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Oof, hope you like it!!

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       Levi took a glance at Landon who seemed to care. He looked back at Tim and gave him a small smile.

"Sure" Tim's face showed delight as he smiled at Levi and Landon. Landon was still watching whatever it was on the television though he did pay attention to the people next to him.

"Alright" Tim began, "Who are your friends?" He asked as Levi gestured to Landon.

"He is my best friend" Landon looked at Tim and waved, "I have some other friends at school who are nice." Tim nodded in understanding as he voiced his next question.

"Are Julia and Sam your real parents?" This had caught the boys off guard, more like Levi. Levi took a glance at Landon who was now paying attention. Before Levi could speak Landon was first to answer.

"I told you this already" Landon started, "remember? Those are Levi's parents" Tim brushed off the kid as his focus was on Levi.

"Is this true?" He asked as Levi gulped a bit. He hated lying, he hated how the guilt followed. Though, something tells him that lying to this man was a bad idea. He took a shot at Landon who was convinced that he was right.

"Tell him Levi" Landon started, "tell him that I'm right" Landon's eyes narrowed at Tim. Tim seemed unfazed by this as he kept his gaze on Levi. Levi started to move around in his spot as he looked at his hands that lay in his lap.

"No" Landon's eyes shot at Levi's slumped figure, Tim seemed to smile more but was overlooked as Landon's eyes were now narrowed towards his buddy.

"No?" Landon repeated as Levi lifted his head to meet Landon's hurt face. He looked angry yet betrayed, he felt his heart ache at the sadness and utter betrayal he had made on his best-friend.  

"You said they were your real parents—"

"—I love them like they are, I never really met my real parents Landon" Levi had cut off Landon. Those two started their own heated conversation as Tim sat quietly next to them, enjoying the information.

"I was adopted by them" Levi mumbled, "they told me from an early age about my mother- about how she couldn't take care of me and stuff" he mumbled as stories went through his head about his mom. Landon eyes softened, he was upset that Levi never told him this but it must hurt to never see your birth parents.

"Why don't you just visit them? If Sam and Julia know your mom then you can just go see her right?" Landon said trying to soften the mood, he was unaware about the situation.

"I can't" Levi muttered as he looked down at his hands that were intertwined together. He squeezed his hands together in attempts to calm him down.

"Sure you can, Julia and Sam knows—"

"—she's dead."

Just then, everything went silent. Tim smile dropped only because of the situation, he was actually ecstatic about all of this. This was good information but he needed to keep up the act.

"Dead?" Landon mumbled to himself as his eyes widen, his brain finally processing all this. Levi couldn't look at either person.

"She died when I was young, maybe a few weeks old." Levi muttered as he lifted his gaze towards the television as he continued.

"I was found in the closet, the whole place seemed destroyed and they found her dead on the floor. Mom would never tell me why or how my mother died, just that her head was not attached to her body. My birth mom was close with mom and dad, she was my moms best-friend.

"I even have a blanket that my birth mom gave me with her name and moms name on it. Her name was (y/n)" Just as those words left the little boys mouth Tim seemed to snap, he smiled as his assumptions were right. Levi continued the story.

"They think my birth mother was attacked and stuff, they don't know who my birth father is. I guess my birth mom never told anyone but mom assumes it's a guy from high school that she met. Since they were best friend they would always talk and stuff.

"Mom told me that my birth mom would talk about prom, it sounded like my birth mom got into trouble with some people who would chase after her constantly though, she did have help from time to time. It was sad how it all came down, I was told I don't look like my mother at all. I guess that means I'm like my father- whoever he is" Levi finished as the room fell quiet. Landon didn't know what to say, he felt pity for his best friend. He felt stupid for getting mad over something like this, he felt like a jerk.

"I'm sorry" Landon mumbled as Levi gave him a small smile.

"It's okay" Levi began, "I never met my birth parents so I don't really feel anything, I love my mom and dad so that's all that matters really" he giggled softly in hopes to ease the tension. Tim stayed silent as he was now sure this is (y/n)'s child. This is perfect, he can report back to base and set up a new plan to capture the child.

The boys both looked at Tim to know his input on this. He froze a bit trying to think on what he should do before coming up with something.

"Well I think that's enough talking, sorry for asking such personal questions" he spoke as Levi brushed it off with a smile.

"It's alright, it happened a long time ago" Tim nodded as the doorbell rang.

"Pizza!" The kids yelled in unison as the jumped from the couch- completely forgetting what just happened.

They spent the night eating pizza and enjoying each other's companies.


I totally forgot that I needed to update today.

I feel like trash :,)

For those of you who don't know, I am a ambivert which means I am extroverted and introverted. I get energy by being around people and by myself depending on my mood. :,) I really don't want to be around people because It's to much right now, usually I do but I don't for now.

Also my Christmas Eve's dinner is at my sisters house who hates me sooooo I'm not going. Last year I was locked in the basement :,) and tried to kill myself when I got home because of the whole ordeal. She hates me so much that she locked me in the basement when my family came, like brah, IT'S FAMILY DINNER!! I AM FAMILY!

Whatever, I don't like Christmas anymore so I'm going to stay home by myself and have my own dinner. Me, myself, and I bitches Lolol. Besides, I like being by myself!

Anyways, love you all!!

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