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I finally graduated, I walked across the stage and got my diploma!! I also went to a party, the school rented out Powerplay for some of us students that graduated!! We got prizes and unlimited points plus free food!! It was from 10 pm to 2 am!! It was so dark and there was go carts outside and a zip line.

Holy hell the zip line was high, I'm scared of heights but I went on it with Drew (yeah, the Drew from the book) it was fun. I screamed and almost cried as we were high up and it was 1:30 in the morning. thoigh, once the line got to the top I opened my eyes and saw the highway and buildings (they were tiny) and honestly, it was pretty considering it was nighttime so the lights were on.

That was short lived as the zip line started and Drew went zoom zoom. Haha

Fun times, I'll be going to some graduation parties this weekend- 4 of them to be exact so far so I might not be on much.

Follow me on Instagram: Bloomatea and Anime_fondness

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        Screams; that's all anyone could hear. Screams of anger, sadness, grief, furry, etc. Drew fell to her knees as she, and everyone else, witnessed the scene before them go down.

Levi eyes shot open as he felt his butt come in contact with the ground. He looked up to find a person in front of him, back turned and hunched over a bit. Something else struck his view, it was the black tentacle that stuck out of the persons back. He hadn't realized it, but the volume of his voice seemed to rise higher- he was screaming. Screaming for the figure in front of him to move, to leave, to be anywhere but here. His brain couldn't register who the person in front of him was.

Until a voice was shouted in the air by none other than Drew.

She screamed and cried as she witnessed her friend protecting her boyfriend.

"Landon!" She cried out as Levi's eyes widen in realization. While he scrambled to his feet, the Tall Man already took his tentacle back as Landon's body fell to the floor like a rag doll being tossed away.

"Landon" Levi screamed, "please be okay" He yelled, trying to convince himself that he was okay. He quickly ran towards Landon's body, kneeling down next to him. Tears, mixed with blood, ran down Levi's bruised face. He moved Landon's head on his lap while trying to stop the oncoming tears from falling more.

Drew wailed as Jeff cursed under his breath. He then ran towards Slender, knife in hand, stabbing one of his arms. Before anyone could do anything else, he left. Jeff lost his knife as the being vanished into the air. He cursed more as silence filled the dark forest. The only sound that could heard is the crying and the breathing from Landon as he gasped for air, wincing ever so slightly.

Levi looked down at his dying friend, Landon squinted his eyes up at Levi and smiled. Blood poured out from his wound as some trickled down his mouth. He winced a bit as he moved his hand up towards Levi's cheek.

"Why" Levi cried, "why did you do this? Why save me" he asked as years fell from his eyes onto Landon's face.

Landon only kept his smile, "I made a promise" he coughed out as his breathing became slower. Levi shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry" Levi cried, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't keep my promise" he bent his head low and cried more, "I'm a terrible best friend, I promised to protect you. I swore on it when we were little, I couldn't keep it— I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm s—"

"—it's okay, this was my decision. Not yours" Landon calmly stated as silent tears fell from his eyes. He could feel the blood leaving his body. Oh, how he felt so cold.

"I chose this" he got out, "there's a journal I left under my mattress. It's for you" he whispered as Levi tried to stop crying, only for him to cry harder. Levi grasped Landon's hands in his own as Landon smiled softly. His mind drifting in and out of consciousness.

"You're gonna make it, you hear me? You're strong, I know you are" Levi wailed, "so stay with me" Levi begged as Landon chuckled, the vibration stung his wound. Instantly, he winced.

"I love you, Levi" he mumbled as he felt the last few moments leave. His arms became limp as Levi tried to gently shake him awake.

"Landon please, please I beg of you" Levi whispered, "please wake up, you promised to stay with me. I promised to protect you— Landon please" he cried out as he dropped his head on his chest; crying his eyes out.

The others didn't know what to do, they were used to people dying and they were definitely not used to comforting someone.

Drew got up and made her way towards Levi, hugging him as he cried for his bestfriend. Jeff looked towards Liu, questioning on what to do. Liu didn't really know, he only shrugged his shoulders as they, as well as Ben and Xavier, continued to watch the poor teen cry for his friend.

    It was raining, summer was upon them as the group of teens watched the people fill up the whole that laid Landon's casket in with dirt. The mourning of Landon was something surreal, it didn't feel right. Levi, Drew, Lotus, Aiden, Abriel, and Peter sat in the front while they listened to one of the adults speak about how great Landon was. What pissed Levi off was the fact that Landon's birth mother couldn't be bothered to show up, it was Levi and his friends that arranged the funeral and helped fund it. Julia and Sam helped in as well as Drew's family. it's been a week since his death, after the questions of cops and other things the funeral had finally arrived.

Soon it was Levi's turn to talk. Quietly; he made his way to the podium and scanned the small crowed, so much grief and so much tears. He cleared his throat as he felt a wave of grief wash over him as he began his speech.

"Landon was one of a kind. I remembered the first day I met him, it was at school in kindergarten. He came up to me and asked for my name, from that day on we were inseparable" he paused as he felt some tears slide down his face. The memories flooding in.

"When I was in grade school, he spent the night at my house almost everyday. He was like a brother to me, he was my best-friend. He helped me with so much stuff" 'he helped me find my birth mom and dad' Levi thought, but he knew he couldn't say that out aloud.

"Even when we had arguments, we always resolved it. When I was being babysat by this" he paused, "by this guy, Landon was the first to stay with me as I was unsure of the person" he wiped some tears as he cleared his throat again.

"Even when I went on a school trip and an accident occurred, he was the first to help me. He was the person in my friend group that glued everyone together. He was the outgoing one, the one to bring peace among everyone. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have the friends I have now. When something else happened, he was there to protect me, he protected everyone as best as he could. Even when I went missing, he never gave up— even when people started to lose hope, he kept his. I could never thank him enough for I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him" Levi took a short pause to collect himself as the memories were becoming overbearing.

"I" he paused, the wave of sadness hitting him. "I will never forget his goofy smile, the way his eyes light up when we get pizza. The way we ran in the house when we were kids just to see who was faster. I could never tell him how grateful I am to have had him in my life. He will always be in my heart and in my mind, thank you" people cried silently as Levi stepped down from the podium, the rain running down his skin mixed with his tears. He always liked the rain, as did Landon. The funeral went on.

I believe there will be one more chapter!

Not gonna lie.. I cried making this chapter so...


Love you all

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