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Drew laid in her bed, the feeling of uneasiness grew larger with each passing second. It was roughly around 10:30 (22:30) at night. She sat up on her bed, checking her phone. All she got was some notifications from apps, no new messages from any of her friends.

She sighed as she sent a quick text to Landon, asking how he was holding up with everything. She waited for a few minutes but got nothing. Mumbling some words she sat the phone down and looked out her window.

She needed to leave.

Something inside her beckoned her to go. She needed to go somewhere, anywhere.

Then an idea popped in her head, she grabbed her phone and opened Snapchat. Luckily; all her friends had Snapchat and had their map unlocked. She clicked on the map to find all her friends at their house except for one; Landon.

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she zoomed in on his icon. He was in the middle of the woods, why was he there?

Quickly; she got out of bed and grabbed her hoodie while changing into something comfortable. Just some shorts and a tank-top under her hoodie.

She stuffed her phone in the pocket of her hoodie as she put her worn out shoes on. She descended the stairs and grabbed the keys to her car, that she rarely uses since it sucks, and left through the front door. She locked it after her as she soon left the drive way towards her friends destination.

She soon arrived in the place and noticed his car and parked next to it. She got out and pulled out her flashlight along with her pepper spray that was in the glove box.

She shined the light inside of his car, it seemed everything was intact but Landon was no where to be found. She couldn't hear anything as she examined the entrance of the woods. Night had fallen a while ago, the Sky didn't do much to help with lighting. The woods gave off a creepy vibe but the Snapchat map confirmed he was in there. She stuffed her pepper spray in her pocket as she still held the flashlight. She then used her free hand to grab her phone and followed the map to locate Landon.

"Landon!" She called out as she looked around using her flashlight, she walked deeper in the woods following her phone.

"Landon please" she called again as the silence and darkness were eating away her sanity. She was growing scared, more scared than before. She was alone.

She heard a tree branch snap. Jumping; she turned to her left and shined her flashlight towards the noise. It was only a squirrel. She sighed as she ventured deeper in the woods.

As she walked deeper, her icon seemed to be nearing his. Suddenly some voices were heard as well as, some grunts of pain. She heard metal flashing against one another as yells were being heard. It bounced of the trees, scaring her. She quickly ran behind a tree and saw a clearing, in the clearing she noticed figures running around.

That's where she spotted Landon. Not just him, but all the people from before. She noticed Levi, the proxies, Liu, Jeff, Ben and two other people.

"Give it up, it's over" Masky yelled behind his mask as Liu was under him, struggling to get up.

"The boss wants you dead" he stated as Liu managed to free his arm and punch Masky in the face, sending him to the side as his mask cracked in the process.

"You son of a bitch" Masky spat as Liu staggered to his feet, Jeff was busy dealing with the hatchet guy as Landon was busy with hoodie. The two people she didn't recognized seemed to be head to head as well.

Maybe she could get the police or more people to help. That could do the trick, right?

Making up her mind she turned to run back only to have her phone go off. Forgetting to put it on silence, her phone rang as her sister was calling her.

Just then, the fighting stopped and the only sound that could be heard was Drew's phone. Her faced paled as her hands became sweaty, she couldn't move let alone pick up the call. It seems all head snapped towards her direction behind the tree.

The phone ended with a short message of Luna asking where's she was at. As the phone clicked off, footsteps were racing towards her form.

She dropped her phone as she pulled out her pepper spray and ran out behind the tree. She noticed Hoodie running towards her as Landon's shocked face could be seen from the light of the moon.

Snapping into his senses, he ran towards Hoodie who was metered away from Drew. As he approached quickly, Drew sprayed his face with the spray and he stumbled on the ground in pain. He may have a mask, but his eyes were open.

Landon caught up to her as he quickly grabbed her hand and led her away. He was torn up and was injured in some places. His arms had dried blood as his head had blood running down his left side. He was out of breath as he heard footsteps behind him. He ran with Drew as they neared their cars. Quickly, he unlocked his car with the key from a few feet away. Before they could even make it on the rocky pavement place, Landon was tackled to the ground as Drew soon followed. Their hands unlocked as Levi managed to successfully tackle Landon.

"Levi stop!" Landon shouted as Levi held Landon down, "this isn't you!" He tried to reason with the deranged Levi but couldn't get through to him.

"I don't know who you are, but you're in my way." Levi cried out, tears fell from his eyes even though he didn't understand why.

"He said I have to kill you, if I don't then I'll die!" Levi shouted as he raised his knife in the air. Landon screamed for him to stop but couldn't get through to him. Drew watched in horror as she saw Levi raising his hand, the knife glistening in the moonlight.

In one swift motion, everything stopped.


Love you all!

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