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"I need you here as soon as possible" Landon stated as Drew kept silent, hearing everything they're saying.

"Set the phone on the floor then" without another word, Landon did just that. In an instant, Ben was standing by the phone with his arms crossed.

"Huh, so you are real" Landon mumbled, Ben rolled his eyes as he confirmed this. Drew stayed silent as she watched the two boys talk. Landon filled Ben in on everything that happened leading up to Levi's disappearance. Apparently the news had not yet got to Liu or anyone in their group for that matter. Immediately, Ben contacted Liu and Jeff to explain to them on the situation.

It's been over a week, who knows what they could be doing to Levi right now.

"I'll do some digging around for him, I doubt he's dead- they need him alive" Ben spoke, this gave them some hope. Not like they didn't have hope before, but this really helped ease their mind a bit.

"I'll get ahold of Liu and the others- we'll do our best to bring him—"

"—I want to help" Landon interjected, "I want to go with you guys when you find their hideout or whatever" Ben sighed as he looked over towards Landon.

"Look dude, this is for professionals—"

"—he's my bestfriend! We ride or die together, plus I helped before!! I can defend myself" Landon argued as Drew stepped in.

"He's right and I would like to help as well, he's my boyfriend and my bestfriend too" she spoke as Ben looked at both of them before putting his hands up in defeat.

"Fine fine, but hear my warning" he started, "I am here to help save Levi because I owe his birth mother and birth father but I do NOT owe you two anything so" he trailed off, "if push comes to shove, I'm saving Levi and leaving you two, got that?" They both nodded in unison as Ben smiled a bit.

"Good, I'll be on my way" he mumbled, "before I go, I already put my contact in both of your phones, don't hesitate to call me for anything" with that, Ben disappeared into the Levi's phone as Landon sat in his chair.

"Well" he began, "at least we know he's alive."

         Another week has past as Levi was chained to the wall. His body bruised as his skin littered with scratches and stitches.

"Come Levi, the boss wants to see you" Levi couldn't fight against it, he didn't know why he wanted to fight at all. He felt his arms being lifted up as his mind was empty.

His memories were fading of his old life, it's been two weeks yet it felt like a decade. Who is he?

The two stooges dragged Levi to a room, his energy ran out as they sat his body in a chair. Levi looked up only to see a dark figure before him, his mind started to ring but the pain wasn't noticeable anymore.

"Levi, child. Do you know who your parents are?" The question lingered in his mind, he's heard it over and over again yet the answer was not clear. Who are his parents? Who is he?

His mind went hazy as his shook his head slowly, it was hard to form words as his throat was parched.

"Hoodie, bring him a glass of water now" the voice demanded, Levi heard faint footsteps as one of the men left. He felt sick, sick to his stomach yet he felt relieved.

What was this?

"Who am I?" A question he could no longer answer. All he remember was pain, so much pain.

"You are a young man named Levi, you work for me" the voice began, "your partners are Masky, Hoodie, and Toby" those names, he has heard those names but he can't picture as to where and why.

Perhaps, they're work buddies?

Every time he tried to think of something about his past, his mind sent him a headache. Eventually he gave up and listened to the creature before him.

"You will do as I say, or I will kill you. Got that?" Levi nodded as Hoodie came back with a glass of water. He handed the glass to Levi as he left to go back to his spot. Levi chugged the water as he sat the glass aside on the floor.

"Your partners will train you for your upcoming assignments, do not disappoint me" with that the two men from before help escort Levi out the room and into his own room. No longer was he needed to be in shackles. After the two men left, Levi sat on his bed wondering who he is.

Until someone barged in.

"Heeeeey pal" a boy ticked as he entered the room, "I'm your friend Toby!!" He was way too energetic than the others. Something he wasn't used too.

"My names Levi" Levi mumbled as Toby began to touch everything in sight.

"I know" he beamed as he started playing with the pencils on his desk.

"I'll be training you tomorrow but I'm-I'm bored" the boy ticked as his right arm jerked violently. He apologized as he went back to messing with the pencils. Levi smiled a bit, he reminded him of someone- someone he couldn't remember.

"Let's play a game, do you have any.." Levi coughed a bit, blood trickling down his mouth. Toby sprung to his feet and went to fetch some medicine as Levi laid down on his bed. Taking in the comfort of the material, a headache started to form in his head as Toby ran back with medicine and water.

"Here, we can talk later. Rest up now" he sat the water and medicine beside Levi on the nightstand as he left the room.

Levi took the medicine and water and closed his eyes, opening his arms for sleep.

Love you all!!

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