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I don't have school today so I was like, let's update and because I made a deal with my wifey kaspiens

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The next few weeks went by without any occurrences. Tim came by every now and again for babysitting. The kids started to warm up to Tim more and more as did the adults. He was a good man, reliable, sweet, kindhearted, and over all a great sitter.

If only they knew, right?

It was nearing Drew's birthday as Levi had sent her text after text all night. It seems those two were slowly falling for one another- without realizing it.

Tim knocked on the door as Levi glanced at his doorway.

"May I come in?" He asked as Levi sat up while nodding. Tim walked in sitting on the chair next to the computer.

"I wanted to ask what you would like to eat tonight, maybe pizza or McDonald's" Tim said as Levi thought for a few moments before deciding with pizza.

The kid loved it.

"Alright, one more thing" Tim began, "your parents wants me to drop you off at Drew's birthday party and chaperone there since they will be gone that day" he pulled out an envelope that was already opened. He handed it to Levi as Levi took it in his hands, pulling out the card in awe.

"It's an invitation to Drew's party next week, your parents already opened it and stuff" Levi could only nod as his focus was on the card. He opened it to reveal Drew's handwriting and a small doodle on the bottom right hand corner.

Levi couldn't help but smile upon it as Tim quietly sat next to him.

Levi looked up at Tim and thanked him for this.

"It's no problem, your parents wanted me inform you and such" Tim got up to make his way downstairs, "I'll be ordering your usual" with that he left leaving a smiling Levi who went back to texting Drew.

Meanwhile, Tim descended the  stairs as he pulled out his phone to make a quick call to his partner. The phone rang as the caller on the other end picked up.

"Hey hoods, I got something" Tim mumbled into the phone, making sure Levi couldn't hear.

"I'll be taking the little guy to this kids birthday party, the one that was at that one house. This is your chance with Toby to get the kid" Tim spoke as Brian listened intently.

"Tell Toby and the boss about it, I have to order some pizza for the kid" before Brian could say anything, Tim had already hung up.

"This should be fun."

Time seemed to past as the night slowly turned into day, it was school. The school day went by a blur as did the entire week leading up to Drew's party. Levi and Landon both were invited as were other students from school- only because of Luna- but regardless, Levi was there.

It was another sleep over!

Luna greeted everyone as Drew was still upstairs getting ready. She was putting on a cute dress that her mother had given her for her birthday. She wasn't against fashion, plus this is one day out of the entire year that Luna wouldn't have the spot light. It's not like she was jealous or anything, she was just tired of living in the shadows and being a punching bag for her sister.

She had enough.

The abuse needed to end.

She smiled to herself as she looked into the mirror.

She was stunning.

The dress covered some of her bruises and scars from her sister and step father. Her dress was down to her knees. It puffed out slightly as the dress was black with blue ribbon around the waist. The dress had short sleeves with tiny blue boys at the end.

She did a quick twirl and noticed the ruffles twirling like a princess. It fit perfectly as it wasn't extremely puffy as it was also easy to run and move around in.

"I love it" she mumbled to herself as she touched the mirror.

"If only it could be like this everyday" she mumbled as her hand slid off the mirror. Her thoughts started drifting but, she managed to bring back the happiness as she reminded herself that Levi was here.


The name sent a blush on her cheeks, how could it not?

She had the biggest crush on him over the last few weeks. The late night text was something she loved. She managed to keep it a secret from her step father and Luna- her mother didn't care much since she was busy with other men.

Though, she was thankful that her mother never physically abused her and she even gave her a present, maybe it was guilt? Doesn't matter, what matters is Drew was content and Levi was here.

Her thoughts were cut short as she heard a knock at her door, she jumped a bit- thinking it was Luna again.

"May I come in?" Came a voice from the other side, a voice she had longed for.

"Yes" She squeaked out as the door opened to reveal a smiling Levi.

The minute he saw her his face started burning up, quickly he turned around using one of his hands to cover his mouth. Panicked; drew stammered out if he was okay.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. I just- you- I- yeah" he stuttered into his hand as his back was towards her. She glanced at the mirror to see her reflection and looked at Levi's back.

"I was just wondering where you were, when you're ready come down stairs" with that he left, quickly. Drew stunned; stayed there for a few moments to gather her courage and soon left to head down to her party.

Unaware of what's waiting for tonight.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Comment what your thoughts are about this scene!!

Also, comment what you think might happen!!

Love you guys!!

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