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       "Levi?" Someone had called out making the duo look at the door. The voice belonged to Landon, his best friend.

"Looks like I have to go" Levi sighed as they exchanged numbers. Levi looked at Drew as Drew let out a small giggle. Then an idea came to Levi's head, with a smile he asked Drew a question.

"Why don't you come down stairs with me? My family and your family are talking so it gives us kids time to hangout!" He explained as Drew's smile faded. She couldn't leave the room, not while Luna is here especially since Levi is here now.

Levi doesn't know it but, Luna has the biggest crush on him, much like some girls at school- it's what she overheard from Luna.

She too, has a small crush on the adorable child but, she had to push it aside for her step sister much less to her displeasure. She shook her head as she turned her back a bit.

"I want to stay in my room" she mumbled even though she wanted to scream yes. She's been dreaming of him ever since they met, he was different- a good different. But, it was only a dream, a dream she could never achieve especially if there were other players in the game.

Her eyes started to water, she was still a child after all and couldn't grasp these emotions. Levi noticed her cold attitude but, didn't want to push her. He got up and put his phone back into his pocket.

"Well" he began, "if you change your mind you know where I'll be and don't forget to give me a text or a call- I'll always answer" she could feel him smile upon her, thankfully her head was turned around so he couldn't see her ready eyes. Though, despite the tears she smiled to herself.

"Of course" she whispered, "thank you Levi."

He nodded even though she couldn't see it and departed from her room.

Drew let out a breath of relief as she was once again alone. Though, this time the feeling didn't leave a negative aura, it felt peaceful.

     Levi descended the steps only to be greeted with an irritated Landon. He gave his friend an apologetic smile which Landon brushed off.

"You left me alone for who knows how long, I am 500 years old now" the boy explained dramatically. Levi rolled his eyes and snorted as Landon looked over towards Levi.

"You would be dead" Levi retorted with a snicker as Landon started to smile a bit.

"I am a vampire, blah" he made a face and used his pointer fingers as fangs to show his friend he is a vampire. The boys soon broke into laughter as the accusation slowly went away.

"Yeah yeah okay" Levi giggled, "where's Luna?" Levi asked as Landon finished his giggle fit. His faces morphed into confusion as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Beats me, she went up stairs the last time I saw her." Levi nodded in understand as the boys started to talk about something else.

      Soon the night had fallen and the two families bid their goodbyes and left. As the returned home Landon, once again, was spending the night. Everyone was happy and content.

The kids did their routine as they then laid in Levi's bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Ready for school tomorrow?" Levi asked as Landon scuffed, "have I ever been ready ready for school?"

"Good point."

The kids laughed quietly as their eyes started to fall into the arms of sleep.

Some hours passed as Levi started to stir a bit in his sleep. With a sudden jolt his eyes snapped open. Sweat drenched his body as he quickly sat up and gasped.

As he managed to control his breathing he looked around. He was no longer in his room, but rather in some type of woods. He scrambled to his feet as he did a 360 gaze around the forest.

"Hello?" He called out, hoping to get a response. He waited a little bit only to retrieve nothing.

"Landon? Mom? Dad?" He called out as he took some steps in some weird direction, trying to find a way out.

"Anybody!" He called out more, it was dark, but the moonlight through the trees helped give him light.

Just then he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his figure as he quickly turned around only to see a girl running towards him.

The girl looked to be a teenager with (h/c) colored hair, with smooth (s/c) colored skin, and beautiful (e/c) colored eyes that had fear lingering in them.

He tried to call to her, but it seems the girl was running straight for him. She took a glance behind her in shear panic as she neared Levi's small form. Just as she looked back Levi winced as she collided with him- something strange happened.

He felt a tickle, though it quickly vanished. He opened his eyes and turned around only to find the girl was still running in the woods. Had she just gone through him?

Before he could think he heard other footsteps behind him as he turned around and noticed three men running towards him. As he tried to call for them they quickly approached Levi only to go through him like he didn't exist.

He turned around and kept his gaze upon the two men that seemed to be trailing the girl. Without a clue as to what's going on and not knowing where to go he made up his mind and started running after the people.

As he did he could hear screams and weapons clashing one another. He slowed his pace as he came into a clearing. He noticed the figures and the girl, as well as two new figures. One wearing a white hoodie and the other wearing a scarf.

"Who are those people?" Levi questioned himself as he watched the scene in front of him.

Ahhh hope you like this chapter!!

Can't wait for next weeks chapter hehehe

Love you all!! <3

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