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Ahhh another chapter lmao

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      The following morning there was knocking on their door. Aidan was the first to get up as the others were still in their peaceful slumber.

Aidan walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a smiling teacher who told him to get ready for breakfast. He also instructed him to get the other kids up as he left to wake the others.

Aidan did as told and nudged Landon awake as he grumbled bitterly, he hid his face under a pillow as Aidan rolled his eyes while then walking over to the other two boys who laid on the floor by the glass doors.

Confused, he bent down and nudged Peter who stirred in his sleep but refused to wake up. Getting no where with him he then tried to wake up Levi who complied. Levi lazily opened his eyes and yawned a bit while stretching a little in the process.

"We have to get up and get ready for breakfast" Aidan mumbled to the sleepy child who was still in a sleep like daze. Levi nodded slowly as his mind was trying to function.

Aidan then got up and grabbed his stuff heading for the bathroom do change and do his morning routine. In the mean time Levi stood up and made his way to his friend who slept on the nice, comfy bed. He got on the bed and shook his friends shoulder as his friends face was still buried under the pillow.

"Nooooo" Landon muttered in the pillow as Levi shook him more. Landon was not a morning person, he would occasionally lash out at home or to anyone that wasn't close to him. It's why he wouldn't really wake up for Aidan despite his attempt.

"Leave me be" the brown haired boy mumbled in the pillow as Levi giggled. Upon hearing the familiar giggle, Landon slowly lifted the pillow from his face and looked up at Levi.

"Oh" he yawned softly, "it's just you" Landon spoke as he threw the pillow aside. Levi nodded as he got off the bed and made his way to the blonde boy who was passed out on the floor. He knelt down next to him and nudged him a bit.

"Hey" Levi whispered, pushing his shoulder gently. "Time to get up."

The boy stirred while mumbling 'five more minutes'. This caused Levi to chuckle from all the times he would do that to his mother, memories rushed through his mind as he nudged Peter some more.

"If you don't get up, we are going to eat all the food" The green eyed boy stated while getting up to make it more dramatic. The blonde boy eyes opened slightly while glaring up at the smiling kid.

"You wouldn't dare" he threatened as Levi smirked while trying to contain his laugher.

"Try me" with that Levi turned and walked off making it way more dramatic for a bunch of middle schoolers. Immediately, Peter shot up and grabbed ahold of Levi's hand as Levi turned to look at his sleepy friend.

"Alright, alright. You win" Peter announced as he slumped back- letting go of Levi's hand in the process. Levi smiled in triumph as Aidan exited the bathroom.

Sooner or later the kids were dressed and made their way to the lobby of the hotel. They had a small cafeteria as the kids all ate breakfast.

"Alright kids, we are going to go on a fun trail!" One of the teachers informed us, "We will get to explore a bit and see new places" the teacher finished explaining as the kids were ecstatic. Being kids, they craved for adventure, well most of them.

For Levi he couldn't be more happy, he loved adventure though his parents always told him to stay away from the woods. Here, he couldn't really back out- not like he wanted to anyways.

His smile grew just thinking about the little trail, he longed to go into the woods- any woods really. He loved nature! Plus his curiosity always got the better of him like most children.

The kids all finished their breakfast as they went to their rooms to get ready for the trip.

"You guys excited?" Peter asked as the boys nodded. Landon was extremely happy, he loved adventure. He loved movies that had adventures, good adventure.

Some time had passed and before they knew it they were all at the edge of the woods in groups, since there was 20 kids they split 10 and 10.

Fortunately, the four boys were grouped together with two teachers, one chaperone, and one person that was their tour guide.

"Alright, we will go down this trail first as the other group will go down the other trail" one of the tour guide said as everyone listened. For Levi, his mind was somewhere else. As he stood at the edge of the forest with his classmates he couldn't help but look into the forest.

Something was telling him to go in there despite his wellbeing, he knew he shouldn't but at the same time he wanted to so badly. It was an on going war once more.

"—and now we will start" the voice of the tour guide helped Levi come back into reality. He snapped his head towards his guide as he began to lead the way, the kids and teachers following.

"Let's go" Landon told him while following the others like a heard of cattle.

Levi only nodded, more so to himself, as he followed his friend into the forest.

Hope you enjoy it!! I'm probably going to go to bed soon.

Love you all!!

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