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Hope you like this chapter!! Tell me what you think of it in the comments!!

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        The school day passed by quickly as Levi raced home, Landon following close behind.

"Levi slow down!" Landon yelled after him as Levi ran faster. He needed answers, the dream felt real, too real. He ignored his friends complaint as he swung the front door open and bolted to his room. Landon, out of breath, followed pursuit as he quickly greeted Levi's parents who were in utter shocked.

Levi's door to his room opened as he quickly got onto his computer that he had gotten for his birthday last year, while throwing his backpack aside. He started looking up Jeff's story.

Landon rushed in soon after taking some gulps of air as he was not prepared for the run. He bent on his knees a bit as he regained most of his breath back. He looked towards Levi who was concentrated on the computer.

"Levi" Landon called out as he took in another gulp of air, "what are you doing?" He made his way to Levi's bed as he sat on the edge watching Levi's every movement. Levi took a glance towards Landon before returning his attention towards the screen.

"What do you know about creepypasta's?" Levi asked, dismissing Landon's question. Landon scoffed upon hearing that, he thought his friend had gotten over it- he had hoped.

"Nothing, why do you care?" Landon shot back as his breathing was normal once more. Levi rolled his eyes as he asked the same question again.

Landon, again, retorted with the same answer as Levi gritted his teeth in anger. It was a habit, bad habit at that.

"Just tell me what do you know about a man in orange and a tan jacket" Levi countered as Landon froze upon hearing this. Levi noticed his friends reaction as he slowly turned his attention towards his, seemingly shaken up friend.

"I know nothing of them" Landon shot back, his voice quivering just a tad bit- most people it would have not been noticeable but, Levi had caught it.

"Tell me their names" Levi countered as Landon turned his head away, looking at the floor while keeping silent. Levi balled his fist as anger and agitation started to set in quickly.

"Landon please" Levi begged with slight anger in his voice, he need answers. Landon glanced towards Levi's calm exterior. He knew his friend was in stubborn mode, he's not going to let up anytime soon.

"Hoodie, Hoodie and Masky are their names" Landon mumbled as Levi turned around to type their names in the computer- immediately he went to images only to gasp in horror.

Those are the people.

Before he could do anything else Landon spoke up.

"Levi please, for your own good- drop this" Landon begged as Levi dismisses his friend concern. He didn't care at the moment, he needed answers desperately.


"—I got work to do"

Taken back, Landon shut his mouth as he silently watch his friend click on various websites. After about five minutes Landon tried again.

"Levi please listen to me."

Levi glanced at his friend while clicking on more websites.

"Levi, trust me on this. They will hurt you" Levi froze as Landon realized what he had said. Quickly, Landon's hands clamped around his mouth as Levi turned towards his friend.

"They will hurt me? So they are real" Levi countered as Landon's eyes began to water. Landon let his hands drop from his mouth.

"Levi please, don't go looking for them, don't talk to them, and for the love of the lord don't try to get in contact with them" Landon begged as Levi sat quietly taking this in. However, Levi's mind was already made up.

"I have to" Levi retorted, "you don't understand—"

"—I think I understand well Levi, these people are not to be messed with." Landon countered back, "don't you understand? These are killers, they kill people- people like you and me"

"You still don't understand—"

"—what do I not understand? Understand that they are killers? Understand that they hurt people? Understand that they—"

"—they killed my mom"

Landon froze, he stopped his rambling as he looked at his unfazed friend who sat in his chair.

"What do you mean?" Landon slowly asked as Levi sighed quietly.

"I mean what I said" Levi started, "They. Killed. My. Mother"

"But your mother is downstai—"

"—Birth mother, they had killed my birth mother"

Levi turned towards his computer typing in some other things as Landon kept the conversation going.

"How do you even know this?"

"I had a dream last night about her, not only that I had heard plenty of stories about my birth mom from my other mother. It all finally makes sense" Levi explained as Landon stayed quiet, listening to what Levi has to say.

"Then it comes with why would these people be targeting me, or you, or anyone I knew. Well, to answer that is- it's because of my birth father. My birth father is one of them, I remembered what he looked like as I was typing in the creepypasta's that I already knew- such as Jeff the killer and stuff. I re-read the stories to see if I could possibly find clue's, in which I did.

I stumbled upon Jane the killers story and homicidal Liu, here's the tricky part. There's not much that goes off the story in their late teens early adulthood but, with my dream and the stories I heard growing up I could piece it together. Liu, apparently, knew my birth mom just like Jeff did. I can only assume safely it's one of them but, it's un-likely Jeff, only because Jeff was never the type to get a girlfriend

Liu, on the other hand, had a girlfriend in his story- a nurse to be exact but, she died. This leads me to think he could have very well dated my mother and had me. Now, that then goes into why these creepypasta's are targeting me, I am the son of Liu, a creepypasta." Levi finished as Landon sat there taking it all in.

Before Landon or Levi could say anything else, the computer started to glitch.

Ugh, been working on the house all week. It sucks and I'm tired but, it's worth it.

Love you all!!

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