a son.

Just wanted to clear that up XD

Also, love the ghost mom squad!!

Love you all <3

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